Conference Paper
An overview and analysis of publications on locomotion taxonomies
In immersive virtual environments, locomotion allows users to change their viewpoint in the virtual world and is one of the most common tasks. Locomotion taxonomies can describe relationships between the locomotion techniques and thus represent a common understanding, form the backbone of many studies and publications, and can increase the comparability of studies. Therefore, it is relevant for VR researchers, developers, and designers to get an overview of previous research on taxonomies including benefits, drawbacks, and possible research gaps. Current literature reviews focus on locomotion techniques instead of locomotion taxonomies. Thus, a time-consuming search, evaluation and comparison of many publications is required to get such an overview. We present the design of a currently performed systematic literature review examining taxonomies of locomotion techniques. In addition, we present initial results including an overview of publications introducing locomotion taxonomies, their relationships, and impact. We aim to provide a reference to potential taxonomies to support the choice of a locomotion taxonomy and insights into the research field evolution to aid the design of novel locomotion taxonomies.