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Багатодротове дугове зварювання високоміцних дрібнозернистих сталей під флюсом

2022 , Gook, Sergej , El-Sari, Bassel , Biegler, Max , Rethmeier, Michael , Lichtenthäler, F. , Stark, M.

Ensuring the required mechanical-technological properties of welds is a critical issue in the application of multi-wire submerged arc welding process for welding high-strength fine-grained steels. Excessive heat input is one of the main causes for microstructural zones with deteriorated mechanical properties of the welded joint, such as a reduced notched impact strength and a lower structural robustness. A process variant is proposed which reduces the weld volume as well as the heat input by adjusting the welding wire configuration as well as the energetic parameters of the arcs, while retaining the advantages of multi-wire submerged arc welding such as high process stability and production speed

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Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Fabricated by Multilayer Laser Powder-Based Directed Energy Deposition

2022 , Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander , Graf, Benjamin , Rehmer, Birgit , Petrat, Torsten , Skrotzki, Birgit , Rethmeier, Michael

Laser powder-based directed energy deposition (DED-L) is increasingly being used in additive manufacturing (AM). As AM technology, DED-L must consider specific challenges. It must achieve uniform volume growth over hundreds of layers and avoid heat buildup of the deposited material. Herein, Ti-6Al-4V is fabricated using an approach that addresses these challenges and is relevant in terms of transferability to DED-L applications in AM. The assessment of the obtained properties and the discussion of their relationship to the process conditions and resulting microstructure are presented. The quality of the manufacturing process is proven in terms of the reproducibility of properties between individual blanks and with respect to the building height. The characterization demonstrates that excellent mechanical properties are achieved at room temperature and at 400 C.

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Validierung von Methoden zur Vermeidung von Liquid Metal Embrittlement an realitätsnahen Prinzipbauteilen (IGF 21483 BG / P 1488)

2021 , Meyerdierks, Martin , Schreiber, Vincent , Böhne, Christoph , Seitz, Georg , Jüttner, Sven , Meschut, Gerson , Rethmeier, Michael

Ziel des Forschungsprojekts ist es, eine Korrelation zwischen Gleeble-Heißzug-Prüfverfahren und Widerstandspunktschweiß-basierten Prüfverfahren herzustellen. Es soll die Effektivität von Methoden zu Vermeidung von Liquid Metal Embrittlement an realitätsnahen Prinzipbauteilen bewertet werden. Weiterhin soll Kenntnis über Auswirkungen von LME Rissen auf das Tragverhalten von realitätsnahen Prinzipbauteilen gewonnen werden.

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Analysis and recycling of bronze grinding waste to produce maritime components using directed energy deposition

2021 , Müller, Vinzenz , Marko, Angelina , Kruse, Tobias , Biegler, Max , Rethmeier, Michael

Additive manufacturing promises a high potential for the maritime sector. Directed Energy Deposition (DED) in particular offers the opportunity to produce large-volume maritime components like propeller hubs or blades without the need of a costly casting process. The post processing of such components usually generates a large amount of aluminum bronze grinding waste. The aim of the presented project is to develop a sustainable circular AM process chain for maritime components by recycling aluminum bronze grinding waste to be used as raw material to manufacture ship propellers with a laser-powder DED process. In the present paper, grinding waste is investigated using a dynamic image analysis system and compared to commercial DED powder. To be able to compare the material quality and to verify DED process parameters, semi-academic sample geometries are manufactured.

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Multiple-Wire Submerged Arc Welding of High-Strength Fine-Grained Steels

2022 , Gook, S. , El-Sari, Bassel , Biegler, Max , Rethmeier, Michael , Lichtenthäler, F. , Stark, M.

Ensuring the required mechanical-technological properties of welds is a critical issue in the application of multi-wire submerged arc welding process for welding high-strength fine-grained steels. Excessive heat input is one of the main causes for microstructural zones with deteriorated mechanical properties of the welded joint, such as a reduced notched impact strength and a lower structural robustness. A process variant is proposed which reduces the weld volume as well as the heat input by adjusting the welding wire configuration as well as the energetic parameters of the arcs, while retaining the advantages of multi-wire submerged arc welding such as high process stability and production speed.

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Effects on crack formation of additive manufactured Inconel 939 sheets during electron beam welding

2022 , Raute, Julius , Jokisch, Torsten , Biegler, Max , Rethmeier, Michael

The potential of additive manufacturing for processing precipitation hardened nickel-base superalloys, such as Inconel 939 is considerable, but in order to fully exploit this potential, fusion welding capabilities for additive parts need to be explored. Currently, it is uncertain how the different properties from the additive manufacturing process will affect the weldability of materials susceptible to hot cracking. Therefore, this work investigates the possibility of joining additively manufactured nickel-based superalloys using electron beam welding. In particular, the influence of process parameters on crack formation is investigated. In addition, hardness measurements are performed on cross-sections of the welds. It is shown that cracks at the seam head are enhanced by welding speed and energy per unit length and correlate with the hardness of the weld metal. Cracking parallel to the weld area shows no clear dependence on the process variables that have been investigated, but is related to the hardness of the heat-affected zone.

