Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Literature review of quality attributes for collaborative product development
    ( 2022)
    Randermann, Marcel
    Jochem, Roland
    Stark, Rainer
    In collaborative product development, diverse stakeholders are involved in distributed engineering activities. This situation makes it difficult to ensure, manage, and improve the quality across company boundaries. Therefore, this work determines the characteristics of collaborative engineering which have an influence on the quality of distributed product development. Several interoperability frameworks were analyzed in order to get insights into key areas for collaboration design. Furthermore, a systematic literature review provided the best practices for improvement efforts. The derived quality attributes were condensed and adapted to collaborative product development in the four key areas of organization and processes, data/artifacts, information technology systems and infrastructure, and social factors. This enables product developers to examine their collaborative engineering environment and to identify room for improvement and to enhance quality. A case example of an engineering change order shows a collaborative data flow process, in which the quality attributes may indicate improvement measures.
  • Publication
    Issues in distributed Engineering of SMEs over the Collaboration Life Cycle
    ( 2020) ;
    Randermann, Marcel
    Rosa, Maiara
    Stark, Rainer
    Jochem, Roland
    Collaboration in product development has played an increasingly important role in the past decades. However, distributed engineering creates a wide variety of challenges that, in some cases, are highly context dependent. In Germany, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role to the economy and engage in many collaborative engineering projects. So far, it remains a practical challenge to design a joint engineering environment that is not well-assisted by the science community. In addition, collaborations evolve over time. This study examines problem fields in collaborative engineering of SMEs and presents the collaboration life cycle (CLC) framework. This framework aims at classifying and contextualizing different problem domains within the greater context of a collaborative partnership. Therefore, we have conducted an interview study with industry experts regarding challenges in distributed engineering with SMEs and validated the results through an industry workshop. We argue that a high-level perspective on collaboration with different life-cycle phases in conjunction with the description of practical problem fields can assist in understanding collaboration in distributed design better. Going forward, the findings provide the base for ongoing research in a project that aims to make the maturity level of any distributed engineering environment assessable and provides guidance for improvements.
  • Publication
    Systematic literature review - Effects of PSS on sustainability based on use case assessments
    ( 2020) ; ; ;
    Klemichen, Antje
    Stark, Rainer
    Product-service systems (PSS) are often presented as an inherently sustainable business model. The argumentation is often based on theoretical considerations, which cite circular economy (CE) characteristics in PSS business models as an explanation. In this paper we examined to what extent positive and negative sustainability effects of PSS could actually be observed, based on use cases. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review and analyzed the statements on sustainability effects based on the triple bottom line approach. We find that positive sustainability effects, especially on the environmental sustainability of PSS, are described disproportionately often, which may be indicating a possible publication bias. In addition, the methods used to derive statements on sustainability effects are very heterogeneous and often unsystematic, making it difficult to compare the described effects. Furthermore, we were able to identify drivers that are particularly often considered in literature to be responsible for sustainability effects. As a result, we were able to derive direct implications for future research in the field of sustainability assessment of PSS.
  • Publication
    A method to design Smart Services based on information categorization of industrial use cases
    ( 2019)
    Exner, Konrad
    Smolka, Elisa
    Stark, Rainer
    Smart Services can be described as a specific manifestation of Product-Service Systems, which mainly refer to customer individual solutions based on the utilization of data derived from cyber-physical products and production systems. In this context the usage data is allocated and analyzed on a platform in order to extract valuable information, thus enabling the development and operationalization of new data-driven business models. In order to support the initial design of Smart Services companies have to achieve a thorough understanding of their existing or obtainable data as well as the related potential options to utilize these data. Based on the analysis of 51 industrial Smart Service use cases data flows and areas of application have been derived and clustered. Moreover, the defined categories are interlinked and mapped to the use cases. The findings have been comprised into an applicable Smart Service design method addressing early design stages. Finally, the approach (DAU flow method) has been applied and evaluated with two case companies, indicating sound qualitative results and providing valuable feedback.