Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
  • Publication
    Klimamanagement zur Verbesserung der CO2-Bilanz in der Produktion
    ( 2023) ;
    Gellert, Benjamin
    Einzelne Klimaschutzmaßnahmen werden bereits von vielen Unternehmen erfolgreich umgesetzt. Doch oftmals fehlen ein systematischer Ansatz sowie die finanziellen Ressourcen zur Umsetzung eines konsequenten Klimaschutzes unter Beibehaltung des wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Vorgehensmodell zur zielgerichteten und potenzialorientierten Ableitung und Umsetzung von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen im Rahmen eines betrieblichen Klimamanagements vorgestellt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen des produzierenden Gewerbes.
  • Publication
    Synchronisierte Modularisierung in der Fertigung
    Modularization has long been considered one of the basic characteristics of adaptable production systems. However, the implementation of modularization of equipment, processes, and shop floor IT is challenging today. This paper presents an integrated methodology for the development of modularized production and the shop floor IT that controls it, using assembly as an example. Starting from the economic goals, the joint development and implementation of the assembly and shop floor IT modules are based on an integrated model.
  • Publication
    Biological transformation: Principles to enhance holistic production systems
    ( 2022)
    Lange, Annika
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    Seliger, Guenther
    In today's production systems, the digital transformation is fully in progress. But the next evolution step can be seen on the horizon, biological transformation. This means the application of biomimetics principles with the aim of low-effort, resource-saving, reversible and adapted economies. Because of their aim regarding minimization of resource consumption and stability orientation even in turbulent environments, biomimetics principles can contribute to the major challenges of production systems, climate change, environmental protection, as well as the turbulences as generated by globalization and individualization in this paper it is described how biological transformation can contribute to extend and improve holistic production systems. For this purpose, traditional principles of holistic production systems are reflected with the ones coming from digitization and biomimetics.
  • Publication
    Identifying the Dynamics of Intangible Resources for Industry 4.0 Adoption Process
    ( 2022)
    Prim, Marcelo Fabricio
    Oliveira Gomes, Jefferson de
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    Vargas, Gabriel Bertholdo
    Industry 4.0 is a socioeconomic phenomenon that affects all industries, transforming not only products, processes, and services, but also business models, organizational structures, and strategies, placing human beings at the center of this digital transformation. Researchers have already demonstrated the importance of intangible resources in the Industry 4.0 adoption process. Nevertheless, there is still a gap in empirical research on how these factors evolve during the process. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify how these factors influence each other across different Industry 4.0 maturity levels. To achieve this goal, a qualitative approach was used with multiple case studies comparing responses from companies at higher Industry 4.0 maturity levels and contrasting them with the responses from companies at lower levels, distilling aggregate dimensions through an inductive coding procedure. Experts evaluated the results to find relations between the aggregate dimensions, their evolution and influence on each other. As a result, a conceptual framework was developed that demonstrates the dynamics of intangible factors that could be used by any company to nurture its own Intellectual Capital as a groundwork for the adoption of Industry 4.0. Among these dynamics, the central role of engaged leaders was highlighted in developing structural capital factors. Future studies should conduct interviews with more companies from other industrial sectors as well as on the implementation and management of Intellectual Capital in manufacturing companies to assess the applicability of the proposed conceptual framework.
  • Publication
    Interaktives Lagebild - Ein Werkzeug für das Krisenmanagement in prozessorientierten Unternehmen
    Viele Unternehmen bringt die Krise um den Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in existenzielle Nöte. Der plötzliche Ausfall von Zulieferern und Kunden oder eine kurzfristige Änderung von Regularien (z. B. Kurzarbeitsregeln) stellen Betriebe vor Herausforderungen. Hinzu kommen sich laufend ändernde Einflüsse und Informationsquellen. Ein gemeinsames Lagebild bietet Einsatzkräften im Sicherheitsbereich seit langem Orientierung und wird nun auch für Unternehmen relevant. Die Verknüpfung und Visualisierung von externen Informationen aus dem Unternehmensumfeld (z. B. Corona-Fallzahlen in der Region eines Hauptzulieferers) mit den internen Fähigkeiten eines Unternehmens (z. B. Verfügbarkeit der Mitarbeiter) bleibt jedoch ein ungelöstes Problem. Dieser Beitrag zeigt, wie ein Lagebild auch für Unternehmen zu einem zielgerichteten Handeln beitragen kann.
