Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    EDM-Integration heterogener CAD-Systeme für die verteilte Produktentwicklung
    ( 1996)
    Krause, F.-L.
    Jansen, H.
    Vollbach, A.
    Die bidirektionale Integration heterogener Datenquellen bildet eine konsistente, kontrollierbare Basis für die verteilte, simultane Produktentwicklung. Dabei fungieren die Werkzeuge eines EDM-Systems als Kern einer flexiblen Benutzerverwaltung, einer vollständigen Kontrolle des Informationsflusses und der Verwaltung einer konsistenten und aktuellen Produktdatenhaltung.
  • Publication
    Automatic recognition of scanned technical drawings
    ( 1993)
    Krause, F.-L.
    Jansen, H.
    Luth, N.
    The problems of automatic conversion of large-scaled documents (technical drawings or maps) into a CAD-file are represented. Existing systems for automated drawing conversion are well suited for documents of excellent quality. The "bad" documents e.g. old blueprints or very complex drawings can be hardly processed by these systems because of time consuming interactive postprocessing of results data. This paper describes a system which involves developed fast and adaptive image processing tools for processing of "bad" documents scanned with low resolution. The results and experiences on the field of graphic recognition and 2D-interpretation of scanned technical drawings are shortly described. Additionally, the requirements to a future system based on our developed processing tools are represented.