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Automated 3D scan based CAD-repositioning for design and verification in one-off construction

2021 , Mönchinger, Stephan , Schröder, Robert , Stark, Rainer

The presented engineering discipline one-off construction is characterized by a multiplicity of manual processes. As almost all modern product developments, the manufacture is based on the creation and consistent use of digital models. Quality of underlying data can vary greatly and it is not certain that digital models match the actual state of construction. This can result in the need for rework after production or installation. Especially challenging in the area of premium products, for which high quality, scarce materials are used and tight schedules are defined. If physical products are reworked, the corresponding digital models must be manually maintained. At present, attempts are being made to counteract these late adjustments by means of physical mock-ups or visual inspection of 3D scan data. Such scan data is used for automated adaptation of underlying digital models to the actual state of the physical construction. Existing Point Cloud Library functionalities were adapted and further algorithms were designed. The developed software backend was integrated into the existing software architecture. During the software development, great care was taken to ensure that the backend is based on open source content. The results show significant improvements of the data basis for the subsequent engineering activities. This will lead to a significant reduction of manual effort and rework, ensuring development cycles and even shorten delivery times. It reduces costs in the product creation process and sustainably strengthens confidence in digital models used. It has been shown that automation of design processes can have productivity-enhancing effects in one-off construction.

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Increasing resource efficiency with an engineering decision support system for comparison of product design variants

2019 , Buchert, Tom , Ko, Nathanael , Graf, Roberta , Vollmer, Thomas , Alkhayat, Moritz , Brandenburg, Elisabeth , Stark, Rainer , Klocke, Fritz , Leistner, Philip , Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich

The development of sustainable and resource-efficient products requires consideration of multiple design targets concerning the whole product life cycle. Taking these factors into account leads to complex decision situations with conflicting targets and trade-offs. To support design engineers in these situations an Engineering Decision Support System (EDSS) has been developed. In this article, the overall concept of the EDSS is presented. Furthermore, one function of the EDSS to assist a systematic comparison of product variants is introduced in detail. It is based on combining an existing PLM solutions (in particular Siemens Teamcenter 11/Siemens NX9) and software for Life Cycle Assessment (GaBi 7). Beyond a proof of concept for information exchange between both systems a methodology is presented which enables design engineers to systematically assess and select multiple product variants based on their resource utilization. The approach is complemented with a comprehensive case study for different design options of a core slide. In the scope of this study, variations of geometry (solid vs. hollow design), materials (hot-working steel vs. nickel-based superalloy) and manufacturing processes (laser metal deposition vs. milling) were considered. Furthermore, a usability study of the decision support tool is shown.

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Validation of Immersive Design Parameters in Driving Simulation Environments

2021 , Lyga, Yvonne , Lau, Merle , Brandenburg, Elisabeth , Stark, Rainer

Driving simulators are used for the prospective validation of technical systems in the automotive sector. The design of simulation environments can affect drivers and should be considered in investigations of driver-vehicle interactions. The aim of this research is to minimize the gap between driving simulators and real car studies by integrating immersive parameters into simulated driving environments. Stereoscopy, surround sound and motion feedback were analyzed with regard to driver behavior and experience and were then compared to data of a real drive from a previous investigation. The authors conducted a study with N = 48 participants performing a dual-task scenario in a driving simulator. Results reveal significant effects of immersive design parameters on gaze behavior and mental workload. Findings provide guidance for an efficient and cost-effective development of driving simulation environments.

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Herausforderungen in der Mikrozerspanung

2019 , Kuche, Yves , Eckert, Udo

Die Mikrozerspanung gewinnt aufgrund der wachsenden Märkte für Mikrokomponenten, Präzisionsbauteile und Bauteile mit Toleranzen im einstelligen Mikrometerbereich zunehmend an Bedeutung. Verfahren wie das Mikrodrehen, Mikrofräsen und Mikrobohren ermöglichen dabei die Fertigung von Bauteilen mit einer großen Geometriekomplexität in einem breiten Werkstoffspektrum, wodurch die Verfahren in Anwendungsfeldern wie dem Werkzeug- und Formenbau, der Mikrosystemtechnik, der Medizintechnik und der Feinwerktechnik nicht mehr wegzudenken sind. Bei der Mikrozerspanung nimmt der Einfluss des Schneidstoff- und Werkstückwerkstoffs, der Werkzeugmakro- und Werkzeugmikrogeometrie sowie der Prozesstechnologie im Vergleich zur Makrozerspanung deutlich zu. Grund dafür sind die im Vergleich zur Makrozerspanung geringeren Zustellungen und Schnitttiefen, welche aus den kleineren Werkzeugdimensionen resultieren. Weiterhin nimmt beispielsweise beim Mikrofräsen der Einfluss von Schwingungen erheblich zu und kann zu einem inhomogenen Prozess mit raschen Werkzeugversagen und einer schlechten Bauteilqualität resultieren. Innerhalb des Vortrags werden die grundlegenden Einflussgrößen bei der Mikrozerspanung erläutert und anhand von Beispielen und Untersuchungsergebnissen veranschaulicht. Durch aktuelle Ergebnisse aus der Grundlagen- sowie anwendungsorientierten Forschung werden weiterhin Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungsthemen gegeben, welche gemeinsam mit dem Fachpublikum diskutiert werden können. Diese beinhalten beispielsweise Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss der Werkzeugmikrogeometrie, Anforderungen bei der Zerspanung verschiedener Werkstoffe, dem Schwingungseinfluss sowie deren Analyse bei der Mikrozerspanung und die Potentiale verschiedener Schneidstoffe.