Conference Paper
Effect of spheroidization annealing on pearlite banding
The present paper deals with the influence of the duration of isothermal spheroidization annealing on the evolution of pearlite bands in various initial states. In this study, two initial conditions of the steel 16MnCrS5 are considered: a) industrially hot-rolled pearlite structures in their ferritic matrix and b) a specifically adjusted microstructure in the lab condition. Based on the experimental investigations and quantitative microstructural analyses, an empirical model for the prediction of pearlite banding within a broad range of annealing durations could be derived. Both, experiment and model, agree that pronounced pearlite bands in the initial state almost disappear after 25 h of spheroidization annealing. On the other hand, a marginal degree of pearlite banding in the initial state increases slightly during annealing. This fact could be explained by inhomogeneous cementite formation inside and outside the primary segregation regions of manganese.