Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Developing Digital Twins for energy efficiency in the production phase of products
    The relevance of digital solutions to enable sustainable value creation, the monitoring and ultimately the reduction of the environmental footprint has increased. New information technologies and increased data availability along a product's lifecycle offer more tools to assess product sustainability than ever before. This paper presents how a Digital Twin needs to be designed to help monitor product-level energy efficiency and how such a Digital Twin can be implemented. State-of-the-art research on Digital Twins and their development, lifecycle assessment, and energy efficiency are introduced. There is a lack of evaluated implementations of methodical DT development in different scenarios, especially for the evaluation of product-level energy efficiency during production. Results of a research project with the focus on the development and implementation of Digital Twins are presented. The use case is set within the scenario of the sequential development of a product simultaneously with the development of the Digital Twin. The focus is put on the implementation of an energy consumption prediction and product carbon footprint analytics module as part of the Digital Twin. The development approach is presented and recommendations for the development of future Digital Twins are derived.
  • Publication
    Sustainable product lifecycle management with Digital Twins: A systematic literature review
    ( 2023-07)
    Seegrün, Anne
    Kruschke, Thomas
    Mügge, Janine
    Hardinghaus, Louis
    Knauf, Tobias
    A Digital Twin (DT) is a virtual replica of a product or product-service system, which can be used to provide transparency of a product's sustainability and to positively influence the ecological impact throughout its lifecycle by means of intelligent data analytics. This paper identifies current sustainability-focused application scenarios of DTs in the manufacturing industry and outlines the results of a systematic literature review (SLR). The identification of the state-of-the-art and the assessment of current DT concepts with regard to the addressed product lifecycle phases, technological maturity and sustainability scope point towards key directions to guide future research.
  • Publication
    Taxonomy for Biological Transformation Principles in the Manufacturing Industry
    ( 2023)
    Berkhahn, Magda
    Kremer, Gerald
    ; ;
    Stark, Rainer
    Industry and research are seeking answers to current demands in industrial value creation, like resilience of production, sufficient product quality and sustainability of products and processes. A novel line of thought, seeking the accomplishment of those is the Biological Transformation (BT). BT describes the interweaving of biological modes of action, materials and organisms with engineering and information sciences. The conflation of disciplines from natural, technical and social sciences yields in a heterogeneous field of activities with ambiguous technical terms. An ascertainment of principles of BT is required to classify yet undifferentiated patterns in nature-based production, facilitating their systematic implementation in aiming for sustained solutions on current challenges. With increasing research in biomimetic, attempts arise to capture nature‑based activities in manufacturing through schematic classifications. Yet, basic semantics representing the effective principles of BT in the manufacturing industry is lacking. The goal of this publication is to introduce a taxonomy of Biological Transformation in manufacturing based on its core principles Bio Inspiration, Bio Integration and Bio Interaction. Within the research project BioFusion 4.0, the taxonomy was developed and applied to classify technology innovations. The paper presents the taxonomy, its development and application in use cases.
  • Publication
    Dimensions of Industrial Openness - Understanding Openness and its Implications for Sustainable Transformation
    The topic of Openness is of growing importance for industry, especially in Europe. However, the term Openness is used very differently. Openness includes several concepts, including Open Source Hardware, Open Source Software, Open Data, Open Standards, Open Innovation, Open Science and Open Education. The concepts address different dimensions of Openness, all based on some kind of participation and with the goal to create more transparency and accessibility. This article defines the concepts and provides a basic understanding of their importance for industry and for greater sustainability.