Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • Publication
    Mobile camera for measuring and testing in the working area of machine tools
    ( 2013)
    Hohwieler, E.
    Feitscher, R.
    Uhlmann, E.
    For the development of production systems, the extent of flexibility, automation, and the mastery of operation of plants and processes have to meet increasing demands. The complexity of machines or the lack of transparency of procedures may exceed the capability of the machine operator, wherefore intelligent machines with enhanced abilities are significantly needed in the future. To push further automation of partial functions and the integration of new sensory capabilities, manufacturer of machine tools and machining centers are permanently involved in the quest of new solutions for a machine-integrated, process-oriented measuring as well as monitoring process sequences and machine equipment.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Development of a system for HSM (High Speed Machining) performance monitoring
    ( 2009)
    Conte, E. del
    Schützer, K.
    Hohwieler, E.
  • Publication
    Extended cutting form compensation
    ( 2008)
    Kraft, M.
    Hohwieler, E.
    Uhlmann, E.
    The existing approach of a geometrical approximation of the cutting tool edge by a simple radius is insufficient for the increasing demands of manufacturing accuracy. Deviations of the present cutting form from the ideal form of radius lead to geometrical errors in the work piece. Existing methods of control-implemented methods for the compensation of the cutting edge radius encounter their limits. A solution for the capture and control based compensation of deterioration-contingent geometric errors on tool edges is described. The current shape of the cutting edge is captured by optical measurement and serves as input for the new developed compensation algorithms. The requirement specification for the new high-resolution optical system was developed on the basis of the experience gained within a previous project. The previous project Machine vision for tool setting used an optical system with the telecentric lens (scale 1:2.5, Resolution 25 urn, Aperture 25mm, Distance of observatio 300 mm) Due to specific designed algorithms it guaranteed a precision of 7 micro meter for the measurement of tool offset and tool radius in a machine tool. This optical system is not directly scalable by a factor of 1/20 because of completely different optical properties in the submicrometer range.
  • Publication
    Virtual machine tool - A case study on virtual operator training
    ( 2008)
    Denkena, B.
    Ammermann, C.
    Henning, H.
    Hohwieler, E.
    Schlegel, T.
    In operator training for machine operations, the application of virtual supported training courses promises great benefits for industrial usage. If the Human-Machine-Interface is adequately modelled, this may lead to a decrease in ramp-up times or system failures during a running production and an immediate hand on support of the user. In the presented paper, a prototype for virtual operator training to achieve a faster and more flexible ramp-up is described. The realized prototypical system shows new possibilities of future learning and demonstrates applications of virtual machine and control models. The developed approach is compared to existing approaches in the field of computer-aided operator training. Due to its flexible structure, the system allows a global implementation and adaptation to people with different languages and cultures and different machinery. The system structure as well as the developed training concept are described in detail to illustrate the economical benefits for an implementation in industry.
  • Publication
    Maschinenintegrierte bildgestützte Werkzeugvermessung
    ( 2007)
    Hohwieler, E.
    Die Werkzeugvoreinstellung im Werkstattbereich ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Flexibilität beim Einsatz von Werkzeugmaschinen. Gerade kleine Unternehmen ohne eigene Werkzeugvorbereitung schätzen das Werkzeugeinrichten und -vermessen direkt an der Maschine durch den Werker. Basierend auf Bildverarbeitungstechnologien wurde eine innovative Lösung geschaffen, die in dem von einer Kamera aufgenommenen Bild des im Revolver eingespannten Werkzeuges die Kontur seiner Schneidenspitze erkennt und vermisst. Hierfür wurde eine Optik mit CCD-Kamera in die Werkzeugmaschine integriert sowie eine Auswertungs- und Visualisierungs-Software entwickelt und in die CNC-Steuerung implementiert. Mit dem entwickelten Verfahren können neue Lösungen der Integration und Automatisierung des Werkzeugvermessens in Maschinen realisiert werden. Ein wesentliches Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist in dem Konzept der Integrierbarkeit in offenen Steuerungssystemen und der Verbindung mit Modulen zur Kompensation möglicher Formfehler an Werkzeugen zu sehen. Außer der vereinfachten Anwendung besteht der Vorteil darin, dass erweiterte Merkmale der Werkzeuge erfasst und für die Fehlerkompensation genutzt werden können. Neben der bekannten Ermittlung der Ausspannlängen können formgeometrische Größen gemessen und deren Veränderungen zukünftig in erweiterten Verfahren der Schneidenformkompensation berücksichtigt werden, die die Schneidenspitze nicht durch einen Kreis sondern durch eine freie Kontur beschreibt. Ebenso können basierend auf dem hier beschriebenen neuen bildgestützten Ansatz für das maschinenintegrierte Werkzeugvermessen zukünftig weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von der einfachen Plausibilitätskontrolle bis hin zu möglichen komplexen Überwachungsfunktionen für Werkzeugbruch oder Verschleiß realisiert werden. Entnommen aus TEMA
  • Publication
    Providing online services for machine operation and maintenance
    ( 2004)
    Uhlmann, E.
    Hohwieler, E.
    Berger, R.
  • Publication
    Web-based services for production systems
    ( 2002)
    Hohwieler, E.
    Berger, R.
  • Publication
    New electronic services for production sector
    ( 2002)
    Hohwieler, E.
    Berger, R.
    Service is increasingly becoming an important and decisive competition factor in the construction of machines and systems. In the past, system producers were solely responsible for the production of machines. However, these days, a complete service packet must also be provided. The customer is able to test the system through the internet before it is started up. The internet also enables the machine producer to later deliver flexible maintenance plans and training programs and support the user during the whole life cycle of the machine. In this paper, a few concrete examples of these new types of services and the requirements for their operation are illustrated. The availability and security also represent essential features of these services and have considerable influence on the customers acceptance of them.