Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Publication
    Ontologiebasierte Datenintegration für das Modellbasierte Systems Engineering
    ( 2015)
    Woll, R.
    Hayka, H.
    Stark, R.
    Im Modellbasierten Systems Engineering werden verschiedene Modelltypen wie Anforderungs-, Funktions- oder Systemstrukturmodelle miteinander verknüpft. Da diese unterschiedlichen Modelltypen oft in unterschiedlichen IT-Systemen verwaltet und bearbeitet werden, ist ein geeigneter Datenintegrationsansatz vonnöten, um Verknüpfungen zwischen den verteilten Daten anlegen und verwalten zu können. Ein möglicher, bisher kaum in der industriellen Praxis evaluierter Ansatz dafür ist die Ontologiebasierte Datenintegration. Da dieser Ansatz einige potentielle Vorteile gegenüber anderen Datenintegrationsansätzen verspricht, hat sich das EU-geförderte Forschungsprojekt iProd zum Ziel gesetzt, ihn am Beispiel konkreter industrieller Anwendungsfälle einzusetzen und zu evaluieren. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Überblick über die Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt gegeben und eine Bewertung des Ansatzes vorgenommen.
  • Publication
    Intelligent information technologies to enable next generation PLM
    ( 2014)
    Stark, R.
    Damerau, T.
    Hayka, H.
    Neumeyer, S.
    Woll, R.
    The steadily growing complexity of products, interfacing processes, value creation networks and IT environments drive today's PLM solutions to their limits. How does this effect engineers? Over 1,400 engineers from the German industry provided feedback in 2011 with alarming but expected results. Almost two thirds of the respondents can only spend 20% or less time on average for core tasks such as development, design or validation. The study confirmed a lack of time for creative engineering activities caused by a massive coordination and communication overhead. Could engineers and designers be relieved from routine and administrative tasks in product lifecycle management by means of current intelligent technologies? In constant dialogue with industry and PLM experts, the Fraunhofer IPK and TUB have investigated the demand for intelligence in product lifecycle management. This paper reflects on the current situation of PLM and introduces a conceptual framework (Engineering Operating System) for next generation PLM. Subsequently, an Engineering Automation Capabilities (EAC) stair step model is proposed and selected research results for intelligence in PLM are presented.
  • Publication
    Approaches for sustainability assessment in the conceptual design phase
    ( 2013)
    Lindow, K.
    Woll, R.
    Inoue, M.
    Ishikawa, H.
    Stark, R.
    This paper presents two different approaches to support the development of sustainable products. One approach is management-oriented. A sustainability dashboard has been developed to visualize the impact of different design alternatives on sustainability dimensions as well as the technical performance. The second approach directly assists the designer to narrow the design solution space when taking sustainability demands and technical performances into consideration. Both approaches are demonstrated on the example of a technical product. The paper concludes with a critical evaluation and a comparison of the two approaches.
  • Publication
    A conceptual framework for sustainable engineering design
    ( 2012)
    Lindow, K.
    Woll, R.
    Stark, R.
    This paper describes a framework for the implementation of sustainable aspects into engineering design within a company. The focus is on how to qualify and enable the engineer to develop sustainable products. Therefore a top-down and a bottom-up approach are presented. The top-down approach describes how to implement sustainability thinking within a company from a normative to an operative company level. In contrast the bottom-up approach describes how the engineer can get aware of sustainable product design. In both cases so called contextual sustainability behaviors are suggested. Since a product cannot meet all sustainable demands of sustainable value creation at a time the proposed contextual sustainability areas will help to trade-off the over-constraint design solution space. With regard to the respective sustainability dimensions, a product can be developed to fully meet the objectives for only one of the following sustainability context dimensions or for a conscious compromise between them. Furthermore, a case study is presented. The case study demonstrates how the contextual sustainability areas can be applied to a specific product. Additionally, an IT supported approach is introduced. In a first step various remanufacturing scenarios were developed in order to investigate the effect on the product design. For example, materials were replaced by other materials (e.g. steel to plastics) and principle solutions were changed (e.g. roller bearings to friction bearing). This was followed by a current state of the art LCSA. The results were finally provided within a dashboard. That way different design alternatives can be quickly compared with each other and conclusions about the sustainability impact of each design alternative can be drawn respectively to the remanufacturing situation. The method helps to capture the complex relationships between design alternatives and their impacts on the entire product Life Cycle, select sustainable product alternatives and thus create sustainable value effectively and efficiently. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that different views on a product Life Cycle lead to a varying understanding of what a sustainable product actually is. This aspect has a strong link to the difference of the engineering design domain compared to the environmental engineering domain. The contextual sustainability areas provide a way to think out of solely environmental engineering and its assessment of process parameters, e.g. manufacturing. Eventually, the contextual sustainability areas provide a way to bridge the gap between environmental engineering and engineering design thus it combines the LCSA approach for sustainability assessment with a strategic decision for engineering design. Based on that decision, conclusions for the decision-making on design properties and characteristics can be drawn. It can be concluded, that improved supporting tools and methods have to be developed in order to better qualify and enable the engineer to develop sustainable products. Hence, future research activities have to focus on the development of assistance systems integrated into the working environment of the engineer in order to achieve products that are economically more successful, environmentally more viable and socially more responsible. Eventually, the development of only sophisticated tools in academia is not enough against the background of industrial needs. A systematic approach on how to implement and run supporting tools within the design process has to be established. The major industrial needs do not have to be neglected. These basic needs are: Easy to implement within the design process, Easy to lean and understand by the engineers, Delivering results as accurate as possible, Reducing the amount of required information and Reducing the resources for evaluation and assessment.
