Now showing 1 - 10 of 48
  • Publication
    An optimal algorithm for the robotic assembly system design problem: An industrial case study
    ( 2020)
    Hagemann, S.
    Stark, R.
    The design process of flow-oriented assembly systems is characterized by being both highly complex and time consuming. Especially those design processes categorized into robotic and multi variant encountered in the automotive body-in-white production stages. Unlike established manual and template-based assembly system design models, which are currently applied in industry, the here presented novel approach uses a knowledge-based search algorithm and automatically generates optimal assembly system configurations. The algorithm has been implemented in a software prototype and the results have been validated against different large-size industrial scenarios in the automotive field of body-in-white production.
  • Publication
    Stufenmodell zur Strukturierung digitaler Assistenzfunktionen: Digital assistierte Montageplanung
    ( 2020)
    Bußwinkel, L.
    Hauk, J.-C.
    Schneider, H.
    Stark, R.
    Die Montageplanung ist durch große manuelle Aufwände sowie eine auf Erfahrungen und Expertenwissen basierende Entscheidungsfindung geprägt. Trotz zahlreicher Forschungsaktivitäten wird nur eine geringe Automatisierung der Montageplanung erreicht. Daher wird für die Montageplanung ein Assistenzstufenmodell erarbeitet, das zukünftig eine systematische Entwicklung digitaler Assistenzsysteme erlaubt, die in der industriellen Praxis einen Mehrwert erzeugen.
  • Publication
    Configuration Equilibrium Model of Product Variant Design Driven by Customer Requirements
    ( 2019)
    Yang, Q.
    Bian, X.
    Stark, R.
    Fresemann, C.
    Song, F.
    In view of the dynamic change of customer requirements (CRs) during the process of product use, in this paper we propose a Bayesian Nash equilibrium configuration model for product variant design driven by CRs. By analyzing CRs, the complete variant requirements of the products can be obtained. Combined with modularization and parameterization variant design methods, a parametric variant instance is proposed. Since cost and delivery time are affected by the product variant design, firms and customers are established as two decision-making bodies, and Bayesian Nash theory is introduced to the product configuration. The theory takes the product cost and customer satisfaction as the payoff function of the game, and based on the threshold value search of the customer satisfaction it determines the strategy set of the two parties. The Nash equilibrium solution equation is established and solved by a simulated annealing algorithm. The optimal product configuration scheme satisfying the interests of both sides of the game is obtained. Finally, the automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is taken as an example to illustrate the effectiveness and practicability of the method.
  • Publication
    Reifegradmodelle in der Produktentwicklung
    ( 2019)
    Randermann, M.
    Blüher, T.
    Jochem, R.
    Stark, R.
    In product development, maturity turity models are a suitable instrument for evaluating and improving the engineering environment. The following literature analysis examines differences and similarities between existing maturity models for product development and analyses them regarding their process areas in which respective quality characteristics for efficient product development projects are located.
  • Publication
    Hybrid artificial intelligence system for the design of highly-automated production systems
    ( 2019)
    Hagemann, S.
    Sünnetcioglu, A.
    Stark, R.
    The automated design of production systems is a young field of research which has not been widely explored by industry nor research in recent decades. Currently, the effort spent in production system design is increasing significantly in automotive industry due to the number of product variants and product complexity. Intelligent methods can support engineers in repetitive tasks and give them more opportunity to focus on work which requires their core competencies. This paper presents a novel artificial intelligence methodology that automatically generates initial production system configurations based on real industrial scenarios in the automotive field of body-in-white production. The hybrid methodology reacts flexibly against data sets of different content and has been implemented in a software prototype.
  • Publication
    Introducing Product Service System Architectures for realizing Circular Economy
    ( 2019)
    Halstenberg, F.A.
    Stark, R.
    Product-Service Systems (PSS) as well as modular products can act as an enabler for Circular Economy (CE). Products and services have to be developed concurrently in order to be attuned properly. In product design, developers have to fulfil various requirements such as functional and cost targets. Integrating requirements regarding CE and developing products and services simultaneously makes their task even more complex and challenging. In concept design, the outline or rough concept of the product is defined. In order to develop functional PSS and to integrate CE goals in the stage of concept design, the authors propose Integrated Product Service Systems Architectures (IPSSAs), which depict physical product architectures and services architectures in one integrated model. This paper presents first findings on how IPSSAs can be realized. An analysis of different modelling notations was conducted and an exemplary application on a use case was performed. The findings lead to further research steps on the path to a method for modularizing PSS for CE.
