Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
  • Publication
    Vorgehensweise bei der Strukturierung flexibler Montagesysteme unter CIM-Aspekten
    ( 1992)
    Seliger, G.
    Die erfolgreiche Planung und Einführung der Informationstechnik in einem Unternehmen ist von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren abhängig. Eine systematische Analyse des Zustands der Montage ist dabei Voraussetzung. Auf dieser Grundlage können Soll-Konzepte anhand von unternehmensspezifischen Anforderungen erstellt und schrittweise umgesetzt werden, so daß das Risiko eines Produktivitätsrückgangs bei der Umstrukturierung herabgesetzt werden kann. Untersuchungen flexibel automatisierter Montagesysteme haben gezeigt, daß Hybridsysteme bestehend aus manuellen und automatisierten Bereichen eine wirtschaftliche Montagestruktur darstellen. Weiterhin sollten zur Ausschöpfung des Rationalisierungspotentials Qualifizierung Produktionssysteme mit Hilfe der Informationstechnik so ausgelegt werden, daß technische Zusammenhänge und betriebliche Abläufe für die Mitarbeiter durchschaubar werden. Die Arbeitsteilung kann durch eine ablaufbezogene Funktionsintegration für qualitativ höherwertige Arbeiten steige n.
  • Publication
    BERCIM - a broadband-communication experiment in CIM
    ( 1992)
    Tschammer, V.
    Henckel, L.
    Strick, D.
    Fredrich, H.
    Linnemann, H.
    The collaborative BERKOM project BERCIM is a broadband communication experiment in CIM. It is to demonstrate and to gain experience in CIM-scenarios and applications wherein large amounts of data are moved across MANs and WANs, multi-media data is transferred and used, and co-operation between individuals and groups belonging to remote sites and different organisations is supported. BERCIM integrates CIM-applications and broadband communication techniques. The paper first describes the project approach and the motivation for innoative CIM-structures based on broadband communication. Then the CIM-scenario and the BERCIM-architecture are presented. This is followed by the supporting infrastructure and the transport system. Finally an evaluation of the project results is given.
  • Publication
    BERCIM - Ein Experiment mit Breitbandkommunikation in CIM
    ( 1992)
    Linnemann, H.
    Der Beitrag beschreibt das Verbundprojekt BERCIM, in dem Synergieeffekte durch das Zusammenführen von CIM und Breitbandkommunikation erreicht werden. Aus der Sicht der Informationstechnik wird CIM als eine Struktur örtlich verteilter Systeme betrachtet. Im Projekt wurde eine Architektur für örtlich verteilte CIM-Strukturen erarbeitet, die einen Beitrag zur Modellierung, den Entwurf und die Entwicklung sowie den Betrieb von Anwendungen in einer offenen Dienstleistungsumgebung leistet. Die Ergebnisse der konzeptionellen Arbeiten sind in ein örtlich verteiltes CIM-Szenarium eingebracht, das prototypisch implementiert ist. Dieses Szenarium stellt einerseits einen realistischen Rahmen für die Konkretisierung, Erprobung und Demonstration neuer Kommunikationsdienste dar, andererseits liefert es die Grundlage für die praktische Bewertung und Überprüfung der Machbarkeit neuartiger CIM-Lösungen.
  • Publication
    CIM system planning toolbox - CIM-PLATO
    ( 1991)
    Schreck, G.
    Bernhardt, R.
    Katschinski, V.
    The paper reports on the ESPRIT project CIM-PLATO (2202). In the course of this project tools are in development to support the design, planning and installation of manufacturing systems. To increase the utility and efficiency of these tools, they are integrated in toolboxes. As a first step towards the integration, demonstrator systems will be realized and publicy presented.
  • Publication
    Distributed fault - tolerant CIM - structures, the BERCIM-projects
    ( 1991)
    Linnemann, H.
    From the technical point of view computer communication and distributed information processing are the two most important aspects in CIM. The paper describes a "service-world" providing a uniform approach to the heterogeneous components of a geographic distributed CIM-scenario and their functionality. The services are supporting not only communications but also the cooperation of components within a distributed system. Fault tolerance services are applied in form of "Value added services" in order to guarantee the required reliability. The CIM scenario is a chosen example for demonstrating new application classes. Three project partners distributed across Berlin are linked by the BERKOM broadband wide area network. The represent a model for an overlapping compound of different organizations and areas like development, administration and production. Three important aspects of applications are: 1. Distributed planning, programming and simulation for manufacturing cells with industrial ro bots (off-line programming), 2. fault-tolerant area control computer, 3. integrated remote diagnosis.
  • Publication
    CIM system planning toolbox - CIM PLATO
    ( 1990)
    Schreck, G.
    Bernhardt, R.
    Katschinski, V.
    The overall objective of the CIM-PLATO Project is to develop an industrial Toolbox prototype of computer based procedures and tools to design, plan and install FMS and FAS systems in the freme of a CIM environment. To reach this goal, three closely interrelated fields of R and D can be stated. These are the manufacturing system planning, the manufacturing process planning and the provision of all necessary information to fulfill theses tasks as well as the integration into factory information system. Beside this general informatiomn about the application areas of toolbox and the adopted approaches for their realization two areas of tools will be presented in detail: technological process planning and process execution simulation and test.
  • Publication
    Inspection of off-shore structures
    ( 1990)
    Schreck, G.
    For the inspection of underwater structures a remote handling system is being developed. The main components are a remote-controlled submersible transporting a robot and several tools. The presentation gives an overiew, how to use off-line programming techniques as well as for the vehicle programming as for the task and task execution planning for the robot.
  • Publication
    Operational control for robot system integration into CIM - Survey and applications
    ( 1990)
    Bernhardt, R.
    In the articale on overview of the ESPRIT 623 project is given. The project structure and the adopted approaches are briefly presented. The realized systems have been applied to any industrial projects. The show the broad spectrum of applications these projects are presented reaching from a dot matrix printer assembly over a seam welding inspection of off-shore plattforms to automation and robotic experiments in space.
  • Publication
    Advanced geometric modelling for engineering applications
    ( 1990)
    Jansen, H.
    Krause, F.-L.
    Future generations of CAD systems are expected to offer powerful support for the functional, geometrical and technological description of products. New intelligent simulation techniques, as well as comprehensive information access capabilties will open novel and comfortabel possibilities for product modelling. Subsequently, the result will be a real chance for direct cooperation of human creativity and discernment with artificial abilities of information processing systems to draft analyze technical products. Owing to the availability of novel resources the scope of computer supported actions will increase. Integration of design and technological planning will be possible in future.
  • Publication
    ESPRIT 623 project. Structures, approaches, experiences and applications
    ( 1990)
    Bernhardt, R.
    The presentation gives an overview of the ESPRIT 623 project. Operational control of robot system integration into CIM, systems planning, implicit and explicit programming. The project structure, the adopted approaches, and the experiences concerning the execution of the project are outlined. To show the application spectrum three industrial examples from automotive, off-shore and space industry are presented.