Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Management von Innovationsnetzwerken unter Fokussierung von Kollaboration
    (Fraunhofer Verlag, 2020)
    Cap, Jan-Patrick
    Innovation ist die Grundlage für ökonomisches Wachstum und Wohlstand moderner Volkswirtschaften. Innovation kann aber kaum mehr durch eine einzelne Organisation alleine erbracht werden. Innovationsnetzwerke setzen Innovationen fach- und organisationsübergreifend schneller und effizienter um und bringen unterschiedliche Sichtweisen in die Entwicklung ein. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird eine integrierte Methode zum Management von Innovationsnetzwerken entwickelt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf Forschungs- und Technologieorganisationen, da diese sich als Innovationstreiber durch angewandte Forschung und als Brückenfunktion zwischen Grundlagenforschung und industrieller Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung in unterschiedlichen Volkswirtschaften bewiesen haben. Die Methode zielt darauf ab eine praxisorientierte Methode zu entwickeln, die die Kollaboration in Innovationsnetzwerken unterstützt und effektiv gestaltet. Für die Anwendung der Methode werden aufeinander abgestimmte Werkzeuge und ein Vorgehensmodell bereitgestellt, die für den Zweck der Selektion, Regulation, Evaluation und Allokation in Innovationsnetzwerken eingesetzt werden können.
  • Publication
    Enhancing international collaboration through regional innovation hubs
    ( 2017)
    Cap, Jan-Patrick
    Haunschild, Johanna
    Melo, Gustavo
    Battistella Luna, Marina
    The purpose of this paper is to examine in a first step the Innovation Systems of China, Brazil and Europe, then to show in a second step, how joint activities supported by regional innovation hubs can address the needs for a fruitful international collaboration on innovation, strengthening all Innovation Systems. The establishment of the European Research and Innovation Centres in China (ERICENA) and Brazil (CEBRABIC), funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Programme, connects Europe with China and Brazil in the area of science, technology and innovation (STI) and enhances collaboration through a networking approach.
  • Publication
    Inter-organizational network management in an innovation context: Combining ego and whole network perspective
    ( 2016)
    Cap, Jan-Patrick
    Blaich, Erik
    Raesfeld, Ariane von
    Harms, Rainer
    Although there is growing interest into the research field of inter-organizational innovation networks, few attempts have been made to develop systematic methods for the active management of such networks. This is especially true for approaches combining the view of single actors and the network as a whole. In response to this gap, this research presents a new method for the management of inter-organizational networks that can help to increase innovation outcome. The introduced approach accomplishes two goals. Firstly, it provides guidance for the measurement of the current collaboration status of a network, its optimal future collaboration status and the gap between them. Secondly, it provides systematics for the development of clear network management strategies for each network actor for closing this collaboration gap. As a result, better exploitation of existing collaboration potential is expected to increase innovation output. The method builds upon work by Kohl et al. (2015) who approached network management on a whole network level providing a solution for the management of entire networks and Ojasalo (2004) who suggested a network management method taking the perspective of a single network actor on the so called ego level. The novelty value of the presented method lies in the demonstration of how these different levels of network management can be combined. The two levels of analysis are linked through reliance on the same data set. The developed method is demonstrated through a case study. The analysis builds upon a questionnaire asking network actors for an estimation of the current collaboration status and a future collaboration potential amongst them. Social network analysis software was used to calculate network measures such as the level of density and to visualize the network graphically. As a result customized strategies for improving collaboration within the investigated network are presented.