Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Wieviel Essentials stecken in den neuen Wissensmanagement-Standards?
    Wenn ein Thema an Bedeutung gewinnt und seine Relevanz in Forschung und Praxis anerkannt ist, wird dies unter anderem dadurch ersichtlich, dass es in die Welt der Standardisierung einfließt. Auf die Themen Human Resource Management und Knowledge Management trifft diese Entwicklung zu. Die praktische Relevanz wird beispielsweise an den Aktivitäten des ISO Technical Committee 260 "Human Resource Management" deutlich. Experten aus über 30 Ländern arbeiten in diesem Komitee aktiv an der internationalen Normenreihe ISO 30400 zum Personalmanagement und entwickeln Leitlinien und Standards für die Verbesserung HR-bezogener Prozesse und Aufgaben.
  • Publication
    Towards a Knowledge Management Standard for the Network of the SENAI Innovation Institutes
    ( 2023) ; ;
    Pavim, Alberto Xavier
    Gomes, Jefferson de Oliveira
    Fernandes da Costa, Caroline Cabral
    This paper describes how a KM framework for the Brazilian network of SENAI innovation institutes is being developed using a multi-stage, participatory approach. First, selected KM standards are presented. They form the basis for a workshop series aimed at gathering KM requirements from representatives of the SENAI institutes. In addition to a short online survey, the challenges and success factors of the KM introduction are the focus of attention on the basis of five phases of KM implementation and anchoring.
  • Publication
    Case Study on the Conception and Implementation of Knowledge Management in a Brazilian Innovation Institute
    ( 2023) ; ;
    Neumann, Fernanda
    Jardim Barros, Maria Cecilia
    This case study paper outlines the approach and experiences gained in a KM project conducted between two continents. The project scope comprises the systematic initiation, design and implementation of a comprehensive knowledge management system at a SENAI Innovation Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The practical business process-oriented KM methodology of the Berlin-based Competence Center Knowledge Management at Fraunhofer IPK, was used to define KM goals, to analyze strengths and weaknesses in knowledge handling and to set up customized KM action programs.
  • Publication
    Implementing a European KM Approach in a Brazilian Innovation Institute on a Remote Basis
    ( 2022) ;
    Neumann, Fernanda
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    Santos, Victoria
    This case study paper outlines the approach and experiences gained in a KM project conducted between two continents on a completely remote basis - due to the pandemic in 2021. The project scope comprises the systematic initiation, design and implementation of a comprehensive knowledge management system at an innovation institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The practical business process-oriented KM (BPO-KM) methodology of the Berlin-based Competence Center Knowledge Management at Fraunhofer IPK, was used to define KM goals, to analyze strengths and gaps in knowledge handling and to set up customized KM action programs. Starting with the examination of the institute’s business strategy, the overall KM goals were derived together with the institute’s top management and KM core team. According to the holistic KM approach on the levels "People, Organization, Technology", an online survey ("KM Fitness Check") was conducted with over 100 respondents. The survey results were discussed in an online kick-off workshop in order to prioritize the main strategic and operational KM challenges. In online breakout sessions with different working groups, using collaborative online tools, the knowledge flows inside the institute’s value adding core processes were analyzed in depth ("KM Process Profiles"). In parallel, the KM core team was supported to develop a map of the institute’s crucial knowledge to serve as a common taxonomy for the research groups and administrative functions involved in the KM project, such as HR, IT and project management office. After this initial analysis phase, suitable solutions for the main KM challenges were designed and transformed into three main action programs to start the actual implementation of the institute’s KM system. In a preliminary evaluation, a systemic controlling logic was defined to keep track on results, benefits and impacts of the KM actions regarding the institute’s business strategy. Major learnings, discussed in this paper, include the following findings: a) accompanying change management and communication from the beginning is key to keep motivation high, b) connecting KM to other organizational functions is crucial to anchor KM in the organization, c) remote and online project collaboration bears advantages and drawbacks.
  • Publication
    Identifying the Dynamics of Intangible Resources for Industry 4.0 Adoption Process
    ( 2022)
    Prim, Marcelo Fabricio
    Oliveira Gomes, Jefferson de
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    Vargas, Gabriel Bertholdo
    Industry 4.0 is a socioeconomic phenomenon that affects all industries, transforming not only products, processes, and services, but also business models, organizational structures, and strategies, placing human beings at the center of this digital transformation. Researchers have already demonstrated the importance of intangible resources in the Industry 4.0 adoption process. Nevertheless, there is still a gap in empirical research on how these factors evolve during the process. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify how these factors influence each other across different Industry 4.0 maturity levels. To achieve this goal, a qualitative approach was used with multiple case studies comparing responses from companies at higher Industry 4.0 maturity levels and contrasting them with the responses from companies at lower levels, distilling aggregate dimensions through an inductive coding procedure. Experts evaluated the results to find relations between the aggregate dimensions, their evolution and influence on each other. As a result, a conceptual framework was developed that demonstrates the dynamics of intangible factors that could be used by any company to nurture its own Intellectual Capital as a groundwork for the adoption of Industry 4.0. Among these dynamics, the central role of engaged leaders was highlighted in developing structural capital factors. Future studies should conduct interviews with more companies from other industrial sectors as well as on the implementation and management of Intellectual Capital in manufacturing companies to assess the applicability of the proposed conceptual framework.
  • Publication
    ( 2016)
    Mertins, Kai
    Der Geschäftserfolg hängt heute maßgeblich vom verfügbaren Know-how eines Unternehmens ab. Dabei beschreibt das Know-how vielmehr als das Wissen der Mitarbeiter sowie deren Fähigkeiten. Es umfasst neben Organisationsstrukturen und -prozessen auch die Beziehungen zu Investoren, Lieferanten und Kunden. Das systematische Management von Wissen im Sinne eines solchen ""Intellektuellen Kapitals"" verspricht großen Nutzen.