Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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Business models for funding of exchange intensive global engineering education

2008 , Eisenberg, M.

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Development of hybrid assembly workplaces

2007 , Consiglio, S. , Seliger, G. , Weinert, N.

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Wissensgenerierung in hybriden Leistungsbündeln

2007 , Seliger, G. , Gegusch, R. , Bilgen, E.

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Chances and challenges for remanufacturing

2006 , Seliger, G.

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Promoting innovative clusters and cooperation networks: The European Commission observatories of SMEs and the context of Berlin-Brandenburg

2008 , Seliger, G. , Carpinetti, L.C.R. , Gerolamo, M. , Fleschutz, T.

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Developing a remanufacturing research agenda

2007 , King, A. , Kernbaum, S.

Remanufacturing is the term given to the process of reusing products by returning them to their as-new standard and form. It has become an increasingly popular research topic given its theoretical potential to enable future economic and manufacturing development to be more sustainable. The principal driver making manufacturing more sustainable is the fact that virgin production uses high levels of energy and raw materials. As this production energy and much of the product material is not recovered, it is not sustainable. However, the quest to increase the remanufacturing of products is presently not without significant barriers. How then is a research agenda for remanufacture to be formed, prioritised and progressed? The Delphi technique offers an approach, by asking open questions to an expert group who then respond to each others answers to calibrate the group thinking. STEEP is an acronym for the five areas that have an important impact on remanufacturing strategy. These are: S - Social, T - Technical, E Environmental, E - Economic, P -Political. This structure was used as a framework for the survey questions. This paper has shown that remanufacturing is a complex subject involving a wide number of issues driven by different stakeholders. It has described two Delphi studies undertaken to find the strongest research questions and known answers to these questions. A number of priority research areas have been suggested by these studies. Of most significance is the need for stronger environmental evidence to establish when remanufacturing is a better strategy and then to determine which products fit these conditions. This is of particular importance within the European Union where environmental considerations have a significant impact on strategic decisions at governmental levels. Entnommen aus TEMA

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Drei Kontinente - ein Produkt

2007 , Severengiz, S.

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ElektroG - VDI-Richtlinie 2343: Neue Demontageempfehlungen

2007 , Brüning, R. , Kernbaum, S.

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Szenarienbasierte Produktinnovation in Wertschöpfungsnetzen

2007 , Seliger, G. , Hecht, M. , Severengiz, S. , Mängel, C.

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Sustainability in Production Engineering

2007 , Seliger, G. , Mertins, K.