Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Publication
    White Paper »RESYST«. Resiliente Wertschöpfung in der produzierenden Industrie - innovativ, erfolgreich, krisenfest
    Ziel des White Papers zum Thema Resiliente Wertschöpfung ist es, die Ergebnisse aus dem Fraunhofer-Innovationsprogramm Resiliente Wertschöpfungssysteme (»RESYST«) einer breiten Öffentlichkeit aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik zugänglich zu machen. Im Lichte aktueller Erfahrungen aus der Corona-Pandemie, aber auch der Hochwasserkatastrophe greift das Innovationsprogramm die Anforderungen des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland an resiliente und dynamische Wertschöpfungssysteme bei gleichbleibend hoher Produktivität und Individualisierung auf. Resilienz gegenüber Krisen und Störfällen aller Art entwickelt sich somit zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor.
  • Publication
    Resilienz im strategischen Management produzierender Unternehmen. Konzeptpapier
    Während Resilienz in anderen Managementdisziplinen, wie etwa im Bereich der Lieferketten, bereits seit längerer Zeit Einzug gehalten hat, existieren für das strategische Management von produzierenden Unternehmen kaum systematische Untersuchungen zu dessen Integration. Im Rahmen des Konzeptpapiers werden dem Leser daher konzeptionelle Ansatzpunkte aufgezeigt, wie Resilienz als neue normative Zielgröße in exemplarischen Teilstrategien des Strategiesystems produzierender Unternehmen Berücksichtigung findet (bspw. der Unternehmens-, Technologie- und Innovations-, Engineering- sowie Produktionsstrategie).
  • Publication
    (Fraunhofer FOKUS, 2020) ; ; ;
    Stomber, Jens
    Stölzle, Stefan
    Wardaschka, Andre
    Kaiser, Alexander
    Die Vernetzung der realen mittels der virtuellen Welt stellt derzeit für alle wirtschaftlich relevanten großen Themen wie zum Beispiel Industrie 4.0, Internet der Dinge oder Smart Mobility, das zentrale Konzept dar. Bereits jetzt können Kunden aus vielen Sparten elektronische Geräte und IT-Produkte aus dem schnell wachsenden Markt des Internets der Dinge erwerben. Dabei gilt es für die Akteure des Internet of Things (IoT) allerdings, einige Herausforderungen zu meistern. Darunter zählen insbesondere die Schlagworte Sicherheit, Interoperabilität und Ressourcenbeschränkungen. IoT-Lösungen agieren in harschen und unzuverlässigen Umgebungen. Nun geht es darum, für die Komponenten Funktionalität, Interoperabilität, Robustheit, Sicherheit, Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Technologien nachweislich abzusichern und so die Qualität von IoT-Lösungen zu verbessern. Wir entwickelten erweiterte Teststrategien, Lösungen zur Testautomatisierung sowie Equipment für individuelle Testläufe und Interop-Veranstaltungen - für alle Interessenten offen. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, unsere IoT-Testware und die im Testlab gewonnenen Erkenntnisse kennenzulernen. Dieser Schlussbericht dokumentiert die Ergebnisse des deutschen IoT-T-Projekts, bestehend aus den Partnern Fraunhofer Gesellschaft eV mit seinen Instituten FOKUS und IPK, AUDI AG, DEKRA Testing and Certification GmbH und relayr GmbH.
  • Publication
    Fatos & Figuras: Conheça a União Europeia e suas indústrias inovadoras
    ( 2018)
    Haunschild, Johanna
    Pereira Ferreira, Romulo
  • Publication
    Facts & Figures: Get to know Brazil and its innovative Industries
    ( 2018)
    Haunschild, Johanna
    Pereira Ferreira, Romulo
    Tsog, Sara
  • Publication
    VIB-SHP - Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme für Industrie 4.0 zukunftssicher beherrschen
    (Fraunhofer Verlag, 2018)
    Stark, Rainer
    Grosser, Hendrik
    Die digitale Transformation ist eines der aktuell bestimmenden Themen der Industrie. Mit Industrie 4.0 wurde zunächst ein Förder- und Innovationsschwerpunkt eröffnet, der als Wegbereiter der digitalen Transformation in Deutschland und darüber hinaus seine Wirksamkeit entfaltete. Das Leitbild der Industrie 4.0 adressiert dabei eine Prozess- und Technologiefähigkeit, die stark von der Anwendung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sowie Software an sich im Umfeld der Produktion abhängt. Sie ist Ausdruck der Tatsache, dass der Anteil der digitalen Wertschöpfung in der Produktentwicklung, Herstellung und im Dienstleistungsprozess signifikant groß ist und weiterhin ansteigt. Wesentliche Innovationen sind dem Gebiet der digitalen Wertschöpfung zuzuordnen: Serviceorientierte Geschäftsmodelle und datengetriebene Leistungsangebote verzahnen mit cyberphysischen Systemen zu Smarten Produkten, die im Kern auf kommunikationsfähiger Mechatronik beruhen. Auch im Anlagenbau ist die digitale Transformation stark zu spüren wie Studien des VDMA zur Digitalisierung der Branche und dem Wandel der Berufsbilder und Kompetenzen zeigen.
