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Modellieren für die Produktentwicklung

1995 , Krause, F.-L. , Golm, F. , Rieger, E. , Woll, R.

New strategies and requirements for product development imply the equivalent treatment of modelling tasks for product and process. In the present article an approach is described which aims on the flexible adaptation of the product development with respect to product and process specific constraints. This is achieved by the combination of an approach for planning and optimisation of product development, a semantic feature approach which enables the individual integration of system components and a method for quality management accompanying the product development.

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Industrielle Informationstechnik

1994 , Krause, F.-L.

Mit dem Begriff Industrielle Informationstechnik verbindet sich die Nutzung einer fabrikorientierten Informatik für Probleme industrieller Produktionsprozesse unter dem Blickwinkel des Ingenieurs. Im sehr weit gefaßten Rahmen dieser Disziplin ist das Spektrum der einzelnen Bereichsaktivitäten angesiedelt, deren Schwerpunkte in der Konstruktionsinformatik und der Produktionsinformatik liegen. Typische Beispiele werden im folgenden genannt.

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Methods for quality driven product development

1993 , Krause, F.-L. , Ulbrich, A. , Woll, R.

This paper introduces approaches for the integration of the QFD and FMEA methods as well as feedback with system components for computer aided product development. The integration is based on information models representing product, process and factory information. These information models will be extended by requirements and failure models to support the above mentioned quality assurance methods. A quality information model for company-wide information delivery is defined and forms the control of the quality driven product development process by integration of a system component for quality control.

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Produktdatenverarbeitung aus der Sicht des CAD-Referenzmodells.

1993 , Krause, F.-L. , Hayka, H. , Jansen, H.

The CAD systems which are available today have deficits particularly with regard to the quality of work and the overall assistance of the design process, so that potentials of CAD applications cannot be fully used. In the "CAD reference model" compound project, an architecture of references is developed which serves as a basis for drawing the attention to solutions for eliminating such deficits and for setting up requirements on the configuration of future CAD systems. The development of nominal conceptions for the processing of product data is a major topic of the project.

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Development and design with knowledge-based software tools - an overview

1995 , Krause, F.-L. , Schlingheider, J.

Knowledge-based systems make possible an increased utility potential for software in the area of design and process planning, taking account of constantly increasing production complexity. This article offers an overview of application areas for knowledge-based systems in development and design. Activities are identified that can be supported consistent with the present state-of-the-art, in conclusion, a categorization of industrial applications and research activities in this area is undertaken.

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1994 , Krause, F.-L.

Unter Konstruktionstechnik wird heute die Rechnerunterstützung des Fabrikbereichs verstanden, in dem alle Aspekte des Produktlebenszyklus, zukünftig verstärkt auch im Sinne von Simultaneous Engineering, bearbeitet und zur Produktentwicklung herangezogen werden. Hierbei kommt es insbesondere darauf an, Produktentwicklungsprozesse zu gestalten. Die durchgeführten Aufgaben liegen in den Schwerpunkten Konstruktionssystematik, Systemergonomie, Geometrieverarbeitung und Arbeitsplanung. Eine exemplarische Auswahl wird im folgenden gegeben.

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Produktentwicklung mit Simultaneous Engineering

1993 , Krause, F.-L. , Beitz, W.

Die gegenwärtigen branchenübergreifenden konjunkturellen Einbrüche machen vielen Unternehmen deutlich, daß eine Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nur über eine dauerhafte und tiefgreifende Neugestaltung des Entwicklungs- und Produktionsmanagements erreichbar ist. Dieses Ziel läßt sich mit Konzepten erreichen, welche die einzelnen Aufgaben und Prozesse im Unternehmen in ihrem Gesamtzusammenhang betrachten. In vielen Wirtschaftzweigen ist einer kürzeren Produktentwiclungszeit unternehmensstrategische Bedeutung beizumessen.

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Produktorientierte Normung von STEP

1994 , Krause, F.-L. , Ciesla, M. , Stephan, M.

The development of innovative products within the shortest possible time, and of a high quality at low cost, is a challenge which asks for advanced forms of computer assistance. A central task proposed in this connection is the creation of integrated product models mapping all the information that covers the whole life cycle of the product. The standard ISO 10303 forms a worldwide basis for implementing such integrated product models

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Product modeling

1993 , Krause, F.-L. , Kimura, F. , Kjellberg, T. , Lu, S.C.-Y. , Tipnis, V.A. , Alting, L. , ElMaraghy, H.A. , Eversheim, W. , Weck, M. , Iwata, K. , Suh, N.P. , Wolf, A.C.H. van der

One of the most challenging tasks in the engineering profession is to develop new products, that have the shortest lead-time, highest quality and lowest costs with optimal life-cycle consideration. The issue of product modeling is at the center of various new product development paradigms designed to meet this challenge, and, therefore, has received major attentions from application and research communities. Due to the fast developments of computer and information technologies and the increasing demands of competitiveness and productivity, the scopes and approaches of product modeling have evolved rapidly in recent years. This paper presents an overview of the state-of-the-art and practice of product modeling in terms of product models and process chains, and suggests some important issues for further investigation.

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Simulationstechnik für Produktentwicklung und Fabrikplanung.

1993 , Spur, G. , Krause, F.-L. , Mertins, K.

Simulation systems are gaining an increasing influence. While different solutions are still being used on the way from the idea of a product to the production plant, comprehensive modelling will become feasible in the future.