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Modellieren für die Produktentwicklung

1995 , Krause, F.-L. , Golm, F. , Rieger, E. , Woll, R.

New strategies and requirements for product development imply the equivalent treatment of modelling tasks for product and process. In the present article an approach is described which aims on the flexible adaptation of the product development with respect to product and process specific constraints. This is achieved by the combination of an approach for planning and optimisation of product development, a semantic feature approach which enables the individual integration of system components and a method for quality management accompanying the product development.

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Eine Sprache für die featureorientierte Beschreibung und Verarbeitung von Produktgestaltungsinformationen

1992 , Kramer, S. , Rieger, E.

For efficient computer aided design it is nessessary to provide an object oriented modelling environment. This requirement is fulfilled by using the feature approach. Features are intelligent design objects, including their shape and their functional and technological behaviour. A language has been developed to describe features in an object oriented manner. This language allows the description of all feature related information, including design rules and functional constraints. New features are generated in a graphical interactive environment. The resulting textual feature description is then interpreted during runtime, taking into account the current design state. The described feature modeller is part of an integrated system for product and process modelling.

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Rechnerintegriertes Industriedesign

1994 , Kehler, T. , Krause, F.-L. , Lüddemann, J.

Der Entwicklungsbereich Design nimmt in der Prozeßkette der Produktentwicklung als Bindeglied von Produktkonzeption und Konstruktion eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Eine innovative und beschleunigte Produktentwicklung ist nur mit einer integrierten Rechnerunterstützung zu erreichen, die zugleich eine adäquate Unterstützung der inspirativen und intuitiven Gestaltungsprozesse des Design leistet, und damit scheinbare Widersprüche auflöst. Mit Mitteln der Prozeß- und Informationsmodellierung wird eine Referenz für eine Systemarchitektur entwickelt, die auf der Grundlage eines designorientierten Konzeptmodells einen durchgängigen Gestaltungsprozeß ermöglicht. Die Konzeption eines Moduls zur intuitiven Formgestaltung auf der Basis eines virtuellen Tonmodells bildet den Kern zur Realisierung gestalterischer Freiräume und einer erwartungskonformen Umsetzung von Gestaltungsideen.

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Featurebasierte Produktentwicklung

1992 , Kramer, S. , Rieger, E. , Krause, F.-L.

Feature modelling systems serve for the integrated processing of geometric, technological and functional information during design. They enable the designer to work with design elements he is accustomed to. Information contained in the feature model can be accessed and processed by other phases involved in the product development. This article describes a feature modelling system and the resulting design environment.

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Innovative Produktgestaltung

1993 , Gross, G. , Golm, F.

Not only the current economic recession forces many companies to improve their competitive power. Innovative conceptions in the domain of product development, which consider the aspects of time, quality and costs can make an important contribution to that. There are two potentials, the information technology and the organization, which can be used by a company, to transform the aims of these innovative conceptions. Because of their interdependence both potentials have to be seen in connection and not isolated from each other. New methods of organization as Lean Management, Simultaneous Engineering and Project Management require the introduction of decentralized enterprise units, of teamwork in design and of time driven decision making. The increasing quantity and complexitivity of information are demanding solutions of the information technology. First of all the introduction of an openn system architecture is necessary to obtain the flexibility of information processing. Other importa nt applications of information technology is the field of knowledge-based methods, of simulation, the modelling of product and feature processing.