Competitiveness of system integration elements. Exploratory study
Title Supplement
Prepared for European Commission, DG ENER under contract N° ENER/C2/2019-456/ SI2.840317
Other Title
EnTEC - Competitiveness of System Integration Elements
Competitiveness of System integration elements - EnTEC Exploratory study in support of the annual Competitiveness Progress Report. Since 2020, as per the Energy Union Governance Regulation, the EC publishes an annual Competitiveness Progress Report (CPR) to assess whether clean energy technology development is on track to deliver the EU’s longterm energy and climate goals and to map the competitiveness of the EU clean energy industry. The CPR proposes a set of indicators capturing the entire energy system (generation, transmission and consumption) and presents indicators displaying the competitiveness of clean energy technologies (CET) in two sections, i) macro section and ii) technology specific section including the technology, value chain and the respective global market. In light of the increasing requirement to integrate different sectors and systems to leverage the full potential of clean energy potentials, a concept is needed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the EU energy sector and its consumers regarding the intensity and progress in energy system integration. Hence, the aim of this study is to outline a comprehensive concept on the way to incorporate the system integration aspects as well as further macro-economic aspects into the broad approach of assessing the competitiveness of CET.