Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Flexible assembly systems through workplace-sharing and time-sharing human-machine cooperation (PISA)
    ( 2010)
    Krüger, J.
    Katschinski, V.
    Surdilovic, D.
    Schreck, G.
  • Publication
    PISA: Next generation of flexible assembly systems - from initial ideas to industrial prototypes
    ( 2010)
    Krüger, J.
    Katschinski, V.
    Surdilovic, D.
    Schreck, G.
    In September 2006 an integrated European project (IP) was launched entitled "Flexible Assembly Systems through Workplace-Sharing and Time-Sharing Human-Machine Cooperation (PISA)". The general aim of the project is to develop intelligent assist systems (IAS) in order to support the human worker instead of replace him. The idea is to combine human flexibility, intelligence and skills with the advantages of sophisticated technical systems. Further developments within the project are focused on reconfigurability and reusability of assembly equipment, and required planning tools for end-users. The paper presents the initial project objectives, and the resulting prototype systems developed by the partners of the PISA consortium.
  • Publication
    CIM system planning toolbox - CIM-PLATO
    ( 1991)
    Schreck, G.
    Bernhardt, R.
    Katschinski, V.
    The paper reports on the ESPRIT project CIM-PLATO (2202). In the course of this project tools are in development to support the design, planning and installation of manufacturing systems. To increase the utility and efficiency of these tools, they are integrated in toolboxes. As a first step towards the integration, demonstrator systems will be realized and publicy presented.
  • Publication
    Task oriented user interface
    ( 1990)
    Schreck, G.
    Katschinski, V.
  • Publication
    CIM system planning toolbox - CIM PLATO
    ( 1990)
    Schreck, G.
    Bernhardt, R.
    Katschinski, V.
    The overall objective of the CIM-PLATO Project is to develop an industrial Toolbox prototype of computer based procedures and tools to design, plan and install FMS and FAS systems in the freme of a CIM environment. To reach this goal, three closely interrelated fields of R and D can be stated. These are the manufacturing system planning, the manufacturing process planning and the provision of all necessary information to fulfill theses tasks as well as the integration into factory information system. Beside this general informatiomn about the application areas of toolbox and the adopted approaches for their realization two areas of tools will be presented in detail: technological process planning and process execution simulation and test.