Now showing 1 - 10 of 25
  • Publication
    Model based, modular configuration of cyber physical systems for the information management on shop-floor
    ( 2018)
    Jaekel, F.-W.
    Torka, J.
    Eppelein, M.
    Schliephack, W.
    Knothe, T.
    Many of the current manufacturing systems are still implemented as sequential inflexible production lines. This creates difficulties to fulfil the customer request for customized products. The production of customized products is accompanied by major changes in the production infrastructure. To support more flexible production, the sequential production lines nowadays start to change to workshop production. In that case all production systems will be grouped by their tasks, e.g. all drilling machines are located in the same place. A manufacturing system stands for the different involved hardware and software components at the manufacturing process. Each manufacturing system is connected with the help of the shop-floor IT. The term shop-floor indicates the productive area of a factory and includes the operative work. Shop-floor IT includes the information processes and IT solutions that control, secure and record product activities. Therefore the shop-floor IT supports d irectly the execution on field level. The model based view of a production process simplifies the understanding of the product lifecycle and planning. To optimize and speed up building and changing of product processes, the modular shop-floor IT has been developed by technologies derived from cyber physical systems and internet of things. However, interoperability issues such as different implementation of controls and process variations are a major challenge.
  • Publication
    Evaluation Model for the Derivation of a Sustainable Digitisation Strategy
    ( 2018)
    Knothe, T.
    Oertwig, N.
    Obenaus, M.
    Butschek, P.
    Manufacturing companies today often consider digital transformation more as a challenge than an opportunity. Specific solutions for individual projects are often available. The diversity of engineering disciplines in an enterprise structure ultimately make it difficult for companies to derive and sustainably implement an integrated digitisation strategy. This is mainly driven to the fact that the existing approaches and concepts for developing digitisation strategies are exceedingly technology oriented and at the same time too complex for their application. In order to be able to derive an integrated transformation roadmap on the strategic level, evaluation methods are required that allow a quick and simple classification. The initial state for pointing out the chances of change within the scope of digitisation has to be addressed as well as the target state. This contribution will explore the capabilities of an assessment concept that supports an efficient and integrated handling of the core elements for a prosperous digitisation strategy.
  • Publication
    Using process models to support customer specific production processes
    ( 2016)
    Dennert, A.
    Wollschlaeger, M.
    Gering, P.
    Knothe, T.
    Lemcke, A.
    Todays production processes are becoming more and more flexible. Customers frequently demand specific production steps that fit to their processes. This leads to a needed flexibility for systems that are used to support decision making processes and the production itself. In this paper an approach is presented that uses process definition coming from an integrated enterprise modelling for connecting information systems and production systems modules. An architecture is presented that uses these models for each process step to provide the needed information for decision makers.
  • Publication
    Conceptualizing a network process model based production platform
    ( 2015)
    Knothe, T.
    Zoch, A.
    Meißner, M.
    First tier system suppliers play a key role in every economy. However, in a lot of European regions there is a lack of these kinds of business players even though OEM production is established, mostly due to political reasons. Based on nearly 25 years of experience in supplier network research, this paper proposes a model based platform that can support the establishment of a supplier based system through a network of SMEs. This platform streamlines requirements, orders and tasks and provides the ability to utilize a networkâs collective production capabilities more efficiently to comply with complex OEM system product requirements and remain competitive in a global market space. An underlying network process model allows for an efficient and flexible alignment of interfaces between network participants while a competence mapping helps allocating automatically fragmented production tasks to producers based on available production capacity and technological resources.
  • Publication
    Planning and control of maintenance, repair and overhaul operations of a fleet of complex transportation systems: A cyber-physical system approach
    ( 2015)
    Trentesaux, D.
    Knothe, T.
    Branger, G.
    Fischer, K.
    In this paper a new architecture named CPS4MRO, that goes a step further previous research development and industry-oriented projects led by the authors, is specified. The aim is to provide in the near future an optimized planning and control of MRO operations of a fleet of complex transportation systems using the paradigm of Cyber-Physical Systems.
  • Publication
    A competence-based industrial learning approach for factories of the future: A Result of the FP7-FoF Project ActionPlan T
    ( 2012)
    Kiritsis, D.
    Bufardi, A.
    Mavrikios, D.
    Knothe, T.
    Szigeti, H.
    Majumdar, A.
    In this paper we propose a generic competence-based approach for Industrial Learning. The approach is composed of (i) an Industrial Learning model which serves to represent and understand competence-based learning, and (ii) a methodology which implements through a number of steps the Industrial Learning actions defined using the Industrial Learning model in industrial organisations. Both the model and the methodology are presented in details. A metrics-based method for evaluating the implementation of the approach is also described.
  • Publication
    Towards CPS based aircraft MRO
    ( 2012)
    Mertins, K.
    Knothe, T.
    Gocev, P.
    Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) receiving more and more industrial reality. In this paper a concept for the application of CPS for Aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul, sketched with airline partners, will be given. Based on industrial needs and requirements as well as the current state of the art the concept is describing a direct assignment of MRO-tasks to mechanic, tools and spare parts in order improve aircraft availability. The planning will be supported through simulation based generation of contextual MRO-tasks.
  • Publication
    POP* meta-model for enterprise model interoperability
    ( 2009)
    Chen, D.
    Knothe, T.
    Doumeingts, G.
    This paper presents POP* meta-model developed within the frame of ATHENA Integrated Project. The POP* meta model aims at defining a set of concepts and constructs for enterprise modelling and providing a unified approach to develop enterprise model interoperability. In the paper, basic concepts of POP* and interoperability will be given at first. Then modeling constructs of various dimensions of POP* meta model will be presented in detail. Scenario on how to use POP* is discussed and an application example presented. The last part concludes the paper.
  • Publication
    Interoperability issues in the field of innovation management
    ( 2009)
    Knothe, T.
    Jochem, R.
    In a world of fast changing environments for business, the need for innovation is one of the most stable items. On the other hand, innovation is influenced by more and more factors, like increasing products and service complexity ore growing numbers of partners, involved into a single product innovation. This paper introduces interoperability problems related to simultaneous business and product development. Experiences from a benchmarking study carried out between four major companies in Germany will underline the described problems. A new research project "IsyProM"., national funded, just started to analyse interoperability issues in this. An overview about the IsyProM approach will conclude this paper.