Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Publication
    Knowledge modelling for rule-based supervision and control of production facilities
    ( 2008)
    Schreck, G.
    Lisounkin, A.
    Krüger, J.
    The technological complexity of modern production facilities and the increasing demands on operation procedures result in new tasks and requirements for automation solutions and operating staff qualification. On the one hand, supervision and control systems must assign tasks which have been carried out by operators - e.g. operative planning of resources, scheduling of maintenance, operation tuning. On the other hand, the operating principles and techniques must become more objective; operating experience and knowledge should be more easily collected, conserved and disseminated. The general objective of this paper is to develop methods and techniques for these issues. The studied approach is based on integrated use of several formalizations of facility operation knowledge - mathematical modelling, data-driven methods, and scenario-oriented supervision and control routines. Here, facility events in the past are classified by means of Data Mining. Cause-and-effect relations between process states and phenomena are expressed by equations. Facility operation routines are modelled in the form of 'if-then' scenarios. The functional chain, which begins with operator knowledge acquisition and moves to knowledge and facility modelling and finally to their integration into a real Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, have been implemented and tested for a water treatment and supply plant. Entnommen aus TEMA
  • Publication
    Simulation based training and assistant systems for biogas facilities
    ( 2006)
    Lisounkin, A.
    Sabov, A.
    Schreck, G.
    Krüger, J.
  • Publication
    Integrated knowledge and simulation-based facility supervision and control
    ( 2006)
    Schreck, G.
    Lisounkin, A.
    Krüger, J.
  • Publication
    Knowledge acquisition from historical data for case oriented supervisory control
    ( 2005)
    Lisounkin, A.
    Schreck, G.
    Schmidt, H.-W.
  • Publication
    Knowledge modeling and processing for supervision of process facilities
    ( 2005)
    Krüger, J.
    Lisounkin, A.
    Sabov, A.
    Schreck, G.
    Pocher, M.
    Supervision of process facilities is a complex task which objective is to provide an efficient facility operation exploiting tolerances and variations of the process technology as well as workspaces and limitations of the technical components. In its dynamic phases, any technological facility may behave rather like an active and sometimes unpredictable system. That is why advanced process super-vision and control systems increasingly include model-based and rule-oriented components to support facility operators in processing of tasks. This paper discusses the modeling of supervision tasks for technical facilities with a network structure. The facility super-vision knowledge is represented in the form of "if-then" objects and operation patterns. For such distribution networks as gas, water, oil, and energy supply, a general data model and simulation-based architecture for a rule-based decision support system was developed.
  • Publication
    Construction of verified models for systems construction of verified models for systems represented as networks
    ( 2004)
    Yagüe, A.
    Alarcon, P.
    Garbajosa, J.
    Lisounkin, A.
    Schreck, G.
  • Publication
    Web-based training system for forest fire office staff
    ( 2004)
    Yagüe, A.
    Alarcon, P.P.
    Garbajosa, J.
    Lisounkin, A.
    Schreck, G.
    The objective of this paper is to present an approach for a web-based training system for Forest fire offices. The development of a modelling and simulation technology for systems with a network-like architecture is growing day by day. Forest fire offices represent an appropriate application such approach. It is based on an XML languages family defined in a research project and is applied to a number of systems that have been modelled and simulated. This paper introduces two different related issues: the system architecture; and the XML-based language and its use for simulation.
  • Publication
    Interpreter based model check for distribution networks
    ( 2004)
    Lisounkin, A.
    Sabov, A.
    Schreck, G.