Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Building up a national network of applied R&D institutes in an emerging innovation system
    ( 2020)
    Kohl, H.
    Will, M.
    Prim, M.F.
    Pavim, A.X.
    Paper aims: This paper aims at answering the research question "How to successfully build up and strategically manage a new network of applied R&D in Brazil?" Originality: The paper is based on a unique experience of a strategic partnership, transferring the experiences of managing the largest network of applied research in Europe to the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS). Research method: The research described in this paper follows an action research approach, using a participative process of rapid prototyping, pilot tests and continuous revision and adaptation. Main findings: The paper presents a comprehensive and consistent set of management models, procedures and tools for the planning, implementation and evaluation of applied R&D institutes. Implications for theory and practice: The paper's findings contribute to the empirical research on methodologies to manage knowledge-based networks and innovation actors at the interface between research and industry.
  • Publication
    Application example: Assessment of the technological maturity of Brazilian innovation institutes
    ( 2019)
    Hecklau, F.
    Kidschun, F.
    Will, M.
    Kohl, H.
    Prim, M.F.
    Pavim, A.X.
    Oliveira, J.E.
    The advancing globalisation and simultaneous liberalisation of the markets not only have a tremendous influence on companies in the manufacturing industry, but also lead to new challenges for the research sector. Especially Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) as bridges of basic research and the industry favour technological change on the one hand and increase the competitiveness of the industry through innovative solutions on the other. (Arnold, Clark, Jávorka 2010; Breznik 2015). The resulting high need for technological innovation pushes RTOs to intensify competition for technology leadership in order to sustain market competiveness. In this regard, RTOs must be able to develop technological solutions that translate results from research and science into state-of-the-art products and services. This can only be achieved when technological resources and competences are effectively and efficiently used to build up competitive advantages. (Kröll 2007; Figueiredo 2014; Zehnder 1997) Therefore, the assessment of technological maturity can provide RTOs with information on strengths and weaknesses in their specific technology areas (Kelessidis 2000), on the basis of which technology strategies can be derived to contribute to the development and training of substantial (core) competences (Klappert, Schuh, Aghassi 2011), which in turn improve the quality of unique and differentiating products and services (EARTO 2005). In this context, the aim of this paper is to give an application example of a technological maturity assessment of a Brazilian institutes of innovation within the framework of a technology audit. The organization SENAI (National Service of Industrial Training), which is mainly responsible for vocational training and education with more than 1.000 units spread all over Brazil, started to create a network of 26 applied research units (the SENAI Innovation Institutes - ISIs) in 2012. After the first years of operation and ramping-up these institutes, the headquarter of SENAI and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, under the leadership of the Fraunhofer IPK, jointly started in 2017 to evaluate the technological maturity of the SENAI Innovation Institutes. Within this paper, the methodology as well as the results of selected technology audits that were executed in different ISIs in 2019 will be described.
  • Publication
    Multi level network management - A method for managing inter-organizational innovation networks
    ( 2019)
    Cap, J.-P.
    Blaich, E.
    Kohl, H.
    Raesfeld, A. von
    Harms, R.
    Will, M.
    Collaboration in inter-organizational networks is a major driver of innovation. Nevertheless, methods that practitioners can rely upon for managing innovation networks are still scarce. This research fills this gap by providing an approach that increases innovation output by intensifying collaboration in networks. An action research methodology with two cycles of action was adopted. The first cycle develops a method of network assessment designed to evaluate a network's collaboration potential. The second cycle iteratively builds on the first cycle and extends the method by a managerial approach to network management on an individual level.
  • Publication
    Comparative analysis of German and Brazilian innovation systems to improve binational cooperation
    ( 2017)
    Melo, G.
    Haunschild, J.
    Orth, R.
    Will, M.
    Kohl, H.
    Brazil is the core economy of Latin America, and Germany plays that role for the EU. Bilateral relations between Brazil and Germany are long-standing and comprehensive. For more than 140 years, Brazil and Germany have been connected by active bilateral diplomatic relations. Based on this solid relation and their economic positions, it is interesting to find means of collaboration, especially in long-term strategies as innovation. Based on broadly literature review, this study attempts to identify strength and weaknesses of each National Innovation System through a framework that comprises six different functions and three types of interactions between the actors in the system. They are policy formulation, performing R&D, financing R&D, promotion of human resource development, technology bridging, promotion of technological entrepreneurship; R&D collaboration, technology diffusion, labour mobility. This research contributes to a new perspective that is particularly interested in the differences in these structures in developing countries and countries at the frontier. Besides, the outcome of this study guides insights on how two leading economies, which have historical great relations, could better cooperate in innovation, science and technology field. This study attempts to examine, by means of a SWOT analysis, the Brazilian and German Innovation System in order to suggest improvements on each system and the binational cooperation concerning science, technology and innovation. The first step of the paper is the identification of the strengths and weakness in each National Innovation System based on library resources, articles, reports and other secondary data. In a second step, through interviews with relevant experts, the study tries to clarify the opportunities and threats on the binational cooperation.
  • Publication
    Methodological facilitation of collaboration in innovation networks
    ( 2014)
    Kohl, H.
    Will, M.
    Riebartsch, O.
    Cap, J.P.
    Organizations in the start-up phase are facing scarce resources and lacking experience. The 'valley of death' describes this danger along the development of a new organization mainly focusing on the financial perspective. However, the danger of failure along the development of an organization is not only due to financial reasons. The financial status can easily be monitored by performance indicators and actions can be derived from these. Other important aspects that are crucial and need to be monitored and improved are the structural capital (e.g. organization/management), human capital (e.g. professional competence and soft-skills) and relational capital (e.g. relations to Venture Capitalists, universities). These aspects are intangible by nature and therefore more difficult to evaluate than the financial status, but the success of a company highly depends on these aspects. Furthermore interdisciplinary problem definitions are increasingly demanding professional expertise and technological applications from different research fields. As a solution an assessment and improvement of intellectual capital combined with the identification of collaboration potential with partners can support organizations to survive the 'valley of death'. Therefore we developed an integrated methodology that assesses the intellectual capital and resources of an organization and evaluates the collaboration potential between different organizations to improve the success of each organization. As a result the combination of entrepreneurial knowledge in networks can lead to multiplying effects for all involved parties and lead to multiple-win situations. The bundled expertise of research organizations, universities, enterprises and start-ups improves the overall performance of the participating organizations concerning acquisition, problem solving and efficiency. The methodology puts a strong focus on practical application.