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Produktivitätssteigerung bei der Endbearbeitung durch Hartdrehen

2011 , Uhlmann, E. , Ivanov, I.M.

Aufgrund der hohen thematischen und mechanischen Beanspruchung der im Maschinenbau und der Antriebstechnik eingesetzten Stahlbauteile ist die Härtung des Werkstückwerkstoffs erforderlich. Im Anschluss an die Härtung ist die Endkontur der Bauteile durch spanende Schlichtbearbeitung zu schaffen. Wegen der geringen Bearbeitungszeit, der hohen Flexibilität bei geometrisch komplexen Werkstücken und der Trockenbearbeitung erweist sich Hartdrehen als eine wirtschaftliche Alternative zu den Schleifverfahren. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Ergebnisse der Messungen der Zerspankraftkomponenten bei Variation der maschinenseitigen Stellgrößen vorgestellt. Die bei höherem Spanungsquerschnitt vorliegende Entfestigung der martensitischen Phase der Versuchswerkstücke ermöglicht eine Anpassung der Masch inenstellgrößen und der Werkzeuggeometrie, wodurch größere Zerspanungsvolumina mit geringem Anstieg des Leistungsbedarfs erreicht werden können.

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Planung und Optimierung von Fertigungsprozessen

1998 , Uhlmann, E. , Jochem, R.

Erfolg ist keine statische Größe, sondern muß ständig von neuem erarbeitet werden. Die Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich verändernde Bedingungen im Wettbewerb werden zum Erfolgsfaktor mit entscheidender Bedeutung. Das Unternehmen der Zukunft muß auf eine integrierte, modellbasierte Planung ausgerichtet sein, um offene, flexible und in der Zeit veränderliche Strukturen und Geschäftsprozesse zu ermöglichen. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine modellbasierte Methode und ein Werkzeug vor, um im Rahmen der Unternehmensplanung die erforderlichen Strategien und Maßnahmen zielgerichtet und kontinuierlich den veränderten Bedingungen des Marktes anzupassen.

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Laser processing of ultra-hard cutting materials

2007 , Uhlmann, E. , Mattes, A.

Ultra-hard cutting materials such as polycristalline diamond with binder phase (PCD) as well as CVD diamond are currently used in all areas of industrial production. Often the hardness of these cutting materials is necessary to enable the machining of advanced materials which are difficult to cut. The objective of the project presented in the paper is to make efficient techniques for processing ultra-hard cutting materials available by developing and applying an economical and environmentally friendly laser technology. The focus of the project lies on examining the interrelation between the laser beam and the cutting material in order to establish the technological basics of the laser processing of ultra-hard cutting materials. In addition, the defined processing of the surfaces and the edges of the tools shall optimize the tool characteristics. Based on the data gathered in these investigations, tools made from ultra-hard cutting materials are processed for cutting experiments. On the basis of the final cutting experiments the laser processing undertaken is evaluated. Entnommen aus TEMA

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Simulation of product development processes

1998 , Krause, F.-L. , Raupach, C.

In order to achieve fast and efficient product development a lot of supporting tools have been developed in recent years. Tools to support collaborative work and virtual prototyping can be used optimally only if the underlying processes are restructured according to the functionality of the tools. Therefore the planning of product development processes considering the possibilities of the CA-systems becomes crucial for manufacturing industries. However, there are only a few systems to support the planning and validation of future product development processes. This paper describes a simulation system for a process oriented analysis of existing and planned product development processes. These processes have certain characteristics not to be found in other business processes, e.g. iterative loops, data and information management as well as uncertainty about the precise conduction of the processes. Taking these aspects into account the presented simulation system supports improvement effo rts and reengineering by analysing the existing processes and verifying planned processes both in early stages using a rough description and in later stages using a detailed product development process plan.

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Optimizing the feed velocity of NC-tool paths

2007 , Uhlmann, E. , Mattes, A.

In recent years various simulation tools with which the feed velocity can be optimized have been developed for an efficient milling of complex components. Hitherto, the material removal rate has been calculated and the respective commands in the NC-program have been adapted. Further approaches include the mechanical tool load which is determined analytically. Equally, the material removal rate has a significant influence on the thermal tool load. This paper describes an approach with which both the mechanical as well as the thermal load is calculated for a given NC-tool path. If a certain value is overstepped, the feed velocity is reduced respectively. As a result the feed velocity is optimally adjusted to the engagement conditions. In addition, the calculation of the wear is carried out. In cutting experiments with Ck45 and Inconef718 it was possible to reduce the primary processing time significantly. Furthermore, regarding Ck45 it was possible to predict the wear with a small fault tolerance. Concerning that NC-speed already assures a maximum economy of time for machining of 20 % compared to a not optimized NC-Code, this clarifies the achieved results. Against this background it seems not negative at all, that the tool wear is not reduced through the integration of technology inside the optimization, Furthermore it has to be stated positively that the tool wear does not rise despite the significant decreased machining time. Another objective of the cutting experiment was the verification of the calculated tool wear with the measured one. It may declared, that the results are in good agreement for the fourth and the fifth section of the cutting edge. However, generally the cutting experiment shows that a prediction of the tool wear is possible with a sufficient accuracy for deciding if a tool change is necessary or not. Thus the achieved benefit may help to improve the process reliability and reduce the tool costs. Entnommen aus TEMA