  • Publication
    Facts & Figures: Get to know the European Union and its Innovative Industries
    ( 2018)
    Haunschild, Johanna
    Pereira Ferreira, Romulo
  • Publication
    D6.3 Project Dissemination Dossier Part 1: 1st Period
    (Fraunhofer IPK, 2014)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    This document is part one of D6.3 Project Dissemination Dossier which contains the most important dissemination material created in the 1st project period such as project borchures, leaflets and folders. Furthermore, the project press release as well as significant press articles/news are also to be found in this document, as they are published on the official website of the RESPONSIBILITY Project """". Part two of D6.3 Project Dissemination Dossier will be submitted in the Month 35 of the project.
  • Publication
    D 4.1: Observatory descriptive report
    (Fraunhofer IPK, 2014)
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    Hahne, Michael
    Ajami, Mohamad
    Fairweather, Ben
    Smagas, Kostas
    Giambene, Giovanni
    Hahne, Michael
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    Deliverable 4.1 provides the specification for the ""Observatory for International Responsible Research and Innovation Coordination"". Its purpose is to enable the implementation of the Observatory in task 4.2. Therefore the technical as well as procedural requirements and prerequisites for the Observatory have been defined in detail. As the Observatory is intended to harness the involvement of the broader network of researchers and innovators, their participation in the design of it should maximise the chances of it being a tool they take ownership of. Therefore the gathering of requirements was not only limited to the description of work but included the expertise of the participants of the Responsibility project and was extended by the integration of feedback from the other current EU RRI project members. Chapter 2 of this deliverable provides an overview of the requirements incorporated in the specification process. As it is good practice in software design use cases have been developed based on these requirements. These have been described in chapter 3. The purpose of use cases is to specify interaction processes, identify variation and failure scenarios as well as technical functionalities and procedural modalities that need an in depth specification. These in depth specifications have been described in chapter 4. They must comprise the input data needed as well as a definition of their output and to where that data will be passed on. Apart from that it contains the specification of the processing of that data, of the interface design and of the information necessary to explain the functionality to the user.
  • Publication
    D2.4 Theoretical landscape - White paper
    (Fraunhofer IPK, 2014)
    Patel, Menisha
    Pearson, John
    Giambene, Giovanni
    Grabner, Louisa
    Menevidis, Zaharya
    Ajami, Mohamad
    The aim of this deliverable is to carry out a contextual and critical analysis of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in order to provide a framework for understanding and applying the RRI concept throughout the rest of the RESPONSIBILITY project. Given this aim of a White Paper describing developments and relevance of RRI activity fields, there is a twofold exploration. The first part (chapter 1, 2, 3) is an exploration of the theoretical foundations of RRI as it has emerged through the literature. The second part (chapter 4, 5) of the deliverable considers the practical application of this through deliberating upon developments and issues in ICT. Furthermore an Annex takes briefly national and international organisations with RRI Interests and Competencies in to consideration. Initially there is a contextualised theoretical analysis of the RRI concept deliberated in the first two sections. After the introduction, the second chapter covers the emergence of RRI as the dominant policy framework for the governance of research and innovation in the European Commission and beyond. The third chapter explores the characteristics that various commentators in the literature of RRI have attributed to the concept of RRI. We draw upon a framework developed by Owen and colleagues [1] to investigate what are commonly considered fundamental 'ingredients' of RRI and the justifications that are usually attributed to these characteristics. In doing this, we are able to unpack these key terms and elaborate on the framework, as well as present a concern regarding where the implementation of such a framework and the operationalization of RRI may be problematic- for instance given the pluralistic nature of society of different perspectives of what is 'good' and 'bad' that stem from these. We identify that there seems to be a certain ""gap"" in the theories of RRI and how it may be that we can begin to remedy this. Having considered theoretical aspects of RRI, and having raised some of the issues that may surround the implementation of it in practice, the fourth chapter of the deliverable moves onto a discussion of practical issues regarding RRI. This is done through an exploration of the application of RRI to the ICT field. The ICT issues discussed in this section are some of the most important issues that can profoundly affect different aspects of society such as: security, privacy, sustainability, Internet of Things, e-health, intellectual property rights, Social Media, etc. This Section does not pretend to be exhaustive for the RRI issues on ICT, but provides important examples on current RRI issues in the ICT field and how they can be addressed. We conclude by reiterating the importance of the RRI program to the EU, in helping us to prevent undesirable consequence s of R&I, and also steer R&I in a trajectory that enables us to address the grand challenges we as a society in the EU and globally face today. We emphasise that RRI is distinct and novel, not in the creation of new governance tools, but in the sense that it hopes to configure existing governance approaches in particular ways to form a broad governance framework (within which existing forms of governance such as `TA' can be embedded). The Annex of the deliverable takes into consideration a selection of national and international organisations as well as networks and programs with RRI interests and competencies. This annex and the considerations which it presents are very much recognition not only of the international nature of the RESPONSIBILITY project, but importantly the global dimension of RRI. Finally, given the diversity of the world and contextually embedded perspectives within this regarding 'good practice' and 'bad practice', this deliverable presents wide-ranging complexities to the practical realization of RRI in regards to relating and developing the theory and 'aims' of the program, to empirical reality.