Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Publication
    Planungszeit reduzieren
    ( 1995)
    Bernhardt, R.
    Willnow, C.
    A short overview of the Realistic Robot Simulation project is given. The benefits of the integration of original controller software into simulation are outlined
  • Publication
    The realistic robot simulation -RRS- interface
    ( 1994)
    Bernhardt, R.
    Schreck, G.
    Willnow, C.
    Tools for simulation and off-line programming became an important means for economic application of industrial robots. Until now the accuracy of simulation was not sufficiently precise for reliable down-load and execution of the off-line generated programs. A main cause for this was the controller specific motion behaviour of the robots that could not be simulated with sufficient accuracy. The RRS-project was created to overcome this deficite. By defining a suitable interface, it was made possible to integrate original controller software for motion behaviour into off-line programming systems.
  • Publication
    Development demands for robotized manufacturing systems
    ( 1993)
    Bernhardt, R.
    Schreck, G.
    Software tools for planning and simulations of robotized systems are commercially available and more and more used in industry. The intention of using these tools is to support the whole procedure form the selection of the robots and workcell components, the generation of all task programs down to the execution of the manufacturing task in the real workcell at the shopfloor. Additionally methods and tools concerning measurements, calibration, monitoring and diagnosis have to be considered. Today not all of the necessary steps for planning, implementing, operating and maintaining robotized manufacturing systems are adequately considered. In this article the principle demands for future developments are stated. Furthermore the R and D work which has been performed in this connection by the European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology (ESPRIT), will be described on the basis of a few selected projects.
  • Publication
    Operational control for robot system integration into CIM - results and benefits
    ( 1990)
    Bernhardt, R.
    The aim of the article is to present a quantification of results and benefits reached in the ESPRIT 623 project: "Operational Control of Robot System Inegration into CIM". Thereby following areas are addressed: - delivery of product, - acquisition of projects, - standardization activities, - technology transfer, and - education. The quantification is based on an inquiery done among the project partners.
  • Publication
    Results and benefits reached in an European Research Project. ESPRIT 623
    ( 1990)
    Bernhardt, R.
    The aim of the article is to present a quantification of results and benefits reached in the ESPRIT 623 project. "Operational Control of Robot System Integration into CIM". Thereby the following areas are addressed: - delivery of products, - acquisition of projects, - standardisation activities, - technology transfer, and - education. The quantification is basedon an inquiery done among the project partners.
  • Publication
    Off-line Programmier- und Simulationssystem
    ( 1989)
    Bernhardt, R.
    Die Zielsetzung der Roboter-off-line-Programmierung ist es, die Erstellung der Anwendungsprogramme aus dem Werkstattbereich in die Arbeitsvorbereitung zu verlagern. Eine wichtige Forderung ist dabei, gleichzeitig sicherzustellen, daß die Programme mit möglichst minimalen Änderungen am Roboter ausführbar sind. Durch diese Verlagerung wird die Nutzung betriebsinterner und -externer Informationssysteme (CAD,DB) ermöglicht und damit ein durchgängiger Informationsfluß von der Konstruktion bis zur Fertigung erreicht.
  • Publication
    Integriertes Planungs- und Programmiersystem für Roboterzellen
    ( 1989)
    Bernhardt, R.
    Duelen, G.
    Roboter sind wichtige Komponenten für die flexible Automatisierung. Die Erweiterung ihres Einsatzbereiches sowie ihre Integration in CIM erfordert die Verfügbarkeit von rechnerunterstützten Werkzeugen sowohl für die Planung von Arbeitszellen als auch für die Erzeugung von Anwenderprogrammen für Industrieroboter. F und E Arbeiten in diesem Bereich werden am IPK in einer Vielzahl von Projekten durchgeführt. In diesem Rahmen liefert ein europäisches Forschungsprojekt (ESPRIT 623) wesentliche Beiträge.
  • Publication
    Integrated planning and off-line programming system for robotized work cells.
    ( 1989)
    Bernhardt, R.
    The paper gives a short survey of the ESPRIT 623 project: Operational Control for Robot System Integration into CIM, Systems Planning, Implicit and Explicit Programming in which twelve companies, universities and research institutions are involved. About three years after the project's commence work has started to combine software modules developed by different partners to integrated systems with increased functionality. To accomplish this four working groups have been installed which are working on different aspects, e.g. access to different data bases or direct usage for industrial application. These realized system reflect also the specific interests of the involved companies. In this paper the realized inegrated planning and explicit offline programming system is presented in more detail and some applications reaching from off-shore over the automotive industry up to space technology are described.
  • Publication
    Knowledge based off-line programming of industrial robots
    ( 1988)
    Schahn, M.
    Schreck, G.
    Bernhardt, R.
    The paper presents a concept and a first realization of a knowledge based off-line programming system. The design is based on an already developed system which was also applied for relevant production tasks. A characteristic feature of the system is a production task specific, dialog oriented user interface. For a flexible realization of the user interface knowledge based approaches have been applied. A concept for a first realization is presented. (IPK)