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Virtual Prototyping and Validation of Cpps within a New Software Framework

2017 , Neumeyer, S. , Exner, K. , Kind, S. , Hayka, H. , Stark, R.

As a result of the growing demand for highly customized and individual products, companies need to enable flexible and intelligent manufacturing. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) will act autonomously in the future in an interlinked production and enable such flexibility. However, German mid-sized plant manufacturers rarely use virtual technologies for design and validation in order to design CPPS. The research project Virtual Commissioning with Smart Hybrid Prototyping (VIB-SHP) investigated the usage of virtual technologies for manufacturing systems and CPPS design. Aspects of asynchronous communicating, intelligent- and autonomous-acting production equipment in an immersive validation environment, have been investigated. To enable manufacturing system designers to validate CPPS, a software framework for virtual prototyping has been developed. A mechatronic construction kit for production system design integrates discipline-specific models and manages them in a product lifecycle management (PLM) solution. With this construction kit manufacturing designers are able to apply virtual technologies and the validation of communication processes with the help of behavior models. The presented approach resolves the sequential design process for the development of mechanical, electrical, and software elements and ensures the consistency of these models. With the help of a bill of material (BOM)- and signal-based alignment of the discipline-specific models in an integrated mechatronic product model, the communication of the design status and changes are improved. The re-use of already-specified and -designed modules enable quick behavior modeling, code evaluation, as well as interaction with the virtualized assembly system in an immersive environment.

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Ontologiebasierte Datenintegration für das Modellbasierte Systems Engineering

2015 , Woll, R. , Hayka, H. , Stark, R.

Im Modellbasierten Systems Engineering werden verschiedene Modelltypen wie Anforderungs-, Funktions- oder Systemstrukturmodelle miteinander verknüpft. Da diese unterschiedlichen Modelltypen oft in unterschiedlichen IT-Systemen verwaltet und bearbeitet werden, ist ein geeigneter Datenintegrationsansatz vonnöten, um Verknüpfungen zwischen den verteilten Daten anlegen und verwalten zu können. Ein möglicher, bisher kaum in der industriellen Praxis evaluierter Ansatz dafür ist die Ontologiebasierte Datenintegration. Da dieser Ansatz einige potentielle Vorteile gegenüber anderen Datenintegrationsansätzen verspricht, hat sich das EU-geförderte Forschungsprojekt iProd zum Ziel gesetzt, ihn am Beispiel konkreter industrieller Anwendungsfälle einzusetzen und zu evaluieren. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Überblick über die Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt gegeben und eine Bewertung des Ansatzes vorgenommen.

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Anforderungen an Kollaborationen zur Sicherung der Prozess- und Produktqualität in der Entwicklung

2013 , Pasch, F. , Müller, P. , Hayka, H. , Starke, R. , Jochem, R.

Die heutige Produktentwicklung ist durch kollaborative Prozesse zwischen vielen verschiedenen Partnern und eine intensive Nutzung von digitalen Werkzeugen und Produktdaten gekennzeichnet. Die effiziente und effektive Zusammenarbeit wird dadurch zunehmend zum Wettbewerbsfaktor und hat einen starken Einfluss auf die Prozess- und Produktqualität in der Entwicklung komplexer Systeme. Um die Qualität dieser Kollaborationen in der Produktentwicklung messbar und bewertbar zu machen, soll am Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK) sowie an der Technischen Universität Berlin ein Reifegradmodell zur Kollaborationsfähigkeit entwickelt werden. Zum Aufbau dieses Modells sowie zur Gewinnung von konkreten Zahlen zur Ausprägung von verschiedenen Aktivitäten in der heutigen Ingenieursarbeit dient eine groß angelegte Studie, welche vom Geschäftsfeld Virtuelle Produktentstehung am Fraunhofer IPK , der Contact Software GmbH sowie dem VDI durchgeführt wurde. In ihr wurde von einer neutralen und gleichermaßen wissenschaftlichen Perspektive aus die Ingenieurarbeit in kollaborativen Entwicklungsprozessen untersucht. Im Wesentlichen bestätigte sich die Hypothese, dass den Ingenieuren zu wenig Zeit für die eigentlichen Kernaufgaben wie das Entwickeln, Konstruieren und Absichern zur Verfügung steht. Gründe liegen hierfür vor allem bei organisatorischen Aspekten. Diese Erkenntnisse werden beschrieben. Sie ermöglichen es, die richtigen Ansätze für ein Reifegradmodell zur Kollaborationsfähigkeit zu definieren.

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Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung - eine inderdisziplinäre Herausforderung

2011 , Woll, R. , Hayka, H. , Lindow, K. , Stark, R.

