Conference Paper
True 3D Holography: A Communication Service of Tomorrow and its Requirements for a New Converged Cloud and Network Architecture on the Path to 6G
Research project 6G NeXt is considering true 3D holography as a use case, setting requirements on the communication as well as the computing infrastructure. In a future holographic communication service, clients are widely spread in the network and cooperatively interact with each other. Especially for holographic communication high processing power is required as well. This makes a high-speed distributed backbone computing infrastructure, which realizes the concept of split computing, inevitable. Furthermore, tight integration between processing facili-ties and wireless networks is required in order to provide an immersive user experience. This paper illustrates true 3D holographic communication and its requirements. Af- terward, an appropriate solution approach is elaborated. Here, novel technological approaches are discussed based on a proposed overall communication and computing architecture.