Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Taxonomy for Biological Transformation Principles in the Manufacturing Industry
    ( 2023)
    Berkhahn, Magda
    Kremer, Gerald
    ; ;
    Stark, Rainer
    Industry and research are seeking answers to current demands in industrial value creation, like resilience of production, sufficient product quality and sustainability of products and processes. A novel line of thought, seeking the accomplishment of those is the Biological Transformation (BT). BT describes the interweaving of biological modes of action, materials and organisms with engineering and information sciences. The conflation of disciplines from natural, technical and social sciences yields in a heterogeneous field of activities with ambiguous technical terms. An ascertainment of principles of BT is required to classify yet undifferentiated patterns in nature-based production, facilitating their systematic implementation in aiming for sustained solutions on current challenges. With increasing research in biomimetic, attempts arise to capture nature‑based activities in manufacturing through schematic classifications. Yet, basic semantics representing the effective principles of BT in the manufacturing industry is lacking. The goal of this publication is to introduce a taxonomy of Biological Transformation in manufacturing based on its core principles Bio Inspiration, Bio Integration and Bio Interaction. Within the research project BioFusion 4.0, the taxonomy was developed and applied to classify technology innovations. The paper presents the taxonomy, its development and application in use cases.
  • Publication
    An explorative multiple case study of smart-circular PSS - status quo in industry
    ( 2023)
    Kruschke, Thomas
    The business as usual is not yet decoupled from current environmentally damaging value creation. This raises the continuous need for new solutions to allow for the operationalization of R-strategies. One specific approach is the establishment of smart-circular Product-Service-Systems considering all three sustainability strategies – efficiency, consistency and sufficiency – in the entire product lifecycle. Within this multiple case study, 30 existing use cases from different industries, which are already interconnected PSS, were analysed in detail using the following criteria: Level of sustainability reporting, B2B or B2C, product focus, sustainable PSS types, classification of smart PSS elements and the realization of R-strategies subdivided into smart and conventional operationalization. Descriptions in the websites, videos and sustainability reports of the respective PSS providers served as the data source for this multiple case study. In addition, to the authors further data collection, using the replication logic of Yin, seven case studies from the scientific literature dealing with the topic of implementation of PSS were an inspiration and some of the use cases have been used for this paper. To validate the above criteria, 30 PSS providers were contacted, 6 of whom responded and confirmed the assessment. The main results were: Findings of the analysed criteria and future research directions.