Now showing 1 - 10 of 25
  • Publication
    Technische Unterstützung dezentraler Organisationsstrukturen
    ( 1997)
    Weller, A.
    Carbon, M.
    Fleig, J.
    Schneider, R.
    Technical support for decentralised organisational structures. The introduction of group work or the formation of profit centers is very important when companies are being decentralised into, smaller, autonomous organisational units. Special information systems can help to make better use of the scope for decision-making and action. This contribution introduces those information systems and organisational structures which support staff by guiding them in relation to action and procedure.
  • Publication
    Der Maschinenführer als erfahrener Disponent
    ( 1996)
    Mertins, K.
    Carbon, M.
  • Publication
    TUDOR. Technische Unterstützung dezentraler Organisationsstrukturen
    (FhG, 1996)
    Laubscher, H.-P.
    Weller, A.
    Minkel, H.
    Schneider, R.
    Fleig, J.
    Eckerle, M.
    Carbon, M.
    Minor, R.
  • Publication
    Indonesian-German Project MEPPO
    (IPK, 1996)
    Mertins, K.
    Carbon, M.
    Steinberger, V.
    Wilksch, S.
    Hardjoko, W.
    Mulyowidodo, -
  • Publication
    Projektbericht MEPPO - Pre-MEPPO-Phase
    (IPK, 1996)
    Mertins, K.
    Carbon, M.
  • Publication
    Kurzfassung MEPPO - Pre-MEPPO-Phase
    (IPK, 1996)
    Mertins, K.
    Carbon, M.
  • Publication
    Shop floor control systems suitable for teamwork
    ( 1996)
    Mertins, K.
    Carbon, M.
  • Publication
    Zur kompetenten Disposition ist Kostentransparenz auf Werkstattebene erforderlich
    ( 1995)
    Carbon, M.
    Mit Hilfe eines Betriebsbeispieles wird aufgezeigt, welche Einsparungspotentiale durch eine durchgängige Kostentransparenz offengelegt werden können. Ausgehend von dem Beispiel werden verschiedene Kostenarten benannt, die durch ihr bloßes Offenlegen zu erheblichen Einsparungen führen können. Der Beitrag betrachtet kritisch das mit der Transparenz verbundene Problem von neuen Informationssystemen in der Werkstatt.
  • Publication
    Shop floor control systems supporting teams
    ( 1995)
    Carbon, M.
    The increasing number of companies that change their shop floor organization towards group and team work causes the need for new technical aids that are suitable for groups. Until today the cooperation and coordination of teams was supported by software only on office level by so called groupware. The short term scheduling seems to be a promising field of application for improved forms of decision support on shop floor level in order to increase productivity. Latest research about the tacit knowledge of workers for the task of shop floor control shows, that all members of a production team have their individual implicit knowledge. These pieces of knowledge have to be combined in order to optimize the production. A decision room with a new scheduling system is suggested to fulfill the demands mentioned above.