Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Enterprise interoperability management and artifacts
    In the last years, interoperability became an important topic within organizations. Also in fields previously disconnected form the term ""interoperability"" like manufacturing and shopfloor management it appears mandatory especially to archive the digital transformation. Smart factory and self-controlled manufacturing requires networking of everything involved in the production including cyber physical systems, application services, manufacturing services and finally IoT components. This leads to the importance to know interoperability constrains like requested security levels. Different levels of security could easily lead to non-interoperability. Enterprise modelling techniques are use since decades to document and implement workflows for management systems such as ISO9001. Artifacts exists in the interoperability domain to use similar technologies to create an information basis for the management in an organization. The paper will focus some of these artifacts. It targets to collect management and business aspects of interoperability.
  • Publication
    Test services for interoperable and secure shop-floor IT application interfaces in OPC-UA
    ( 2018) ;
    Wolff, Tobias
    Hackel, Leonard
    The need of interoperable and secure IT interfaces of manufacturing equipment and related test services in the context of plug-and-produce is essential in the scope of digital transformation. The paper will focus on a test service validating the compliance of new machinery regarding the manufacturing IT infrastructure and applications such as production data acquisition (PDA). It will be demonstrated in terms of a prerequisite for interoperability and using OPC-UA.
  • Publication
    POP* meta-model for enterprise model interoperability
    ( 2009)
    Chen, D.
    Knothe, T.
    Doumeingts, G.
    This paper presents POP* meta-model developed within the frame of ATHENA Integrated Project. The POP* meta model aims at defining a set of concepts and constructs for enterprise modelling and providing a unified approach to develop enterprise model interoperability. In the paper, basic concepts of POP* and interoperability will be given at first. Then modeling constructs of various dimensions of POP* meta model will be presented in detail. Scenario on how to use POP* is discussed and an application example presented. The last part concludes the paper.