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Simulation of product-service-systems piloting with agent-based models (outlined revision)

2015 , Wrasse, K. , Hayka, H. , Stark, R.

Product-service systems (PSS) can improve sustainability in terms of responsibility of providers and intensified customer-provider relationships. Therefore, a PSS approach has been applied on the distribution of solar home systems in rural areas of emerging countries to improve quality and increase confidence in this technology. However, many innovative projects fail at the piloting stage because of insufficient validation before implementation. Validation methods for PSS like an integrated gap model (e.g. identification of gaps between deliverables and customers expectations) or interdisciplinary design reviews show its limits on the interdependences between product and service development. A new approach to test PSS involves agent-based simulation models and is presented within this paper. Among system dynamics and discrete event simulation, an agent-based simulation is able to work with less quantitative data and a more detailed view on individual entities than the alternative approaches. Thus, it is possible to create more realistic simulation models to validate especially resource planning of a PSS. Agent-based simulation is used within the MEVIS (Micro Energy Supply Information System) project to model a network of solar home systems which are controlled by remote monitoring in order to improve service processes, e.g. maintenance and repair operations. The pilot test should be carried out efficiently by the preceding virtual validation in the form of a simulation, which is built in NetLogo, a tool that enables modeling of a multi-agent environment. Within this environment, communicating technical artifacts as well as different groups of actors are mapped as agents. As a result, diagrams of relevant parameters like the overall repair costs or the estimated customer's satisfaction are displayed and the resource planning is visually supported. This helps to push a PSS into a new market, where you have to deal with existing resources that must be used efficiently. The contributions in this paper provide the conception and an exemplary presentation of the simulation run.

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Providing product-service-systems - The long way from a product OEM towards an original solution provider (OSP)

2015 , Schnürmacher, C. , Hayka, H. , Stark, R.

Product-Service-Systems (PSS) have gained tremendous attention in research and industry over the past years. Manufacturing firms transform from providing pure products towards providing integrated products and services. This development is triggered by the increasing customer demand for PSS and the opportunity of manufacturers to differentiate themselves from their competitors as services are hard to replicate. For providing PSS companies need to go through fundamental changes which range from organizational adaptions within the company structure over novel development processes to improving the customer relationship. In this paper the authors describe requirements for providing PSS which were derived from a case study with a crane manufacturer and an extensive literature research. These requirements are considered with respect to the different PSS business models related to the PSS types defined by Tukker. Furthermore the implementation of one of these requirements in the case company is described.

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IT-based concept for collaboration within joint research projects and integration of public communities

2012 , Wang, W.M. , Woll, R. , Damerau, T. , Lindow, K. , Hayka, H. , Stark, Rainer

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Design and manufacturing of a sustainable pedelec

2015 , Buchert, T. , Steingrimsson, J.G. , Neugebauer, S. , Nguyen, T.D. , Galeitzke, M. , Oertwig, N. , Seidel, J. , McFarland, R. , Lindow, K. , Hayka, H. , Stark, R.

To facilitate the transition towards sustainable manufacturing, current practices and mechanisms for value creation need to be reconsidered along the whole product lifecycle. However, academic research on sustainability is still bound to narrow fields of applications. In this study, a multi-disciplinary research project is presented that focuses on the development of a sustainable pedal electric cycle (Pedelec) from a first idea to a ready-to-use prototype. The results of the project show how different scientific approaches for bottom-up improvement can be applied together in a concrete case. A holistic view on the product lifecycle proved as a meaningful framework for that purpose.

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Intelligent information technologies to enable next generation PLM

2014 , Stark, R. , Damerau, T. , Hayka, H. , Neumeyer, S. , Woll, R.

The steadily growing complexity of products, interfacing processes, value creation networks and IT environments drive today's PLM solutions to their limits. How does this effect engineers? Over 1,400 engineers from the German industry provided feedback in 2011 with alarming but expected results. Almost two thirds of the respondents can only spend 20% or less time on average for core tasks such as development, design or validation. The study confirmed a lack of time for creative engineering activities caused by a massive coordination and communication overhead. Could engineers and designers be relieved from routine and administrative tasks in product lifecycle management by means of current intelligent technologies? In constant dialogue with industry and PLM experts, the Fraunhofer IPK and TUB have investigated the demand for intelligence in product lifecycle management. This paper reflects on the current situation of PLM and introduces a conceptual framework (Engineering Operating System) for next generation PLM. Subsequently, an Engineering Automation Capabilities (EAC) stair step model is proposed and selected research results for intelligence in PLM are presented.

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Performance metrics for energy efficiency assessment

2012 , Buchert, T. , Lindow, Kai , Schulz, F. , Hayka, H. , Stark, Reiner