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Schweißen unter Zug - LME-Eingangsprüfung für die Autoindustrie

2021 , El-Sari, Bassel , Biegler, Max , Rethmeier, Michael

Der Trend zum Leichtbau und die Transformation zur E-Mobilität in der Automobilindustrie befeuern die Entwicklung neuer hochfester Stähle für den Karosseriebau. Derartige Werkstoffe sind beim Widerstandspunktschweißen besonders rissanfällig (LME). Das Schweißen unter Zug stellt eine effektive Methode um die LME-Anfälligkeit unterschiedlicher Werkstoffe qualitativ zu bestimmen.

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Hybrid laser-arc welding of laser- and plasma-cut 20-mm-thick structural steels

2022 , Üstündag, Ömer , Bakir, Nasim , Gook, Sergej , Gumenyuk, Andrey , Rethmeier, Michael

It is already known that the laser beam welding (LBW) or hybrid laser-arc welding (HLAW) processes are sensitive to manufacturing tolerances such as gaps and misalignment of the edges, especially at welding of thick-walled steels due to its narrow beam diameter. Therefore, the joining parts preferably have to be milled. The study deals with the influence of the edge quality, the gap and the misalignment of edges on the weld seam quality of hybrid laser-arc welded 20-mm-thick structural steel plates which were prepared by laser and plasma cutting. Single-pass welds were conducted in butt joint configuration. An AC magnet was used as a contactless backing. It was positioned under the workpiece during the welding process to prevent sagging. The profile of the edges and the gap between the workpieces were measured before welding by a profile scanner or a digital camera, respectively. With a laser beam power of just 13.7 kW, the single-pass welds could be performed. A gap bridgeability up to 1 mm at laser-cut and 2 mm at plasma-cut samples could be reached respectively. Furthermore, a misalignment of the edges up to 2 mm could be welded in a single pass. The new findings may eliminate the need for cost and time-consuming preparation of the edges.

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Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding of Thick-Walled, Closed, Circumferential Pipe Welds

2022 , Üstündag, Ömer , Bakir, Nasim , Gook, Sergej , Gumenyuk, Andrey , Rethmeier, Michael

The application of hybrid laser-arc welding (HLAW) for joining closed circumferential welds is a challenge due to the high risk of forming a defective overlap area with a shrinkage void or solidification cracks in the material thickness. A series of HLAW experiments were performed to understand the development of a faulty overlap area when closing the circumferential weld. Welding trials on flat specimens and pipe segments were supported by numerical analyses in which the thermomechanical behavior of the welds in the overlap area was investigated. Different process control strategies were tested, including variations in defocusing levels and the overlap length. The newly developed HLAW head, including laser optics with a motor-driven collimation system, made it possible to defocus the laser beam during welding without disturbing the stability of the welding process. High-level defocusing of the laser beam of more than 40 mm relative to the specimen surface with a resulting beam diameter of > 2.9 mm, and in combination with a short overlap length of 15 mm, was promising with respect to the formation of a desired cup-shaped weld profile that is resistant to solidification cracks.

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Method for defect-free hybrid laser-arc welding of closed circumferential welds

2021 , Gook, Sergej , Üstündag, Ömer , Gumenyuk, Andrey , Rethmeier, Michael

This paper presents investigation results of a process for defect-free hybrid laser arc welding (HLAW) of closed circumferential welds. The process aims to avoid weld imperfections in the overlap area of a HLAW circumferential weld. A process control strategy for closing the circumferential weld was developed to achieve a defect-free overlap region by controlling the solidification conditions at the end of the weld. The controlled heat flow is achieved by adjusting the parameters of both welding processes involved, the laser beam as well as gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process. Experimental investigations were carried out on 12 mm to 15 mm thick tube sections. The influence of process parameters such as the laser power ramp, the change in magnification scale and the defocusing of the laser beam on the solidification conditions at the end of the circumferential weld was investigated to find an optimum strategy for ramping out the process energy. Within the framework of the experimental studies, it was demonstrated that defocusing the laser beam in the range between 60 mm and 100 mm over a short run-out area of the weld of approximately 15 mm led to a significantly better weld formation in the overlap area. A favorable cup-shaped weld shape could be achieved without a tendency to crack. The laser optics with a motor-driven lens system made it possible to increase the laser beam diameter without changing the position of the GMAW arc relative to the component surface.