Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    Computertomographie für die Instandhaltung von elektronischen Baugruppen
    ( 2012)
    Grosser, H.
    Politz, F.
    Beckmann-Dobrev, B.
    Müller, P.
    Stark, R.
    Elektronikkomponenten werden im Luft- und Schienenverkehr oft durch die Anwender selbst oder durch speziell qualifizierte MRO-Dienstleister (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) instand gehalten. In der Regel stehen jedoch nicht alle Unterlagen der Hersteller zur Verfügung, sodass die Fehlersuche für Reparaturaufgaben sehr aufwendig wird. Das Fraunhofer IPK hat eine Prozesskette zur schnellen Generierung von Stromlaufplänen, Bestückungsplänen und Stücklisten entwickelt und ausgewählte Prozessschritte prototypisch umgesetzt.
  • Publication
    New job roles in global engineering - from education to industrial deployment
    ( 2011)
    Lindow, K.
    Müller, P.
    Stark, R.
    Product creation is facing the next level of fundamental changes. Global demands are growing substantially to achieve energy efficient and sustainable value creation networks for production, products and services without compromising traditional success factors such as time to market, cost and quality. To stay competitive within such an environment development partners in industry and public sectors will require new interplay solutions for engineering design execution, domain knowledge representation, expert competence utilization and digital assistance systems. Competition in engineering design is characterized by actors and stakeholders such as designers, engineers, OEMs, suppliers, or engineering service providers, by technical targets and economic factors within the field of application, and by higher level needs of regional and global environments and social equity. To face such challenges, new roles in engineering design have to be implemented in organizations and development projects. Otherwise new engineering design methods will lack deployment in industrial practice and finally fail. This paper addresses the need for selected new engineering job roles to deploy former made achievements in engineering design. The focused roles are "PSS Architect", "Sustainability Mentor", and "Virtual Product Creation Engineer". Within the contribution requirements on teaching and the industrial deployment of the new job roles in a global engineering environment are presented.
  • Publication
    Opportunities for enhanced project management in PSS development
    ( 2011)
    Müller, P.
    Stark, R.
    Development processes in product and service engineering are foremost carried out as projects. One characteristic of projects is their uniqueness. As Product-Service Systems (PSS) are intended to be customized solutions, unique development projects are natural for PSS. Nevertheless, there is no specific approach to support an integrated management of product and service development projects. In our paper, we focus on opportunities, a solution approach, and software support for PSS development project management. We provide a set of opportunities how to adapt existing approaches or how to develop new methods for the purpose off fully integrated project-based PSS development.
  • Publication
    Virtuelle Produktentstehung in der Automobilindustrie
    ( 2011)
    Stark, R.
    Hayka, H.
    Israel, J.H.
    Kim, M.
    Müller, P.
    Völlinger, U.
    Virtualisierung der Produktentstehung trägt entscheidend zur Kostenreduktion, zur Verkürzung der Produktentstehungszeiten sowie zur Steigerung der Produktqualität bei. Die Automobilindustrie hat frühzeitig diese Vorzüge erkannt und setzt verstärkt Methoden und Technologien der Virtuellen Produktentstehung (VPE) ein. In diesem Artikel werden die Methoden und Vorgehensmodelle der Virtuellen Produktentstehung dargestellt und Unterschiede und Anknüpfungspunkte zu denen der Softwareentwicklung herausgearbeitet. Der Artikel beschreibt zunächst die Phasen der Virtuellen Produktentstehung samt der zu verarbeitenden Informationen und der eingesetzten Werkzeuge (z. B. CAx, PDM). Anschließend werden die Entwicklung, die Erprobung sowie die Arbeitsvorbereitung (hierbei insbesondere die Digitale Fabrik) detailliert und relevante Informationen und Werkzeuge vorgestellt. Das Vorgehen wird mit Beispielen aus der Automobilindustrie unterlegt. Der Artikel schließt mit der Darstellung kurz- und mittelfristig zu erwartender Entwicklungen der Virtuellen Produktentstehung.
  • Publication
    Guideline to elicit requirements on industrial product-service systems
    ( 2010)
    Müller, P.
    Schulz, F.
    Stark, R.
  • Publication
    Competing in engineering design - the role of virtual product creation
    ( 2010)
    Stark, R.
    Krause, F.-L.
    Kind, C.
    Rothenburg, U.
    Müller, P.
    Hayka, H.
    Stöckert, H.
    Product creation is facing the next level of fundamental changes. Global demands are growing substantially to achieve energy efficient and sustainable value creation networks for production, products and services without compromising traditional success factors such as time to market, cost and quality. To stay competitive within such an environment development partners in industry and public sectors will require new interplay solutions for engineering design execution, domain knowledge representation, expert competence utilization and digital assistance systems. This scenario offers the chance for virtual production creation solutions to become critical for the future by offering unique engineering capabilities, which have not yet been explored or deployed. The paper investigates key elements of modern Virtual Product Creation - such as agile process execution, functional product modeling and context appropriate information management - towards their competitive role in satisfying increasing numbers of product requirements, in delivering robust systems integration and in ensuring true sustainable product lifecycle solutions.
  • Publication
    Competing in engineering design - the role of virtual product creation
    ( 2009)
    Stark, R.
    Krause, F.-L.
    Kind, C.
    Rothenburg, U.
    Müller, P.
    Stöckert, H.
    Product creation is facing the next level of fundamental changes. Global demands are growing substantially to achieve energy efficient and sustainable value creation networks for products, production and services without compromising traditional success factors such as time to market, cost and quality. To stay competitive within such an environment development partners in industry and public sectors will require new interplay solutions for engineering design execution, domain knowledge representation, expert competence utilization and digital assistance systems. This scenario offers the chance for virtual production creation solutions to become critical for the future by offering unique engineering capabilities which have not yet explored or deployed. The paper investigates key elements of modern virtual product creation such as agile process execution, functional product modeling and context appropriate information management towards their competitive role in satisfying increasing numbers of product requirements, in delivering robust systems integration and in ensuring true sustainable product lifecycle solutions.
  • Publication
    Product-service system methodologies in research and industry
    ( 2009)
    Stark, R.
    Müller, P.
    Industrial Product-Service Systems (PSS, IPS2) is a concept predominantly used in academia but widely unknown in industry. Nevertheless, solutions integrating products and services are attracting attention. Many industrial equipment manufacturers consider themselves as solution providers which essentially are offering solutions including products and services. Customers increasingly demand for added value and competence rather than just for products or services. Innovative solutions in logistics and information technologies became enablers for broad service deployment. For instance call-centre services became outsourced by American firms to Indian subsidiaries which provide their services to American customers. Research is active in the PSS area since years and many achievements were mad e. Nevertheless, many issues still remain unsolved. Four different types of product-service set-ups are discussed within the contribution to elaborate on solution needs for a future, robust industrial product-service systems development. The four types are transport and energy systems, engineering service provision, test operation service provision and PLM solutions. The discussion shows how development methodologies are affected by the broad bandwidth of services in engineering. The contribution closes by mapping own approaches against identified solution needs whereat a classical engineering development process model is used to show needs and opportunities for changes.
  • Publication
    PSS layer method - application to microenergy systems
    ( 2009)
    Müller, P.
    Kebir, N.
    Stark, R.
    Blessing, L.