Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Interaction between capabilities of Model Based Systems Engineering on sensor models
    ( 2021)
    Manoury, Marvin Michael
    Schmidt, Simon
    Stark, Rainer
    In modern product development, models are often used for different purposes, e.g., system synthesis, trade-off analysis of system parameters or visualization and creation of design concepts. For some models, this purpose as well as the model itself might change over time. New interactions with the target system can occur and new details are added over time. Both have to be integrated immediately into the development procedure. When models are not maintained up to date and not used by different stakeholders, the benefits of the model-based approach are lessened due to the effort for generation and maintenance. The five development capabilities of MBSE, comprising Systems Environment Analytics (SEA), Systems Definition and Derivation (SDD), Systems Interaction Modeling (SIM), Systems Lifecycle Engineering (SLE) and the MBSE Capability and Maturation Matrix (CMM) address this topic on a capability level.In this article, the authors point out the interaction between these d evelopment capabilities on the example of a Pedestrian Emergency Braking System (PEBS) development in automotive industry, with a focus on sensor models. It will be shown exemplary how one development capability might influence another and how this interaction supports the development of complex systems.
  • Publication
    Conceptual Introduction of required development capabilities for Model-Based Systems Engineering
    ( 2021)
    Manoury, Marvin Michael
    Zimmermann, Thomas C.
    Stark, Rainer
    In the last years, multiple tools and methodologies have emerged that try to support the engineers to conduct Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Nevertheless, the tools are usually bound to a certain methodology, which often requires sequential steps instead of supporting the iterative character of modern product development. In this paper, we conceptually introduce the development capabilities of the 5D model for MBSE as a convenient way to cover all relevant aspects of MBSE in an iterative way while being open to methodology and tool choice.
  • Publication
    Systematic Literature Review of System Models for Technical System Development
    ( 2021)
    Manoury, Marvin Michael
    Zimmermann, Thomas
    Stark, Rainer
    In Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) there is yet no converged terminology. The term 'system model' is used in different contexts in literature. In this study we elaborated the definitions and usages of the term 'system model', to find a common definition. We analyzed 104 publications in depth for their usage and definition as well as their meta-data e.g., the publication year and publication background to find some common patterns. While the term is gaining more interest in recent years, it is used in a broad range of contexts for both analytical and synthetic use cases. Based on this, three categories of system models have been defined and integrated into a more precise definition.