Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Global model and observatory for international responsible research and innovation coordination
    ( 2014)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    The RESPONSIBILITY project aims to create a Forum and a virtual Observatory in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI); which facilitates the network of stakeholders to adopt and diffuse a common understanding in RRI between different actors in Europe and around the globe. The RESPONSIBILITY project has the vision to become an effective knowledge transfer tool that diffuses scientific knowledge and simultaneously involves researchers, policy makers as well as societal stakeholders in a user‐friendly manner to the concept and practice of RRI. The strategy for fulfilling this vision is to integrate the RESPONSIBILITY Observatory through an innovative way that will assist the research community to induce their ideas in the RRI concept and practice. Furthermore, it aims to create a critical mass of interested public surrounding and supporting the implementation of RRI, at the researchers' daily work, in their individual context. RESPONSIBILITY project was launched on 1st February 2013, for three years' implementation, brings together 10 partners from 8 European countries as well as 3 partners from Asia and America and targets these following outcomes: BL The project will have an extensive societal, economic and scientific impact and it will particularly enhance the International Coordination in the field of RRI, and spread results of best practices of technologies without any discrimination among countries, common European identity and perceived sense of RRI. BL It will enhance networking and collaboration by establishing a virtual place to find the tools for active networking, for dialogue and polls and for on-line discussions to stimulate and respond to issues raised / identified in RRI. BL The project will create an on-line directory facilitating the exchange of information, concepts and approaches on RRI. BL It will establish a critical mass in confronting multi‐dimensional and complicated societal issues. BL RESPONSIBILITY will also promote networks of scientists to facilitate the definition of research priorities, avoiding duplication of efforts and strengthen the collaboration under horizontal issues.
  • Publication
    Trends und Entwicklungen im Videobereich - Sicht der Sicherheitstechnik
    ( 2013)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    Inhalt - Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft im Überblick - Die Abteilung Sicherheitstechnik / Kompetenzen - Videotechnik für die Sicherheit, Begriffswelt - Intelligente Videotechnik - Trends und Sicherheitskultur, Trendsetter, Trendsetter-Technologien - Verbesserungspotentiale in der Technik und der Konzeption - BMBF gefördertes Beispielprojekt: ADIS - Überblick der aktuellen relevanten Projekte (InREAKT, ADIS, FEARLESS, RESPONSIBILITY, ETHICAL, RADICAL)
  • Publication
    RESPONSIBILITY - Global model and observatory for international responsible research and innovation coordination
    ( 2012)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    The RESPONSIBILITY (project aims to create a network of stakeholders that would adopt and diffuse a common understanding in Responsible Research and Innovation between different actors in Europe and around the globe. In doing so it will develop a model and provide a tool for international cooperation, the RESPONSIBILITY Observatory, involving the societal, policy and research stakeholders to these activities. It intends to provide practical means and structure a crucial interaction between society and research, providing a set of recommendations and tools to policy makers and active RRI stakeholders in order to take the necessary measures to nest responsible research and innovation into products and services from the very beginning (efficient RRI by design). Project Title: Global Model and Observatory for International Responsible Research and Innovation Coordination (RESPONSIBILITY) CSA FP7 - SiS.2012.1.2.1-1: International Coordination in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
  • Publication
    Privacy protection and ethical governance - product (the solution) and process (concept-development) view
    ( 2012)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    Numerous projects and applications use human centered data. While flexibility and availability of systems and data are extremely important, another crucial aspect is maintaining and ensuring awareness of privacy issues. Researchers may not have control over the disclosure of confidential data that has been collected, used, stored and disposed of during the implementation of the project and in the phase afterwards. Although there are several measures, regulations and mechanisms for the preservation of ethical requirements and accompanying commitments, studies and debates continually attest that additional articulation and implementation of an easy to use code of conduct for researchers is necessary, in order to provide guidance on data privacy in practical terms and minimize misconduct and misuse. Ethical implications of data collection, use and retention affect society both socially and financially. These impacts and categories, state of the art approaches and skills are and analyzed in the ETHICAL-project, leading to the development of ethical recommendations for assessment tools. Taking into account the findings from initial ETHICAL-project studies and its international benchmarking studies, the ETHICAL Consortium has made an attempt to meet this need by providing recommendations for a code of conduct and implementation measures for researchers. This particular presentation focuses on providing a practical tool for usage during proposal submission and contract conclusion as well as during the implementation of projects.
  • Publication
    Automatisierte Detektion Interventionsbedürftiger Situationen durch Klassifizierung visueller Muster
    ( 2012)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    Beispiele für Gewalt an Haltestellen und Bahnhöfen führen dazu, dass Bürgerinnen und Bürger ein hohes Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit äußern und gegebenenfalls die Nutzung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs zu Tagesrandzeiten einschränken. Vielerorts sind die Zugänge und die U-Bahnen selbst bereits mit Videokameras ausgestattet. Doch die Fülle der Bilder allein erhöht die Sicherheit noch nicht. Das Projekt ADIS erarbeitet intelligente Routinen zur Auswertung der Bilder, um Bedrohungen in speziell ausgewiesenen Bahnsteigbereichen erkennen zu können. Im Erfolgsfall sollen die Fahrgäste individuell entscheiden können, ob sie sich zu ihrer Sicherheit in einem speziell ausgewiesenen Bereich aufhalten wollen, der mit diesem Videokamerasystem ausgestattet ist. Die Auswertungsroutinen sollen Verhalten, Gesti k und Mimik, das typischerweise zu einer bedrohlichen Handlung führt, erkennen und in einem solchen Fall Alarm auslösen.