  • Publication
    IT-based concept for collaboration within joint research projects and integration of public communities
    ( 2012)
    Wang, W.M.
    Woll, R.
    Damerau, T.
    Lindow, K.
    Hayka, H.
    Stark, Rainer
  • Publication
    Augmented reality in a serious game for manual assembly processes
    ( 2011)
    Woll, R.
    Damerau, T.
    Wrasse, L.
    Stark, R.
    This paper presents results from a study in which Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been employed in a serious game for teaching the assembly of a car power generator. Most used car power generators can be remanufactured in order to save material and cost. This is usually done manually and requires a mechanic who knows the different steps of disassembly, cleaning, replacement and re-assembly of the generators components. A serious game has been developed that teaches an apprentice mechanic of which components a car power generator consists and how these components have to be assembled. The game has been implemented as an application for smartphones running the Android operation system. The game employs augmented reality technology in order to let the user interactively experience the spatial arrangement of components and to support the user in validating his learning success.
  • Publication
    Interdisciplinary function-oriented design and verification for the development of mechatronical products
    ( 2011)
    Stark, R.
    Hayka, H.
    Figge, A.
    Woll, R.
    Mechatronical products integrate components that are developed by different fields of engineering and combine them in order to provide new functionalities. The main challenge is the ever increasing complexity and the required degree of interdisciplinarity. The joint research project MIKADO adressed this demand by integrating domain specific development methods and tools into a more systems-engineering-oriented approach. Special emphasis has been placed on the early phases of product development in order to facilitate an early coordination between mechanical, electronical and software engineers and to provide them with easy means for the functional verification of virtual product models. The MIKADO cooperation platform will improve and accelerate the planning and execution of mechatronical product development projects. Interfaces for connecting commercial engineering tools to the cooperation platform guarantee the industrial applicability of the MIKADO solution in connection with existing system landscapes. This reduces investment costs and makes the MIKADO solution attractive, especially to SMEs. The enhancements of the FOD modeler help to collect and manage all requirements of a mechatronical product as well as to define and depict their connections. Their continuous connection to functions, parts and CAD models allows for cross-checking the fulfillment of several geometric requirements. Specific tests for functional and geometric analysis complete the Functional mock-up. They are started from and their results are managed directly in the FOD modeler as well as on the cooperation platform and thus make a continuous review of the products' degree of maturity possible. The methodology for combining a comprehensive requirements management with a functional mock-up for the verification of requirements will be the basis for further research. In addition, the results of MIKADO are planned to be used for commercial products, which will be sold by the project partners.
  • Publication
    Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung: Eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung
    ( 2011)
    Woll, R.
    Hayka, H.
    Lindow, K.
    Stark, R.
    Eine nachhaltige Produktentwicklung muss darauf abzielen, ein Produkt zu entwickeln, welches über seinem gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg Nachhaltigkeitsforderungen erfüllt. Da ein Produktentwickler alleine diesen nicht ausreichend überblicken kann, muss die Konzeption und Gestaltung eines Produkts in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus anderen Fachgebieten durchgeführt werden. In dem Projekt "Methodische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Maschinenkomponenten im Entwicklungsprozess" wurde eine Methodik entwickelt, bei der Produktentwickler, Prozess- und Nachhaltigkeitsexperten gemeinsam dazu beitragen, Gestaltungsalternativen für ein Produkt bezüglich ihrer Nachhaltigkeit bewertbar zu machen.
  • Publication
    Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung - eine inderdisziplinäre Herausforderung
    ( 2011)
    Woll, R.
    Hayka, H.
    Lindow, K.
    Stark, R.