Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Computer integrated technologies and knowledge management
    ( 2001)
    Krause, F.-L.
    Mertins, K.
    Edler, A.
    Heisig, P.
    Hoffmann, I.
    Helmke, M.
    The chapter provides an overview of the computer-integrated technologies supporting product development processes in a wider sense and the current situation of knowledge management. It includes three main sections. Section 2 discusses the design techniques affected by computer-aided technologies and the corresponding tools. Section 3 gives a general introduction of concepts of computer integrated technologies. Therefore, also basic technologies and organizational approaches are described. Section 4 explains possible architectures for software tools that support product development processes. Section 5 finally gives a wide overview of the application and development of knowledge management.
  • Publication
    Benchmarking Survey Results
    ( 2001)
    Heisig, P.
    Vorbeck, J.
    The article describes the results from a Benchmarking Survey of the German TOP 1000 and the European TOP 200 companies. We have structured the survey results according to the business processes, the design fields (Corporate Culture, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Information Technology) for knowledge management and the specific operational methods which are used by the companies to carry out knowledge management. After a brief description of the survey sample, the chapter concludes with the description of the selection process of the best practice companies.
  • Publication
    Business Process Oriented Knowledge Management
    ( 2001)
    Heisig, P.
    The article describes an approach to integrate knowledge management activities within business processes. Based on the method Integrated Enterprise Modelling (IEM) the steps for analysis and design of business processes from a knowledge management perspective are described.
  • Publication
    Knowledge Management in Europe - Results from a European Survey
    ( 1999)
    Heisig, P.
    Mertins, K.
    The paper presents the results from a survey of the top 1000 German and the top 200 European companies on knowledge management (KM). Focusing on the business processes where companies start with KM, the critical success factors, the knowledge, which is relevant within KM.
  • Publication
    Knowledge Management and KAIZEN
    ( 1998)
    Heisig, P.