Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    BERCIM - a broadband-communication experiment in CIM
    ( 1992)
    Tschammer, V.
    Henckel, L.
    Strick, D.
    Fredrich, H.
    Linnemann, H.
    The collaborative BERKOM project BERCIM is a broadband communication experiment in CIM. It is to demonstrate and to gain experience in CIM-scenarios and applications wherein large amounts of data are moved across MANs and WANs, multi-media data is transferred and used, and co-operation between individuals and groups belonging to remote sites and different organisations is supported. BERCIM integrates CIM-applications and broadband communication techniques. The paper first describes the project approach and the motivation for innoative CIM-structures based on broadband communication. Then the CIM-scenario and the BERCIM-architecture are presented. This is followed by the supporting infrastructure and the transport system. Finally an evaluation of the project results is given.
  • Publication
    Modellbasiertes Multimedia-Ferndiagnosesystem
    ( 1992)
    Fredrich, H.
    Linnemann, H.
    Adam, W.
    In industrial production, interruptions caused by malfunction must be reduced as far as possible. Thus, computer based systems for the diagnosis and repair of faults are increasingly employed. If several geographically distributed experts must cooperate to remove faults, systems for remote diagnosis are useful. This article demonstrates how multimedia information containing computer data, graphics, raster images, moving pictures, and sound can be integrated into such a system.