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White Paper »RESYST«. Resiliente Wertschöpfung in der produzierenden Industrie - innovativ, erfolgreich, krisenfest

2021 , Buß, Dominik , Gebauer, Heiko , Glawar, Robert , Heller, Thomas , Klan, Steffen , Knothe, Thomas , Kohl, Holger , Sai, Brandon , Schmidtke, Niels , Stenzel, Fabian , Werner, Markus , Wilms, Marcel

Ziel des White Papers zum Thema Resiliente Wertschöpfung ist es, die Ergebnisse aus dem Fraunhofer-Innovationsprogramm Resiliente Wertschöpfungssysteme (»RESYST«) einer breiten Öffentlichkeit aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik zugänglich zu machen. Im Lichte aktueller Erfahrungen aus der Corona-Pandemie, aber auch der Hochwasserkatastrophe greift das Innovationsprogramm die Anforderungen des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland an resiliente und dynamische Wertschöpfungssysteme bei gleichbleibend hoher Produktivität und Individualisierung auf. Resilienz gegenüber Krisen und Störfällen aller Art entwickelt sich somit zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor.

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Sustainable Innovation in a Multi-University Master Course

2018 , Gladysz, Bartlomiej , Urgo, Marcello , Gaspari, Lorenzo , Pozzan, Giovanna , Stock, Tim , Haskins, Cecilia , Jarzebowska, Elzbieta , Kohl, Holger

Mobility, multi-locality, and transnational migration are current social developments among the population of the European Union. These social developments in society and companies, linked to the challenges of sustainability, lead to new requirements for working in the European Union. Teaching and learning in higher education needs to adapt to these requirements. As a result, new and innovative teaching and learning practices in higher education should provide competencies for transnational teamwork in the curriculum of tomorrow's engineers in order to ensure their competitiveness in the job market and advantage in their future careers. Thirteen European students from four countries participated in a new project-based course, called the ""European Engineering Team"". Students focused on the development of two innovative and sustainable products. The goal of this paper is to present the thermal pallet cover, which is the result of the first one-year transnational and sustainability-oriented project. This paper also aims to present the process of performing the project. It provides the overview and discussion of engineering and management tasks that students completed in the transnational environment, working remotely at their own campuses between scheduled transnational meetings. The work contributes to project-oriented learning that may constitute a basis for teaching holistic engineering courses at mechanical and industrial engineering departments.

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Deployment of a business and innovation centre to foster cooperation between Europe and Brazil

2017 , Haunschild, Johanna , Melo, Gustavo , Orth, Ronald , Will, Markus , Kohl, Holger

Research and Development as well as science and technology are key elements for innovation, and more generally are some among many areas that are becoming global. This reduces the influence of individual countries or blocs such as the European Union (EU) on developments both at home and abroad but also generates important benefits through specialization, trade and competition. R&D and science & technology are still strongly focused on the 'Triad' countries overall. However, this pattern is weakening fast, as especially the large emerging economies' role in global science, technology and innovation continues to increase. Following this reasoning, Brazil deserves special attention due its economic strength, accounting for almost 38% of Latin American GDP (IMF, 2013), and its huge entrepreneurship potential (Arruda, 2015). Against this background, the purpose of this paper is to examine in a first step the Innovation Systems of Brazil and Europe, then to show in a second step, how joint activities and programs can address the needs for a fruitful cooperation in international innovation in order to strengthen both Innovation Systems. For the first aspect, the paper provides an examination of Innovation Systems of Brazil and European countries based on library resources, articles, reports and other secondary data. The OECD bibliography will be the guideline to understand the Innovation Systems of the relevant countries. Regarding the second aspect, the EU Horizon 2020 funded project CEBRABIC - Centre for Europe-Brazil Business & Innovation Cooperation - will be elucidated. CEBRABIC aims at enhancing the cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship between the EU member states and Latin America's leading economy, Brazil. CEBRABIC will be a Centre working on a network basis: creating synergies and complementarities is the core value; particularly with European research and innovation (R&I) structures located in Brazil.