  • Publication
    Patterns for Resilient Value Creation: Perspective of the German Electrical Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    ( 2021) ;
    Erp, Tim van
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive, often unanticipated, external disruption for many companies. As a concept for responding to such disruption, organizational resilience has recently received great attention. In the organizational context, the overriding question is how companies can become more resilient. This study aims to contribute to answering this question by identifying, categorizing, and providing specific business model patterns for achieving resilience on the corporate level. For this purpose, a review of publications by major consulting firms was conducted. Patterns were extracted from publications until a convergence criterion indicated that no new pattern could be identified considering further publications. The 110 extracted unique patterns were clustered into 13 objectives, and additionally categorized according to resilience phases, as well as business model elements, to support the application in practice. The final catalog of patterns was validated through expert interviews and thus provides organizations, such as those in the electrical industry, with an overview and specific approaches on how to tackle industrial resilience through the adaption of their business model.
  • Publication
    Effectivity of Learning Factories to convey problem solving competencies
    The ability to solve problems in a structured way is an essential competence of people in a factory, from the shopfloor operator to the management level. This is already the case for established lean management approaches and is gaining relevance with the increasing complexity of production systems through progressive automation and digitisation. As learning factories have shown to be an effective approach for learning and teaching production-related topics in a practical manner, a learning module for the A3 problem solving methodology was implemented at an industrial learning factory. In order to continuously improve the learning and teaching productivity, the effectiveness of different approaches to convey the A3 methodology was investigated with over 100 participants. The results show that while the setting of learning factories can be used in a beneficial way for learning the A3 methodology, additional advantages regarding learning as well as process performance can be generated by including real und current content from the learner`s specific workplaces.
  • Publication
    Evaluation Model for Mobility Design of Learning Factories
    ( 2020) ;
    Schliephack, Wolf
    Shortening product life cycles and increasing, global competition lead to the necessity for companies to become flexible and able to change. The successful conduction of change projects depends to a large extent on the understanding and cooperation of the operating people. The acquisition of knowledge and thus of competence at all levels is of fundamental importance for this. Learning Factories are one of the most sustainable concepts in this respect. Concerning the industrial application, however, Learning Factories require high investment costs and are relatively inflexible in respect to their dedicated facilities and their learning content. This reveals a connection between the success of a Learning Factory in an industrial context and its mobility. In order to be able to evaluate approaches towards the mobility design of Learning Factories more precisely, the decisive drivers for mobility are identified. The assessment of these drivers with regard to the extent of influence on mobility, but also the critical consideration of possible limits, lead to an evaluation model for the mobility design of Learning Factories. Subsequently, this model is tested by applying it to a successfully operating Learning Factory.
  • Publication
    Implementation with agile project management approaches: Case study of an industrie 4.0 learning factory in China
    With the ""Made in China 2025"" strategy, the People's Republic of China intends to achieve a turnaround from a cheap production location to a technology pioneer, notably through digital technologies, which necessitates qualification of employees in Chinese production companies. To facilitate this, an Industrie 4.0 Learning Factory is being set up in Jiangsu Province, China. Against the background of a rapidly developing state of the art as well as cultural peculiarities of the Chinese target group, classical project management approaches quickly reach their limits. In order to address continuously changing framework conditions, approaches for an ambidextrous project management as well as agile technical-didactic development of the Learning Factory have been established. This enabled the early adaptation of the Learning Factory to the concrete target group of learners and faster realization of a train-the-trainer concept as well as the efficient execution of repetitive processes with rigid requirements.
  • Publication
    Maturity Assessment in Industry 4.0 - A Comparative Analysis of Brazilian and German Companies
    ( 2020)
    Moura, Luciano Raizer
    The article presents a comparative analysis of maturity level in Industry 4.0, of Brazilian companies with German Industry, seeking to identify learning opportunities to increase competitiveness. It was used the maturity model in Industry 4.0 developed by VDMA (German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association), applied to German companies, serving as benchmark. The same model was applied to Brazilian companies, from the State of Espírito Santo, located in the most developed region of the country, but with lower industrial density, and which has great challenges to increase its participation in the national and international markets. A field research was carried out with 46 industries, which participated in workshops to understand the fundamentals and to evaluate the maturity level in Industry 4.0. The individual results were processed by the platform of VDMA, indicating the levels in six dimensions of the model and the general result on a scale of 0 to 5. The results of all companies were tabulated, allowing the comparison with the research carried out with German companies. The study showed that, on average, Brazilian companies have the same level of maturity of German companies in readiness for Industry 4.0, with grade 0.9 in a scale of 0 to 5. But, there are significant differences in compared dimensions. 5.6% of German companies are at the advanced level in Industry 4.0, especially the technology developers, while Brazilian companies studied are still at the most basic levels. Both Industries are skeptical about investments in Industry 4.0 and the level of evaluation on Strategy dimension is still low. The comparison of expectations and difficulties allowed identify essential points to support these companies to follow the way to Industry 4.0.