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Learning Factory for Circular Economy and the Corporate Environment

2023 , Petrusch, Natalie , Briese, Clemens , Lange, Annika , Oertwig, Nicole , Kohl, Holger

Especially in times of dwindling resources, the importance of circular economy continues to grow. Challenges often arise in circular material processing due to a lack of easily accessible information. This information paves the way for a simplified and reliable decision-making process in favor of economic advantages at the end of a product lifecycle. In order to facilitate the required cooperation between all relevant partners of such a sustainable value creation system, awareness must first be raised about the respective needs of all stakeholders and benefits of targeted information sharing. To address this problem, the paper describes a Learning Factory that demonstrates how such a targeted information loop can make the idea of the circular economy technically feasible and enable better use of the advantages of processing residual materials. To be able to display the entire value creation system and the interfaces between its members, the Situation Awareness Monitor developed at Fraunhofer IPK is useda tool that combines information about the company's environment as well as internal information. The Interactive Situation Awareness Monitor is used in this mobile Learning Factory, among other things, as a system for detecting deviations and consequently triggering an order for re-manufactured material. The paper describes the setup of a sustainable value creation systems, the approach of a Learning Factory, supported by the function of the interactive Situation Awareness Monitor in this context.

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Quantitative Evaluation of Assessment Items of the Technology Audit Method for Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)

2023 , Hecklau, Fabian , Kidschun, Florian , Kohl, Holger , Böhm, Julius Lukas

Applied research and development (R&D) organisations strive to develop technological solutions that translate results from research and science into state-of-the-art products and services. As advanced technological capability is essential to their competitiveness, they need to be able to analyse and evaluate their technological capabilities. Hence, a tool or method is required that objectively and practically assesses the technological capability of Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) while meeting their unique requirements. The technology audit enables the assessment of the technological capability and thus the technological maturity of an RTO. It focuses on the analysis of the research activities in the R&D service areas of the RTO. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the technologies used, the research competencies, the technologies developed, and the established technology partnerships of the RTO. In this context of the development of a suitable technology audit methodology, this paper aims to describe the process of validation of assessment items for evaluating the technological maturity of applied R&D organisations. After a brief overview of the technology audit method and the assessment dimensions and items, the focus is placed on the process of its validation. An expert survey using a questionnaire was created and used to evaluate the relevance of the 11 assessment items for the technology audit instrument in the three dimensions of Technology Base, Products & Services and Cooperation, as well as the respective aspects within each assessment item. This evaluation is intended to validate the selection of the items and to specify their respective importance to ultimately optimise the process of auditing applied R&D organisations.

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Technology Audit - Procedure for the assessment of the technological maturity of applied R&D organizations

2022 , Hecklau, Fabian , Kidschun, Florian , Kohl, Holger

Applied research and development (R&D) organizations - or research and technology organizations (RTOs) in a broader sense - strive to develop technological solutions that translate results from research and science into state-of-the-art products and services. This can only be achieved if technological resources and competences are effectively and efficiently used to build up competitive advantages. Therefore, the assessment of the technological capability can provide applied R&D organizations with information on strengths and weaknesses in their specific technology areas, on the basis of which technology strategies can be derived to contribute to the development and training of substantial (core) competences, which in turn improve the quality of unique and differentiating products and services. The main objective of this paper is to describe the technology audit as a procedure for evaluating the technological maturity of applied research organizations. Hence, the focus will be put on the technological capabilities needed to execute the intended research activities on the way to becoming a reference in the respective technology area. In addition, the aim of the application of the procedure is to provide a detailed insight into the working methods of research institutions with focus on the R&D portfolio (e.g. complexity of R&D projects). Furthermore, the sustainable impact of R&D projects of the applied R&D organization (e.g. optimizations of customers processes) will be discussed, as well as the used & developed technologies and the necessary competences to generate innovative solutions for the Brazilian industry.

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Biological transformation: Principles to enhance holistic production systems

2022 , Lange, Annika , Knothe, Thomas , Kohl, Holger , Seliger, Guenther

In today's production systems, the digital transformation is fully in progress. But the next evolution step can be seen on the horizon, biological transformation. This means the application of biomimetics principles with the aim of low-effort, resource-saving, reversible and adapted economies. Because of their aim regarding minimization of resource consumption and stability orientation even in turbulent environments, biomimetics principles can contribute to the major challenges of production systems, climate change, environmental protection, as well as the turbulences as generated by globalization and individualization in this paper it is described how biological transformation can contribute to extend and improve holistic production systems. For this purpose, traditional principles of holistic production systems are reflected with the ones coming from digitization and biomimetics.

