Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    A New Framework for Strategic Risk Analysis in a Global Pump Manufacturing Network
    ( 2016)
    Niknejad, A.
    Petrovic, D.
    Popplewell, K.
    Jäkel, F.W.
    Pajkovska-Goceva, S.
    This paper presents a new risk analysis framework applied to a global production network for pump manufacturing considering strategic decisions regarding alternative suppliers and markets. External and internal risk scenarios are defined and alternative network configurations are evaluated considering the constructed risk scenarios. Inoperability of individual nodes in the global production networks caused by identified risks are determined by taking into account propagation of risks due to the interdependencies between nodes. Fuzzy arithmetic is applied to track the level of uncertainty inherent in the model parameters and the outcomes. It is demonstrated how recommendations can be made with regard to the network configuration and handling of the uncertainty in the results.
  • Publication
    An ontology for global production network design and reconfiguration
    ( 2015)
    Palmer, C.
    Urwin, E.N.
    Rodríguez, E.P.
    Cid, F.S.
    Pinazo-Sánchez, J.M.
    Pajkovska-Goceva, S.
    Young, R.
    Organisations constantly seek to improve and fully exploit global production networks. This can be to provide more competitive solutions to customer requests, to exploit potential new technologies or to consider new business models based on the servitisation of products. To support such decisions requires the interchange and evaluation of information from a wide range of different and varied sources. This paper puts forward a reference ontology aimed at supporting businesses who seek to design, configure and reconfigure global production networks. The aim of this is to support interoperability between information systems within multi-domain contexts.
  • Publication
    Reference ontologies to support the development of new product-service lifecycle systems
    ( 2014)
    Palmer, Claire
    Urwin, Esmond Neil
    Pinazo-Sánchez, Jose Miguel
    Cid, F.S.
    Pajkovska-Goceva, S.
    Young, R.I.M.
    In competitive and time sensitive market places, organisations are tasked with providing Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) approaches to achieve and maintain competitive advantage, react to change and understand the balance of possible options when making decisions on complex multi-faceted problems, Global Production Networks (GPN) is one such domain in which this applies. When designing and configuring GPN to develop, manufacture and deliver product-service provision, information requirements that affect decision making become more complex. The application of reference ontologies to a domain and its related information requirements can enhance and accelerate the development of new product-service lifecycle systems with a view towards the seamless interchange of information or interoperability between systems and domains. This paper presents (i) preliminary results for the capture and modelling of end-user information and (ii) an initial higher level reference core ontology for the development of reference ontologies to ameliorate product-service lifecycle management for GPN.