Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Integrated Model-Based Configuration of Production Systems - Reflection of ISO 19440 and MDA and MDI
    Rising business competition leads to complexity because of increased number of product variants and customer-specific processes. Model-based approaches seem to be suitable for handling this kind of flexibility in networked production environments. In this paper, current approaches to the configuration of heterogeneous systems based on standard models are reflected, and an integrated model-based configuration approach using formalized modules is proposed and its application demonstrated.
  • Publication
    The Use of Digital Twins to Overcome Semantic Barriers in Hyperconnected Ecosystems for Industry
    To establish business networks a match between businesses demands and potential partner information is required. Publicly available information on the Internet about companies, products and services usually don’t follow a common standard. The concept of a digital twin could be used to organise the different information and, in the future, to harmonise the way company data is made available on the web. Every company usually has a web presence, related documents, web pages and a trace on the web, which can be used for an initial structure of the digital twin. Hereby, first services for the correlations between partner companies and requirements can be designed. But it requires the management of legal aspects e.g. the access of bots to the public available information. The paper provides initial ideas and feasibility checks and it propose an evolution of the current heterogeneous content and structure of the data into a well-structured digital twin including content related ontologies to describe the company characteristics.