Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Improving the usability of collaboration methods and technologies in engineering
    ( 2013)
    Wolter, Lars
    Hayka, Haygazun
    Stark, Rainer
    This paper illuminates certain needs and solutions in collaborative engineering like the ability to initiate collaboration sessions without preparation steps, the acceptance of collaboration solutions due to heterogeneous IT landscapes and the protection of intellectual property rights. These problems are observed together with current solutions in commercial products and research projects. An overview of those solutions is presented, including their workings, problems and current state of development adding some in depth information about current research work conducted by the authors to address these problems.
  • Publication
    Established mass customization in highly customized cabins of passenger transport systems
    ( 2013)
    Schulz, Felix
    Wolter, Lars
    Coruh, Turgag
    Hayka, Haygazun
    Stark, Rainer
    Mass customization is an approach that provides methodologies for the development of customized products while still profiting from the benefits of mass production such as economies of scale. Today, mass customization approaches have found their way into different industries such as clothes and furniture but also, to some extent and named differently, into more complex products like cars. Products like busses, trains, or aircrafts are not particularly known for applying similar approaches. They deal with complex systems that are highly regulated by legal requirements and thus seem to be restricted with respect to their possible degree of customization. This paper presents results from a study that was conducted in order to analyze applied practices in these industries. One of the goals of the study was to detect limitations of todays mass customization approaches that prevent an easy applicability. Configuration and customization approaches in the airplane cabin design, in the bus and in the train industry were investigated and compared. Finally, shortcomings in the applied practices and in the supporting solutions were identified and suggestions for improvements were formulated.
  • Publication
    Effiziente Kollaborationslösungen für virtuelle Teams
    ( 2012)
    Wolter, Lars
    Hayka, Haygazun
    Stark, Rainer
  • Publication
    Intuitive Interaktion mit Strukturdaten aus einem PLM-System
    ( 2012) ;
    Wolter, Lars
    Hayka, Haygazun
    Röhlig, Martin
    Die Tätigkeit des Ingenieurs im Bereich der virtuellen Produktentwicklung betrifft neben dem Entwurf und der Absicherung einer dreidimensionalen Produktgeometrie auch die Erstellung, Analyse und Veränderung von strukturierten Produktinformationen. Dabei handelt es sich in erster Linie um Anforderungs-, Funktions- oder Produktstrukturen, welche innerhalb unterschiedlicher Phasen des Produktentstehungsprozesses in einem PLM-System verwaltet werden. Die Produktstruktur nimmt häufig einen zentralen Stellenwert ein, da sie als digitales Grundgerüst und Referenzstruktur innerhalb der Produktentwicklung gilt. Die Anzahl der strukturell organisierten Einzelteile und Dokumente für ein Produkt können je nach Sparte bis über 1.000.000 Elemente einnehmen (Carneo 2010), welche in mehreren Baugruppen über verschiedene Hierarchiestufen zusammengehalten werden. In der Produktstruktur werden zu dem unterschiedliche Varianten des Produktes über Konfigurationsregeln organisiert. Unter dem zusätzlichen Aspekt der zeitlichen Dynamik bei den Iterationszyklen des Entwicklungsprozesses kann für der Produktstruktur von einem komplexen Informationsgebilde gesprochen werden.