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    Welding residual stresses depending on solid-state transformation behaviour studied by numerical and experimental methods
    ( 2011)
    Heinze, C.
    Kromm, A.
    Schwenk, C.
    Kannengiesser, T.
    Rethmeier, M.
    The development of high-strength structural steels with yield strengths up to 1000 MPa results in the requirement of suitable filler materials for welding. Recently designed low transformation temperature (LTT) alloys offer appropriate strength. The martensitic phase transformation during welding induces compressive residual stress in the weld zone. Therefore, the mechanical properties of welded joints can be improved. The present paper illustrates numerical simulation of the residual stresses in LTT-welds taking into account the effect of varying Ms/Mf-temperatures, and therefore different retained austenite contents, on the residual stresses. Residual stress distributions measured by synchrotron diffraction are taken as evaluation basis. A numerical model for the simulation of transforma tion affected welds is established and can be used for identification of appropriate Ms-temperatures considering the content of retained austenite.