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Unified information access in product creation with an integrated control desk

2017 , Wrasse, Kevin , Diener, Holger , Hayka, Haygazun , Stark, Rainer

Customers demand for individualized products leads to a large variety of different products in small series and single-unit production. A high flexibility pressure in product creation is one result of this trend. In order to counteract the pressure, the information steadily increasing by Industry 4.0 must be made available at the workplace. Additionally, a better exchange of information between product development, production planning and production is necessary. The improvement of individual systems, like CAD, PDM, ERP and MES, can only achieve this to a limited extent. Since they mostly use systems from different manufacturers, the necessary deeper integration of information is only feasible for SMEs to a limited extend. The presented control desk helps to ensure a more flexible product creation as well as information exchange. It captures information from different IT systems in the production process and presents them integrated, task-oriented and oriented to the user's mental model, e.g. information of the production combined with the 3D model of product parts, or information about product development on the 3D model of the production. The solution is a digital 3D model of the manufacturing environment, which is enriched by billboards for a quick information overview and web service windows to access detailed MES and PDM information. By this, the level of abstraction can be reduced and reacts to changed requirements in the short term, making informed decisions. The interaction with the control stands utilizes the touch skills of mobile and fixed systems such as smartphones, tablets and multitouch tables.

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Einführung von Telekooperationstechniken in der Produktentwicklung

1998 , Lukas, U. , Krautstein, T. , Schultz, R. , Stork, A. , Widmer, H.-J.

Der Beitrag zeigt, wie die Kommunikation zwischen Beteiligten verschiedener Prozessschritte, die an unterschiedlichen Standorten eines Unternehmens kooperieren, durch geeignete organisatiorische und technische Massnahmen verbessert werden kann. Hierzu wurde ein dreistufiges Konzept entwickelt, das die Konstrukteure schrittweise an die neuen CSCW-Technologien heranfuehrt. Dabei kommen unterschiedliche Werkzeuge zum Einsatz, die teils kommerziell verfuegbar sind, teils aufsetzend auf einem vorhandenen CAD-System neu entwickelt wurden. Vor- und Nachteile der Alternativen werden diskutiert und die Uebertragbarkeit der Konzepte auf andere Unternehmen aufgezeigt.

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Development and design with knowledge-based software tools - an overview

1995 , Krause, F.-L. , Schlingheider, J.

Knowledge-based systems make possible an increased utility potential for software in the area of design and process planning, taking account of constantly increasing production complexity. This article offers an overview of application areas for knowledge-based systems in development and design. Activities are identified that can be supported consistent with the present state-of-the-art, in conclusion, a categorization of industrial applications and research activities in this area is undertaken.