Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Impact of Platform Openness on Ecosystems and Value Streams in Platform-Based PSS Exemplified Using RAMI 4.0
    ( 2020)
    Zambetti, Michaela
    Pezzotta, Giuditta
    Exner, Konrad
    Pinto, Robert
    Stark, Rainer
    With the digital revolution, the IoT (Internet of Things) platform approach emerges as a supportive way for the implementation of IoT platform-based Product-Service System (PSS) offerings. To exploit the full potential of the platform economy and considering the complexity of the multitude of different actors in all the lifecycle stages, value creation architectures for digital and service platforms are one of the critical points to develop. In this work, the concept of Platform-based PSS is presented, and for representation purposes, an extension of the RAMI 4.0 reference model has been proposed. Specifically, the ecosystem perspective has been added to RAMI 4.0, to approach Platform-based PSS with a multi-actor lens. Moreover, the different contributions and benefits of the main participants in Platform-based PSS are illustrated. Therefore, three different scenarios have been exemplified with the proposed RAMI 4.0 extension relating the actors' possibilities to contribute to Platform-based PSS to the level of openness of a platform.
  • Publication
    Digitaler Zwilling für Smart Services
    ( 2019)
    Exner, Konrad
    Preidel, Maurice
    Stark, Rainer
  • Publication
    A method to design Smart Services based on information categorization of industrial use cases
    ( 2019)
    Exner, Konrad
    Smolka, Elisa
    Stark, Rainer
    Smart Services can be described as a specific manifestation of Product-Service Systems, which mainly refer to customer individual solutions based on the utilization of data derived from cyber-physical products and production systems. In this context the usage data is allocated and analyzed on a platform in order to extract valuable information, thus enabling the development and operationalization of new data-driven business models. In order to support the initial design of Smart Services companies have to achieve a thorough understanding of their existing or obtainable data as well as the related potential options to utilize these data. Based on the analysis of 51 industrial Smart Service use cases data flows and areas of application have been derived and clustered. Moreover, the defined categories are interlinked and mapped to the use cases. The findings have been comprised into an applicable Smart Service design method addressing early design stages. Finally, the approach (DAU flow method) has been applied and evaluated with two case companies, indicating sound qualitative results and providing valuable feedback.
  • Publication
    Prototyping von Produkt-Service Systemen und Smart Services in der Konzeptphase des Entwicklungsprozesses
    (Fraunhofer Verlag, 2019)
    Exner, Konrad
    Aus politischer und wirtschaftlicher Sicht wurden in den letzten Dekaden zwei Treiber eines notwendigen Wandels fokussiert: Zum einen die systematische Unterstützung des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Trends hin zu einer Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, zum anderen die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der Industrie zur Steigerung der Qualität und Effizienz. Die Evolution und Synthese dieser beiden Perspektiven führte zur Verbreitung und Akzeptanz ganzheitlicher Leistungsangebote sowie der damit einhergehende Bedarf der Wirtschaft diese Produkt-Service Systeme (PSS) erfolgreich zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert dazu die frühe Phase des Entstehungsprozesses und adressiert Lösungen, die es ermöglichen erste Konzepte von PSS mittels innovativer Prototypen für die am Prozess beteiligten Stakeholder erlebbar und bewertbar zu machen. Zudem befähigt die Methode die Konzeptionierung von Smart Services. Beide Lösungen sind synergetisch in einer ganzheitlichen Entwicklungsvorgehensweise verortet und bieten somit die Möglichkeit einer systematischen Entwicklung. Die entwickelten Ergebnisse befähigen die digitale Transformation der Unternehmen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung.