Now showing 1 - 10 of 89
  • Publication
    PC-basiertes Robotersteuerungssystem mit generierten Systemkomponenten
    ( 1997)
    Duelen, G.
    Fries, T.
    Foitzig, V.
    Moderne Steuerungsarchitekturen und neue Softwareentwicklungsmethoden wie die generative Programmierung unterstützen die Entwicklung von leistungsfähigen und dennoch kostengünstigen Steuerungssystemen. Die in diesem Beitrag vorgestellte PC-basierte Robotersteuerung verfügt über eine wartungsfreundliche Softwarearchitektur, in die generierte Softwarekomponenten integriert sind.
  • Publication
    A theoretical and experimental investigation of position based force and impedance control for industrial robots
    ( 1995)
    Surdilovic, D.
    Duelen, G.
    In this paper we present the experimental results of the real time performance of basic force and impedance control algorithms. The control design is based on linear system modelling and analysis such that the closed loop system meets basic design requirements. Additionally, in the impedance control, the aim is to achieve a specific target impedance. The experiments show the performance of both compliant control concepts in performing a relatively simple contact task with a conventional industrial robot. The impacts of target impedance on contact stability and force transient and steady-state behaviours are also investigated. Our initial experiments have proven the theoretical analysis based on the linearised industrial robot and environment models. However, it is also shown that several nonlinearities inherent in real robotic systems, such as Coulomb friction and control quantisations, can jeopardise the performance of position-based force and impedance control causing limit-cycles.
  • Publication
    Calibration applied to quality control and maintenance in robot production
    ( 1993)
    Duelen, G.
    Bernhardt, R.
    Schröer, K.
    Albright, S.
    Calibration procedures using raw data from complex mechanical systems like robots can be used to obtain information about internal defects and deviations of the system. In order to use these results in diagnostic reasoning, information about their precision and reliability are required. Procedures are presented which allow such information to be obtained despite the presence of unknown and purely stochastic error sources inherent in the mechanical system.
  • Publication
    Verkürzung der Taktzeiten roboterintegrierter Fertigungszellen bei reduziertem Planungsaufwand.
    ( 1993)
    Duelen, G.
    Münch, H.
    Zhang, Y.
    The efficiency of modern industrial robots in not only determined by the constructiuonal set-up, but by the quality of the control program as well. In the present article, processes for an optimization of kinematics for industrial robots are described which reduce the programmer's task to specifying the production job for the purpose of increasing the machine's intelligence, while the optimum pattern of movements is planned automatically and objectively according to quality criteria.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Genauigkeitskenngrößen von Industrierobotern gemäß ISO 9238 automatisch bestimmen
    ( 1992)
    Grethlein, M.
    Ueckerdt, R.
    Duelen, G.
    Die Festlegung des Standards ISO 9283 "Industrial Manipulating Robots - Performance Criteria and Related Testing Methods" ist ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung der Vereinheitlichung von Genauigkeitsangaben für Industrieroboter. In diesem Aufsatz wird ein System zur vollautomatisierten Vermessung und Ermittlung von Genauigkeitskenngrößen gemäß diesem Standard vorgestellt. Es handelt sich um ein flexibles Softwaresystem , das mit unterschiedlichen Meßsystemen und verschiedenen Robotersteuerungen gekoppelt werden kann, so daß eine individuelle Anpassung an verschiedene Anwendungsanforderungen möglich ist. Es wird ein Meßplatz beschrieben, mit dem die Autoren praktische Erfahrungen mit dem ISO-Standard gesammelt haben. Es existiert eine Reihe offener Fragestellungen bei der Umsetzung des Standards, für die Lösungsansätze angeboten werden. Genauere Analysen von Meßergebnissen gemäß ISO 9283 weisen auf Mängel innerhalb des Standards hin. Eine Diskussion der Ergebnisse, bei der grundsätzliche Probleme behandelt und Änderungsvorschläge gemacht werden, soll gleichzeitig als Diskussionsgrundlage für die 1993/94 zu erwartende Revision des Standards ISO 9283 dienen.
  • Publication
    Hierarchische Steuerungen für Industrieroboter zur Integration in ein Fertigungsleitsystem
    ( 1992)
    Duelen, G.
    Schmidt, W.
    The functionality of modern robot controller shall achieve mechanisms for processing of complex sensor information, and for the communication with higher level host computer. For this, the required system performance can be realized by application of a hierarchical control architecture, in which the implicit concurrency of robot tasks is exploit. Hierarchical structures could be reflected very well on pipeline structures with abstract software processors. The temporal behavior of the pipeline structure can be improved by implementing of asynchronus communication mechanism between the controlprocesses. A realized chanal monitor performs the communication, chanal allocation, and synchronization. Due to the applications of real time operating system these mechanisms are transparent for the user of the robot control system.
  • Publication
    Realisierung eines gesamtsystemorientierten Steuerungskonzepts
    ( 1992)
    Surdilovic, D.
    Timm, J.
    Duelen, G.
    Münch, H.
    The increasing demands to automation of production systems leads to the application of sensor-based robot control systems. This article describes the realization of a hierarchical organized and modular robot control. The advanced planning and control functions for generation and execution of free-and force-constrained robot motions are explained in detail. Some of these functions are realized on an IPK-internal robot control system whose hardware and software architecture meets the given requirements is described to. The work gives an overview of the main work in the control algorithms design department at IPK.
  • Publication
    Sensor-guided, hybrid controlled parts mating with robots
    ( 1992)
    Sorowka, D.
    Duelen, G.
    Münch, H.
    Parts mating and especially peg-in-hole operations are essential tasks which have to be solved for robot-based automation of assembly processes. Related to task specification, small or missing chamfers and great tolerances within the spatial relation between peg and hole require the introduction of sensor-based intelligent parts mating strategies. The paper to be presented deals with the theoretical description and practical verification of an advanced parts mating procedure. To demonstrate the attainable performance of robot- based parts mating, a complex mating task was chosen. It is basically defined by mating parts having no chamfers, small tolerances between the mating parts and big deviations of the nominal configuration between the mating parts at the beginning of the assembly process. The peg-in-hole problem was chosen because it is of high importance in the field of industrial assembly automation. The developed solution strategy is characterized by a sequential procedure inclu ding the three phases of the mating process given by Contact, Correction, and Insertion. In the scope of a practical verification based on an advanced robot control system, an industrial robot with six degrees of freedom and a six-component force/torque sensor mounted at the robot's wrist, the applicability and performance of the new control procedure was proven.
  • Publication
    Robot calibration - method and results
    ( 1991)
    Schröer, K.
    Duelen, G.
    For many applications, robots are needed which have an absolute cartesian pose accuracy the same order of magnitude as their repeatability. Calibration procedures have to be applied to reach this aim. In the following paper, a calibration procedure is presented which allows the automatic determination of all kinematic parameters, gear parameters, and static elasticity effects. With the aid of these results it is possible to increase pose accuracy up to the robot's system limit as determined by its repeatability. Moreover, information can be acquired which gives hints toward improvements in robot design, therby also improving repeatability.