  • Publication
    Development capabilities for smart products
    ( 2019)
    Tomiyama, T.
    Lutters, E.
    Stark, R.
    Abramovici, M.
    Smart products supported by new step-changing technologies, such as Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, are now emerging in the market. Smart products are cyber physical systems with services through Internet connection. For example, smart vehicles equipped with advanced embedded intelligence are connected to other vehicles, people, and environment, and offer innovative data-driven services. Since smart products are software-intensive, data-driven, and service-conscious, their development clearly needs new capabilities underpinned by advanced tools, methods, and models. This paper reviews the status and trends of these emerging development technologies such as model-based systems engineering and digital twin.
  • Publication
    Approaching Knowledge Dynamics Across the Product Development Process with Methods of Social Research
    ( 2019)
    Wang, W.M.
    Mörike, F.
    Hergesell, J.
    Baur, N.
    Feufel, M.
    Stark, R.
    Knowledge is a crucial factor in state-of-the-art product development. It is often provided by stakeholders from divers disciplinary and individual backgrounds and has to be integrated to create competitive products. Still, it is not fully understood, how knowledge is generated, transformed, transferred and integrated in complex product development processes. To investigate the dynamic interrelations between involved stakeholders, applied knowledge types and related artefacts, researchers at the TU Berlin conducted and evaluated a student experiment to study basic phenomena of development projects. In relation to research methods and instruments applied in this experiment, various improvement opportunities were identified. In this paper, the experimental setting and its results are critically analysed from a social science perspective in order to generate improved research design. Based on the results of this analysis, a first set of methods and instruments from social sciences are identified that can be applied in further experiments. The goal is to develop a methodological toolbox that can be used to approach research on knowledge dynamics in product development.
  • Publication
    Leveraging circular economy through a methodology for smart service systems engineering
    ( 2019)
    Halstenberg, F.A.
    Lindow, K.
    Stark, R.
    Product Service Systems (PSS) and Smart Services are powerful means for deploying Circular Economy (CE) goals in industrial practices, through dematerialization, extension of product lifetime and efficiency increase by digitization. Within this article, approaches from PSS design, Smart Service design and Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) are combined to form a Methodology for Smart Service Architecture Definition (MESSIAH). First, analyses of present system modelling procedures and systems modelling notations in terms of their suitability for Smart Service development are presented. The results indicate that current notations and tools do not entirely fit the requirements of Smart Service development, but that they can be adapted in order to do so. The developed methodology includes a modelling language system, the MESSIAH Blueprinting framework, a systematic procedure and MESSIAH CE, which is specifically designed for addressing CE strategies and practices. The methodology was validated on the example of a Smart Sustainable Street Light System for Cycling Security (SHEILA). MESSIAH proved useful to help Smart Service design teams develop service-driven and robust Smart Services. By applying MESSIAH CE, a sustainable Smart Service, which addresses CE goals, has been developed.
  • Publication
    Study on the feasibility of modelling notations for integrated Product-Service Systems Engineering
    ( 2019)
    Halstenberg, F.A.
    Stark, R.
    Developing products and services concurrently bears great potential as well as challenges. Systems Engineering (SE) is an interdisciplinary approach, which aims to enable the realization of successful systems. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a SE approach focusing on the utilization of models for information exchange instead of documents. Methods and tools for MBSE are advanced and effective. Nevertheless, the field predominantly focuses on technical systems rather than on services and business models. In the context of the increasing importance of the Service Economy and rising innovative business models, an extension of the MBSE methods and tools to a service- and business model-centric view constitutes a research gap. Sufficient methods for requirements definition in PSS design have been developed. In concept design, the outline or rough concept of the product is defined. This step is currently not supported with useful methods. In order to address this research gap, the authors have proposed Integrated Product Service Architectures (IPSSAs) in previous research, which depict physical product architectures and service architectures in one integrated model. In previous studies, Systems Modelling Language (SysML) was identified as suitable modelling notations for IPSSAs, but several drawbacks of the notation were noted. Within this paper, a study is presented, which identifies suitable combinations of modelling notations and diagrams for IPSSA modelling. The combination of several diagrams from SysML, Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and Data Flow Architecture is used on the practical example of ELSA (Engineering Living Systems of Autonomy), a service robot for guest and plant care. In order to address the lack of process-based service modelling in SysML, BPMN is added to common SysML modelling. In order address the data flow dimension, a third modelling notation, the Data Flow Architecture is proposed.