Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Business model development in European aerospace start-ups: The case of the spaceup project
    ( 2021)
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    In their quest for market establishment and organizational maturity, business model development (BMD) plays a crucial role for start-ups. After foundation, primary focus is no longer on generating promising business ideas, but on commercializing a start-upâs inherent potential. This particularly applies to innovative, technology-based start-ups. Here, superior functions in relation to existing solutions resulting from advancements in technologies and the value associated with such functional superiority are center of entrepreneurial activity and BMD. This study presents the BMD methodology applied for supporting 60 technology-based, aerospace-related start-ups on their path to becoming leading companies in their field and the results of its application in the frame of the SpaceUp project. The methodology was carried out in a two-stage process. First, a questionnaire was provided to the start-ups to capture and assess their business model (BM). In a second step, based on the information provided, a detailed evaluation of the start-upsâ BM was carried out and starting points for further development were generated. In order to assess the relevance and usefulness of the results generated by applying the methodology, a quantitative survey was conducted among the start-ups. The survey showed that the generated results were perceived as beneficial by the start-ups and that the application of the methodology therefore proved successful in the project.
  • Publication
    Patterns for Resilient Value Creation: Perspective of the German Electrical Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    ( 2021) ;
    Erp, Tim van
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive, often unanticipated, external disruption for many companies. As a concept for responding to such disruption, organizational resilience has recently received great attention. In the organizational context, the overriding question is how companies can become more resilient. This study aims to contribute to answering this question by identifying, categorizing, and providing specific business model patterns for achieving resilience on the corporate level. For this purpose, a review of publications by major consulting firms was conducted. Patterns were extracted from publications until a convergence criterion indicated that no new pattern could be identified considering further publications. The 110 extracted unique patterns were clustered into 13 objectives, and additionally categorized according to resilience phases, as well as business model elements, to support the application in practice. The final catalog of patterns was validated through expert interviews and thus provides organizations, such as those in the electrical industry, with an overview and specific approaches on how to tackle industrial resilience through the adaption of their business model.
  • Publication
    Sustainability Reporting in German Manufacturing SMEs
    ( 2019)
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    ; ;
    This paper investigates how small and medium-sized enterprises from the German manufacturing sector address sustainability issues through the implementation of sustainability reporting. For this purpose, 14 sustainability reports were analyzed with regard to the extent that they apply the framework provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), as well as the differences between companies that apply the GRI framework and companies that do not. In addition, indicators and related units that are used to report sustainability are investigated. The findings of this contribution show that there is a general lack of consistency among the considered sustainability reports, which demands for further harmonization of sustainability reporting in order to ensure comparability of sustainability performance across different organizations.
  • Publication
    Wissensmanagement in Freien Berufen
    ( 2018)
    Steinhöfel, Erik
  • Publication
    Evaluation of Business Models - A Systematic Literature Review
    ( 2018)
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    Hussinki, Henri
    Bornemann, Manfred
    Purpose - The purpose of this literature review (2018) is to provide an overview of the current state of business model evaluation, especially of existing evaluation tools, methodologies and approaches. Identification of the commonalities and disparities within the existing models could contribute towards more sustainable implementations of business models in practice as well as advancements in scientific research. Design/methodology/approach - This systematic literature review utilizes replicable and transparent literature selection and content coding methods and builds on 35 sources. The study combines evidence on tools, methodologies and approaches for the evaluation of business models by means of a systematic literature review. Originality/value - As the importance of business model evaluation is acknowledged as a decisive factor for the successful innovation and adaption of business models, the consideration of existing tools, methodologies and approaches appears to be a promising avenue of research. By recapping the existing findings and identifying intersections as well as gaps in this stream of research, a state-of-the-art basis for management practice and future research is established. Practical implications - The analysis and description of the tools, methodologies and approaches enables the identification of potential pathways for using business model evaluation in the frame of business model innovation and adoption in practice. Furthermore, the close examination of literature on this topic provides the theoretical basis for future research directions.
  • Publication
    Wissensmamangement im Enterprise 2.0
    ( 2016) ;
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    Für wissensintensive und -geprägte Unternehmen ist der Einsatz sozialer Medien und Software bis hin zur Transformation zum Enterprise 2.0 langfristig unumgänglich, da so die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in einem stets dynamischer werdenden Markt gestärkt wird. Der vorliegende Artikel bietet einen Überblick über Social Media und Social Software im Unternehmenskontext und zeigt konkrete Einsatzszenarien für die verschiedene Social Software Anwendungsklassen auf. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch auf die mit der Nutzung von Social Media und Social Software verbundenen Risiken, und Möglichkeiten diesen erfolgreich zu begegnen, eingegangen.
  • Publication
    Business model innovation: A comparative analysis
    ( 2016)
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    In the past, companies often maintained a business model (BM) for long periods. Today, this is no longer possible as changes in the business environment such as inter-industry competition, shifting patterns of demand, new products, production or distribution technologies erode the power of established BMs. As a consequence, companies are forced to systematically manage or reinvent their BMs and become able at doing so. Although companies believe that the management and innovation of BMs can significantly contribute to business success they are often not able to realize such transformation due to a lack of required abilities and knowledge as well as suited processes and mechanisms to support them. Against this background, the focus of this contribution is on current approaches and procedure for managing and innovating BMs. Based on a literature review within the BM discipline and further associated disciplines BMI approaches have been identified and are described, analysed and compared regarding a practical application. Thus, giving the reader an overview of current comprehensive approaches and thereby establishing a basis for further research and development is the aim of this paper.
  • Publication
    Wissensstandort Deutschland
    ( 2012)
    Mertins, Kai
    Steinhöfel, Erik
    Wuscher, Sven