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Klimamanagement zur Verbesserung der CO2-Bilanz in der Produktion

2023 , Budde, Felix , Gellert, Benjamin , Orth, Ronald , Kohl, Holger

Einzelne Klimaschutzmaßnahmen werden bereits von vielen Unternehmen erfolgreich umgesetzt. Doch oftmals fehlen ein systematischer Ansatz sowie die finanziellen Ressourcen zur Umsetzung eines konsequenten Klimaschutzes unter Beibehaltung des wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Vorgehensmodell zur zielgerichteten und potenzialorientierten Ableitung und Umsetzung von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen im Rahmen eines betrieblichen Klimamanagements vorgestellt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen des produzierenden Gewerbes.

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Conceptual Approach for a Digital Value Creation Chain Within the Timber Construction Industry - Potentials and Requirements

2023 , Schramm, Nico , Oertwig, Nicole , Kohl, Holger

This paper addresses the megatrend of urbanization as well as the associated challenges of climate change and its relation to sustainable manufacturing. An enormous lever for improving the climate balance is offered by the consistent use of renewable building materials. In the Berlin/Brandenburg metropolitan region, wood as a building material in particular should play a central role in achieving the climate targets. To realize this, it is not only necessary to use the potential of wood as a raw material for storing carbon, but also to embed wood construction in regional value chains and integrated digital production systems in order to be able to optimally design innovative value creation fields, new regional products and efficient material cycles for increasing sustainability. In the context of this work, the information flows along the value chain are investigated and transferred into a digital model. Existing digital concepts such as the “Open BIM” approach (Building Information Modeling) have been incorporated and shape the entirety of the value chain module developed in this paper for serial prefabrication in multi-story timber construction. Material and information flows are analyzed, interfaces between the actors are identified, value-adding factors of timber system construction are systematically examined for their effects, and industrial prefabrication is aligned with a digital model.

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Assessment Dimensions and Items for the Evaluation of the Technological Maturity of Applied R&D Organizations

2022 , Hecklau, Fabian , Kidschun, Florian , Kohl, Holger

Applied research and development (R&D) organizations strive to develop technological solutions that translate results from research and science into state-of-the-art products and services. This can only be achieved when technological resources and competences are effectively and efficiently used to build up competitive advantages. Therefore, the assessment of the technological capability can provide applied R&D organizations with information on strengths and weaknesses in their specific technology areas, on the basis of which technology strategies can be derived to contribute to the development and training of substantial (core) competences, which in turn improve the quality of unique and differentiating products and services. In this context, the main aim of this paper is to describe crucial assessment dimensions and the respective items within those dimensions. Therefore, it must be focused on the technology basis of the applied R&D organization to identify important evaluation items. The technological base serves as input, as both technologies and competencies that are used for the execution of R&D activities need to be analyzed and evaluated. Additionally, the results of the R&D activities need to be focused as outputs. In this regard, technologies that result in products or technological services need to be considered. Lastly, assessment items in the field of cooperation must be taken into account as technological synergies through partnerships are important success factors for R&D organizations. In this context, partners who support the execution of R&D activities must be focused.

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Digitalisation in the construction and woodwork sectors

2023 , Oertwig, Nicole , Neumann, Konstantin , Kohl, Holger

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Enabling of Digital Transformation Pathways by a Remote Workforce

2022 , Oertwig, Nicole , Petrusch, Natalie , Kohl, Holger

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Synchronisierte Modularisierung in der Fertigung

2022 , Torka, Jan , Kohl, Holger , Knothe, Thomas , Goppold, Jean-Paul

Modularization has long been considered one of the basic characteristics of adaptable production systems. However, the implementation of modularization of equipment, processes, and shop floor IT is challenging today. This paper presents an integrated methodology for the development of modularized production and the shop floor IT that controls it, using assembly as an example. Starting from the economic goals, the joint development and implementation of the assembly and shop floor IT modules are based on an integrated model.