Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Taxonomy for Biological Transformation Principles in the Manufacturing Industry
    ( 2023)
    Berkhahn, Magda
    Kremer, Gerald
    ; ;
    Stark, Rainer
    Industry and research are seeking answers to current demands in industrial value creation, like resilience of production, sufficient product quality and sustainability of products and processes. A novel line of thought, seeking the accomplishment of those is the Biological Transformation (BT). BT describes the interweaving of biological modes of action, materials and organisms with engineering and information sciences. The conflation of disciplines from natural, technical and social sciences yields in a heterogeneous field of activities with ambiguous technical terms. An ascertainment of principles of BT is required to classify yet undifferentiated patterns in nature-based production, facilitating their systematic implementation in aiming for sustained solutions on current challenges. With increasing research in biomimetic, attempts arise to capture nature‑based activities in manufacturing through schematic classifications. Yet, basic semantics representing the effective principles of BT in the manufacturing industry is lacking. The goal of this publication is to introduce a taxonomy of Biological Transformation in manufacturing based on its core principles Bio Inspiration, Bio Integration and Bio Interaction. Within the research project BioFusion 4.0, the taxonomy was developed and applied to classify technology innovations. The paper presents the taxonomy, its development and application in use cases.
  • Publication
    Biological Transformation in process simulation for enhancing ecological sustainability indicators
    ( 2022)
    König, Valentina
    Berkhahn, Magda
    Plakhotnik, Denys
    Stautner, Marc
    Achieving a sustainable value creation with innovative technological means based on principles of living nature is the goal of Biological Transformation (BT). The three essential principles of BT: Bio-Inspiration, Bio-Integration and Bio-Interaction, enable the implementation of biologically transformed materials, structures and processes. BT is an emerging concept in the field of Industrie 4.0, taking a particular emphasis on product creation, but its specific influence and the potential for process planning in manufacturing are still underrepresented in research. Regarding the BT of the manufacturing industry, the goal in process planning is to support the user towards the most sustainable processes. Due to the current lack of profound systematical approaches process planning strongly depends on the user's level of knowledge of conventional manufacturing processes, which can be inefficient in terms of environmental sustainability. Therefore, this paper methodically investigates the potential for process planning using a taxonomy of principles for the BT of the manufacturing industry. These categorized modes of action for a BT are linked to key performance indicators within the economic and environmental sphere. As a result, expedient approaches for a biologically transformed process planning are uncovered, which address the principles of adaptation, self-adaption and bio-intelligent process engineering to affect the energy consumption, machining time and process stability. Furthermore, first concept ideas for an integrated solution are presented and a basic validation is provided.