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Modeling of the wet immersed tumbling process with the Discrete Element Method (DEM)

2021 , Uhlmann, Eckart , Fürstenau, J.-P. , Kuche, Yves , Yabroudi, Sami , Polte, Julian , Polte, Mitchel

Immersed tumbling is an industrially established process for finishing of components made of metal, ceramic or plastic. In this process, the components are completely surrounded by a wet, abrasive medium, which allows burrs to be removed and surfaces to be polished. In order to gain specific insights into the influence and flow properties of the abrasive media used in this process, numerical approaches using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) with the Rocky DEM software are presented within these investigations. A complete process simulation could be realised by means of a digital machine tool. The immersed tumbling process with cone-shaped polymer abrasive media is implemented by use of a liquid bridge model. The results were validated by experiments with an industrially used immersed tumbling machine tool and for the first time allow sound statements about the contact conditions and interactions of the abrasive media with the workpiece.

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Influence of cutting edge micro-geometry in micro-milling of copper alloys with reduced lead content

2018 , Uhlmann, Eckart , Kuche, Yves , Polte, Julian , Polte, Mitchel

Especially copper-zinc alloys (CuZn) with good machining properties are used for electrical components and fittings. By using copper alloys with lead content of 1 % < Pb < 3 % an improved chip breakage can be achieved. Legal regulations require the reduction of lead and demand further knowledge about the effect of the material properties in interaction with the used micro-milling tools. In this contribution the cutting conditions of copper as well as four copper alloys were examined. The results show considerable differences in the resultant surface roughness and burr formation. Furthermore, the influence of two different tool geometries and variied cutting edge micro-geometries were investigated while machining CuZn21Si3P. Thereby, tools with increased cutting edge radii rv showed increased active forces Fa, burr height h0 and decreased surface roughness.

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Verschleißverhalten neuartiger Mikrofräswerkzeuge mit Schneiden aus CBN bei der Hartzerspanung

2018 , Uhlmann, Eckart , Polte, Julian , Polte, Mitchel , Kuche, Yves , Wiesner, Hagen Maximilian

In der Mikroproduktionstechnik bei der Zerspanung mit geometrisch bestimmter Schneide und Werkzeugdurchmessern von D < 1mm stellt der Werkzeugverschleiß einen entscheidenden Faktor für die Entstehung hoher Fertigungskosten dar. Ein großes Anwendungsfeld der Mikrozerspanung ist die Fertigung hochpräziser Spritzgusswerkzeuge für die Serienfertigung von Präzisionskunststoffteilen. Gefordert werden dabei hohe geometrische Genauigkeiten und niedrige Oberflächenrauheitskennwerte. Um diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen, ist eine stetige Forschungsarbeit notwendig. Ein Ansatzpunkt zur Optimierung der Fertigungsprozesse ist der Einsatz neuartiger Schneidstoffe und Werkzeuggeometrien.

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Werkzeugkonzept zum Mikrofräsen mit superharten Schneidstoffen

2014 , Löwenstein, Armin , Polte, Mitchel , Polte, Julian , Uhlmann, Eckart , Oberschmidt, Dirk

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PKD-Glattdrückwerkzeuge für den Werkzeug- und Formenbau

2018 , Uhlmann, Eckart , Polte, Mitchel , Polte, Julian , Guhde, Sebastian , Kuche, Yves , Kappel, Thomas

Es wurden Glattdrückwerkzeuge mit Sphärenkopf aus polykristallinem Diamant der Firma Baublies AG, Rennigen, genutzt. Das Werkzeugkonzept orientiert sich dabei an den aktuellen Herausforderungen beim Werkzeug- und Formenbau sowie an handelsüblichen Zerspanwerkzeugen. In diesem Beitrag sind das Werkzeugkonzept, der Versuchsaufbau und die ersten Ergebnisse zur Kraftmessung dargestellt. Darüber hinaus werden die erreichbare Härtekennwerte und die Rauheitskennwerte in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Prozessparameter sowie zu den Ausgangswerten verglichen.

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Development of a versatile and continuously operating cell disruption device

2013 , Uhlmann, Eckart , Oberschmidt, Dirk , Spielvogel, Anja , Herms, Katrin , Polte, Mitchel , Polte, Julian , Dumke, A.

Cell disruption is a recurrent unit operation in biotechnology. Interesting biotechnological products like proteins, lipids or biopolymers are synthesized intracellularly and are often not secreted. Furthermore, cell-free biotechnology uses defined fractions of the cytoplasm for in vitro protein synthesis. Bacteria, yeast, algae and filamentous fungi are surrounded by rigid cell walls that have to be disrupted by physical, chemical or mechanical methods in order to retain the valuable cell content. High pressure homogenization is a widely used procedure to disrupt cells and it has been applied to bacteria, algae and yeast. However, the mode of cell disruption has not been fully elucidated and performance is not predictable, thus time consuming iterative cycles are always necessary to define the best parameters for each microorganism, chemical environment and the corresponding product. Therefore, physical parameters of different biological systems were analyzed and boundary conditions defined in order to construct an adjustable disruption device to allow economical efficient, predictable and adjustable cell disruption processes.