Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Validation of Immersive Design Parameters in Driving Simulation Environments
    ( 2021)
    Lyga, Yvonne
    Lau, Merle
    Stark, Rainer
    Driving simulators are used for the prospective validation of technical systems in the automotive sector. The design of simulation environments can affect drivers and should be considered in investigations of driver-vehicle interactions. The aim of this research is to minimize the gap between driving simulators and real car studies by integrating immersive parameters into simulated driving environments. Stereoscopy, surround sound and motion feedback were analyzed with regard to driver behavior and experience and were then compared to data of a real drive from a previous investigation. The authors conducted a study with N = 48 participants performing a dual-task scenario in a driving simulator. Results reveal significant effects of immersive design parameters on gaze behavior and mental workload. Findings provide guidance for an efficient and cost-effective development of driving simulation environments.
  • Publication
    How Pedestrians Perceive Autonomous Buses: Evaluating Visual Signals
    ( 2021) ;
    Kozachek, Diana
    Konkol, Kathrin
    Woelfel, Christiane
    Stark, Rainer
    With the deployment of autonomous buses, sophisticated technological systems are entering our daily lives and their signals are becoming a crucial factor in human-machine interaction. The successful implementation of visual signals requires a well-researched human-centred design as a key component for the new transportation system. The autonomous vehicle we investigated in this study uses a variety of these: Icons, LED panels and text. We conducted a user study with 45 participants in a virtual reality environment in which four recurring communication scenarios between an autonomous driving bus and its potential passengers had to be correctly interpreted. For our four scenarios, efficiency and comprehension of each visual signal combination was measured to evaluate performance on different types of visual information. The results show that new visualization concepts such as LED panels lead to highly variable efficiency and comprehension, while text or icons were well ac cepted. In summary, the authors of this paper present the most efficient combinations of visual signals for four reality scenarios.
  • Publication
    Modular virtual reality to enable efficient user studies for autonomous driving
    ( 2020)
    Konkol, Kathrin
    Stark, Rainer
    Autonomous driving vehicles use a variety of means to communicate with pedestrians, e.g. information displays, LED panels and sound. In order to evaluate some of those information displays with regard to their efficiency of understanding, the authors examined a set of external information types, such as images, text and animated LED panels. The use of Virtual Reality to create user studies offers a flexible and cost-effective approach for evaluation and improvement, therefore the authors chose to develop the user study as a VR application. This paper describes the ongoing work in which the study is designed and the application has been implemented but the study has not yet been carried out. The emphasis on this paper lies on the approach of planning a modular VR application that fits the needs of a multifactorial experimental layout that can adapt to changes in the study for further evaluation.