Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Systemarchitektur des CAD-Referenzmodells unter den Aspekten Kommunikation, Produktdatenmanagement und Integration
    ( 1994)
    Dietrich, U.
    Hayka, H.
    Jansen, H.
    Kehrer, B.
    Die nachhaltigen Forderungen von Anwendern nach einer erheblichen besseren ganzheitlichen Unterstützung ihrer Alltagsarbeit in Produktentwicklungsprozessen haben einen wesentlichen Anstoß zu den gegenwärtigen Aktivitäten für eine neue Generation von CAD-Systemen gegeben. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde innerhalb des Verbundprojektes "CAD-Referenzmodell" ein Konzept für eine zukunftsorientierte Systemarchitektur für CAD-Anwendungen entwickelt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird diese Systemarchitektur mit ihren einzelnen Komponenten und deren Zusammenwirken vorgestellt. Dabei wird auf das Kommunikationssystem und das Prokuktdaten-Managementsystem näher eingegangen. Die Struktur und Funktionsweise dieser Systeme werden ausführlich erläutert. Ansätze zur Integration von Daten, Modellen, Systemen, Prozessen und Benutzern werden auf der Grundlage der CAD-Referenzarchitektur erklärt. Unterschiedliche Integrationsstufen werden aus systematischer Sicht dargestellt. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem kurzen Ausblick auf die beabsichtigte Weiterführung der Arbeiten in Form einer prototypischen Systemrealisierung.
  • Publication
    Das CAD-Referenzmodell als Gestaltungsleitlinie für humanorientierte aufgabenbezogene CAD-Systeme
    ( 1992)
    Jansen, H.
    By reason of the rather complicated handling of today's CAD systems well qualified and trained users are required. A sufficient support of the entire design work for product development is currently not yet possible. Future CAD systems based on new concepts, like the Reference Model for CAD systems, must be able to support the whole design process, dealing with the special demands of a company and its products and offering optimized working conditions for the individual design engineer.
  • Publication
    CAD-Systeme auf der Basis des CAD-Referenzmodells - Diskussion und Projektstatus
    ( 1990)
    Finkenwirth, K.
    Martin, P.
    Jansen, H.
    Today, effective use of CAD systems depends on individual application related system extensions which support single tasks of the design of special products. The reason is, that CAD systems are designed just to handle geometri informations. The CAD reference model therefore offers a new concept for the design of CAD systems supporting the whole design process and enabling the user to configurate a CAD system for special design tasks. Detailling this concept and realizing a concerning prototype system are the aims of an interdisciplinary project which will be executed by design engineers, production specialists, CAD consultants, software engineers and even ergonomists.
  • Publication
    Advanced geometric modelling for engineering applications
    ( 1990)
    Jansen, H.
    Krause, F.-L.
    Future generations of CAD systems are expected to offer powerful support for the functional, geometrical and technological description of products. New intelligent simulation techniques, as well as comprehensive information access capabilties will open novel and comfortabel possibilities for product modelling. Subsequently, the result will be a real chance for direct cooperation of human creativity and discernment with artificial abilities of information processing systems to draft analyze technical products. Owing to the availability of novel resources the scope of computer supported actions will increase. Integration of design and technological planning will be possible in future.
  • Publication
    Reference model for CAD systems
    ( 1990)
    Finkenwirth, K.
    Jansen, H.
    CAD technology has already repeatedly penetrated the technical areas of industrial companies and does influence the conventional structure of development, design, planning and manufacturing. This grant positive economic effects which however are faced with a multitude of problems to which both, supplier and user are exposed. Today's CAD systems, as an indispensable part of a growing CIM environment, are still far from being integratable under a uniform data model for the description of products, equipment and processes. Therefore, the indicates difficulties require measures to create an order-supporting basis for present and future generations of CAD systems. A CAD Reference Model could help to compare different CAD systems, to find solutions which enable CAD systems to communicate with other CAD or engineering systems on different levels, to support development of existing and new CAD systems and to set up rules for international standardization. As a first step to a CAD Reference Mod el, a system architecture is presented in this paper which has been elaborated by expert group within computer aided design and engineering of the "Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)".