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Resilienz im strategischen Management produzierender Unternehmen. Konzeptpapier

2021 , Schuh, Günther , Patzwald, Marc , Krebs, Leonie , Dumitrescu, Roman , Rasor, Rik , Sihn, Wilfried , Steinwender, Arko , Sala, Alessandro , Kohl, Holger , Knothe, Thomas , Singer, Katrin , Hecklau, Fabian

Während Resilienz in anderen Managementdisziplinen, wie etwa im Bereich der Lieferketten, bereits seit längerer Zeit Einzug gehalten hat, existieren für das strategische Management von produzierenden Unternehmen kaum systematische Untersuchungen zu dessen Integration. Im Rahmen des Konzeptpapiers werden dem Leser daher konzeptionelle Ansatzpunkte aufgezeigt, wie Resilienz als neue normative Zielgröße in exemplarischen Teilstrategien des Strategiesystems produzierender Unternehmen Berücksichtigung findet (bspw. der Unternehmens-, Technologie- und Innovations-, Engineering- sowie Produktionsstrategie).

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Learning process planning for special machinery assembly

2018 , Menn, Jan-Philipp , Sieckmann, Felix , Kohl, Holger , Seliger, Günther

Special machinery manufacturers provide customer specific solutions. These specific solutions create tremendous challenges for employees during first assembly, erection at the customer site and future service activities. Especially in serial production, Learning Factories proved to be an effective solution to convey competencies for employees on how to improve production related processes. In special machinery, product specific competencies like working principle and built up of machines are additionally important. Therefore, to utilize the advantages of Learning Factories in special machinery it is necessary to shift the focus from processes to products. This results also in additional requirements regarding versatility of the technical infrastructure. A learning process planning approach which addresses requirements of special machinery assembly, has been designed. It was exemplarily applied for the knowledge transfer regarding the assembly process of an integrally geared compressor. As every product in special machinery is unique, learning process steps have to be adapted for each product. Therefore, a shorter assembly learning process is necessary to cope with continuing product innovations and customer requirements. Around a basic compressor casing that represents the least common denominator regarding product variety, specific interchangeable sub-assemblies for product variants are implemented that utilize digital content. This allows a fast adaption to different product variants.

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Learning Factory for Industry 4.0 to provide future skills beyond technical training

2018 , Schallock, Burkhard , Rybski, Christoffer , Jochem, Roland , Kohl, Holger

The paper will describe the design of a learning factory for Industry 4.0 that addresses the growing demand for future skills of production staff. Existing learning factories often focus on the technical skills whereas this learning factory also trains decision making, group work and performance monitoring skills. The paper refers to the existing categorizes of learning factories and unveils its numerous features. The conceptual design includes theoretical and practical parts, which prove to be successful in a German learning factory that was realized by the authors. Especially, for the industry 4.0 environment, the layout consists of three stages of a production system, from manual to automatized manufacturing. The practical tasks cover the introduction of smart devices, connection of information flows as well as monitoring of performance. The didactical design of the training program provides a sustainable approach by not only realizing training courses but also includes preparation with management, mid-term coaching and success monitoring after the training. The learning factory is a part of a whole research institute for intelligent manufacturing in China including consultancy and application support. One of the underlying goals of the learning factory is to enable production staff for change management, decision making and innovation.

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Perspectives for International Engineering Education

2018 , Stock, Tim , Kohl, Holger

A global transformation from an economic towards a sustainable development is promoted by current policies from the United Nations and the European Union. Young engineers must be trained to anticipate the sustainability challenges for contributing bottom-up to a global sustainable development. Besides, they must be capable of performing in a more and more dynamic, transnational, and intercultural global working environment. Consequently, new perspectives for teaching and learning in higher engineering education are required, providing the competencies for coping with the sustainability challenges and for working within the dynamic global society. A transnational and project-oriented teaching and learning framework is outlined, which provides the future key competencies for young engineers. Based on this framework, the inter-university master course ""European Engineering Team"" is presented. The master course fosters the development of sustainable and entrepreneurial initiatives by leading the students through the development phases of a start-up company grounding on a sustainable innovation. A first evaluation of the master course shows, that most of the students' key competencies have been improved significantly.