Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Kooperative Produktentstehung in vernetzten Unternehmen
    ( 2003)
    Krause, F.-L.
    Jansen, H.
    Schultz, R.
    Scientific forecasts years ago announced the virtualisation of computer-aided product development for the near future [1], The discussed change is already undergoing a gradual start and reveals itself in changed company structures and mew paradigms for the future course of action. Without the spectacular developments of information technology, changes accelerated in such a way are, however, barely conceivable. This article presents a number of recent new developments in IT that are designed to be used as cooperation tools for distributed virtual product development in networked companies.
  • Publication
    Konfiguration von branchenspezifischen Produktentwicklungswerkzeugen mit Hilfe der Featuretechnologie
    ( 1997)
    Krause, F.-L.
    Jansen, H.
    Rieger, E.
    Schultz, R.
    Ziemann, R.